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What is Muelsfell? - Muelsfell: Rise of the Golems is a persistent browser-based game (PBBG) that revolves around the creation of magical golems by mages and magic users. Muelsfell is part combat, part roleplaying game, part resource management. Sign up for an account and give it a try -- for free!
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AuthorThread: Elite Golems
Dreamweb's Avatar
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Message #10700 Posted: Aug 24, 2008, 8:26 am
I have thought of 3 possible paths for elite golems.

A new clan type where they make elite golems.(Golem Specialization)

A premium service where you open up elite golem to build.

A addition to normal service open to all.


Researching a normal golem type to level 5 would open up elite golem research of that type.
(I.e. researching Glass golem to level 5 would open up Crystal golem research path.)
This would be only for premium service or normal service.

If it is for premium service only then I would suggest, should the person who researched elite golems should be allowed to keep building what was researched with mabey a time penalty if premium service is expired.

Elite golems probably keep the same level as the normal type or with in 1-3 levels of the normal type.
(I.e. Glass golem is a level 8 golem, Crystal golem should be the same level.)


Possible elite golems.

(Stone)Granite Golem - Same def as a iron golem, 1 better damage.

(Iron)Steel Golem - 3 Heat damage, 1 better damage, 1 better def.

(Glass)Crystal Golem - Slightly slower, 2 better damage, 20 lbs. extra load capacity.

If anyone else can think of more possible elites types, please post them.
CommComms's Avatar
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Message #10702 Posted: Aug 24, 2008, 10:14 am
I like this idea in concept for a bunch of reasons. mostly because it would add more golem types and research options. I personally think the elite golems should be a bit stronger than you're suggesting, if you went with the whole researching past level 5 idea, since if you're going to put in that much resources to the research you oughta get some pretty nice rewards. But yeah, =/- actual balance and implementation, I think it's a pretty cool idea.
Dreamweb's Avatar
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Message #10704 Posted: Aug 24, 2008, 1:41 pm
Technically it wouldn't be researching past level 5, it would be researching Stone Golem to level 5 then the Elite Granite Golem research that would open up for researching up to level 5.

Also if this ideal is taken up I would suggest another quest item increasing research slots by at least 3.

Joachim's Avatar
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Message #10705 Posted: Aug 24, 2008, 2:32 pm
I like this concept...but it should be available to the individual mage and not be made as a clan specialization. Also, it should have some very strict prerequisites. For example:

-Mage must be over lvl 20 with 1 free research slot open.
-Mage must be able to construct lvl 5 golems of two types (Those two types being dependent by which type of elite golem he/she wants to create).
-Mage has to be able to research certain "alloy" spells to bind components (required spells must be on your permanent, personal (not clan), spell list).
-Material requirements for elite golem MUST include at least one secondary type.

Mithril Golem
-Research required: Iron lvl 5 and Brass lvl 5
-Free research slot required: 1 (elite golem slot will give you the ability to make lvls 1-5. Level dependant on amount of materials used for construction).
-Materials required: 60% Iron, 20% Brass, 20% Silver (exact amount in units dependent on final golem lvl desired)
-Spells required: Alloy and Permanency

Mithril Golem characteristics:
Strength - 50
Hit points - same as equivalent Iron lvl
Resistances - same as Iron
Damage - same as Iron
Speed - 20 ft.

Edit: Spelling
Last Edited: Aug 24, 2008, 3:21 pm
Kaelas's Avatar
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Message #10726 Posted: Aug 24, 2008, 6:12 pm
Not sure if level 20 is a reasonable prerequisite. I have Iron5 and I'm only level 9 so it seems strange that I'd have to more than double my level to get to the Elite version of Iron.

I do like the Alloy idea: combining a base primary with a secondary (or secondaries) to make the Elite golem parts. Instead of making this a spell or normal research, maybe create a separate pool of research slots for alloys? This could also be tied into new quest items by making it necessary to get some kind of tool to make these Elite golems from Old Sammy, with a spin-off quest(s) to find the designs for the Elite golem types.

