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What is Muelsfell? - Muelsfell: Rise of the Golems is a persistent browser-based game (PBBG) that revolves around the creation of magical golems by mages and magic users. Muelsfell is part combat, part roleplaying game, part resource management. Sign up for an account and give it a try -- for free!
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AuthorThread: When your golem goes to pieces
Posts: 125
Location: Hans Mina
Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #1065 Posted: Apr 8, 2008, 2:25 am
So I'm upgrading a golem's parts, the hard way-- by sending it into combat and hoping the right pieces get hit. Anyway, I finally got my golem's abdomen to go Poof!, which stopped the combat immediately (more on that later). The golem was able to return to the workshop with its remaining parts intact (more or less), including its pelvis and legs.

One replacement abdomen later, I send it back into combat, and eventually get its pelvis destroyed. Again, combat stopped, but this time, the legs disappeared with the pelvis.

This made no sense to me.

I would suggest that the results of losing intermediary parts (abdomen, pelvis, arms) be made consistent: either the golem returns with all its remaining parts (my preferred solution), or the golem loses the now-disconnected parts (which I think should be scavengable, but that's another thread). However, if a golem does lose parts (any parts), it should take longer to return from its mission. A golem that lost a hand or an arm would take a bit longer (maybe 10-25%), especially over rough terrain, while a golem without an abdomen would take a great deal longer (considering the golem is dragging itself and its pelvis and legs back to the workshop, so like 5 to 10 times longer). Losing multiple pieces would increase the return time geometrically.

So what's the rationale for combat ending immediately if the golem loses its pelvis or abdomen? Yes, the golem is no longer fit to be sent into battle, but it's already there, its opponent may want to continue whaling on the golem, and the golem would still defend itself from said whaling. Just with serious penalties to accuracy and defense. And if it can survive 10 rounds, then get out as normal.

FatherLatour's Avatar
Posts: 160
Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 131 years old
Real Name: Jean
Message #1066 Posted: Apr 8, 2008, 2:33 am
Yeah, I remember thinking how much better you got off for losing your abdomen than for losing your pelvis. So much so, that I don't bother repairing my abdomens anymore. I just have a replacement waiting when they're about to break. The pelvis on the other hand is not so fun to replace, so when it does, on occasion, break, I usually go buy a pelvis a few levels higher than the rest of the golem. My fleshy has an iron pelvis. :P

So, it's true, it doesn't make much sense that your Golem has a fine little time crawling back to your workshop in two halves, and that there's so little pain in replacing the abs, where presumably there's all sorts of important meaty parts. *shrug*
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