So you would need a quest slot to get the Agoroshian Golem Mastery Codex (or whatever) first. Once you have that you can track down the different Design Plans for each Elite Golem type from various Dungeons. After you know how to make the golem, you would have to use one of your separate but limited Alloy Researches to learn how to make the material needed.

This would make Elite golems hard to get but by making it involved and interactive rather than done by simple stats or resources on hand.

Flesh Elite: Homunculus (like the original)
Bone Elite: Revenant
Wood Elite: ?
Clay Elite: ?
Stone Elite: Granite
Iron Elite: Mithril
Adamantine Elite: Orichalcum (gold and copper mixed with adamantine base)
Glass Elite: Crystal
Copper Elite: Lava
Bronze Elite: Glacial
Brass Elite: ?

Joachim's Avatar
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Message #10729 Posted: Aug 24, 2008, 7:48 pm
Kaelas said:

Not sure if level 20 is a reasonable prerequisite. I have Iron5 and I'm only level 9 so it seems strange that I'd have to more than double my level to get to the Elite version of Iron.

Then what is the point of having "elite" golems if they are as easy to aquire as "normal" golems?

After some thought about my previous post, I think we should increase the minimum mage level to 25...and also require that your Workshop, Artificer Lab, Library, and Foundry all have to be lvl 20.

And I really do like the idea of also having to perform numerous quests also...
Last Edited: Aug 24, 2008, 7:50 pm
Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #10730 Posted: Aug 24, 2008, 7:50 pm
It's a shame we need library levels of 20. I just cant get enough money to get mine past 15 =P
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #10731 Posted: Aug 24, 2008, 8:14 pm
Which of course means that the artificer lab needs to go up to level 20 instead of the current 10. :)
Joachim's Avatar
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Message #10732 Posted: Aug 24, 2008, 8:44 pm
Poseidon said:

It's a shame we need library levels of 20. I just cant get enough money to get mine past 15

Halftea said:

Which of course means that the artificer lab needs to go up to level 20 instead of the current 10. :)

D'oh! Silly me. Forgot...well why not? Shouldn't be too hard to make the ceiling 20. :)
Last Edited: Aug 24, 2008, 8:51 pm
Dreamweb's Avatar
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Message #10736 Posted: Aug 24, 2008, 9:48 pm
Just thought of this part for elite golems,

as normal is for slots on chest,head and Abdomen (lvl + 1 slot, for elite make it lvl + 2 slots.)
Vardos's Avatar
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Message #10749 Posted: Aug 25, 2008, 6:21 am
Also another check for it could be thee actual quest to learn to make the golem when you hit the prereqs instead of going into the research slots. Like how you need to have your library and workshop a certain level add a level requirement and gathering x things for the quest giver.

It could work pretty well.
Dreamweb's Avatar
Posts: 87
Location: Hans Mina
Magus Age: 112 years old
Message #10797 Posted: Aug 26, 2008, 6:58 am
Reading all of your suggestions has let me rethink some things, Let me do a repost of the new suggestion and let me know what you think.


Researching a normal golem type to level 5 would open up elite golem research of that type.
(I.e. researching Glass golem to level 5 would open up Crystal golem research path.)

Elite golems take 3x as long as to build than normal golems.

To be able to research elite golems you first must quest for
"Agoroshian Golem Mastery Codex" (Thanks Kaelas for a decent name.), quest slot open at level 10 for the codex.

Elite Golem research slots open up at levels 10, 14, 18, 20 and every 2 levels up to lvl 42 for a total of 15 elite golem research slots.

To get plans to build elite golems you must buy them from the Magi University (also spells may be researched/bought here. I would suggest putting it under world tab.) for non premium service they must first get 3 trophies (just like from Old Sammy's Quest Shack.) for each level of research on elite golems. (The university wants their own trophies for research instead of asking Sammy to borrow his.)

Elite golems has slots on chest, head and Abdomen (lvl + 2 slot.)


Premium service bounis for elite golems:

Build time is reduced 50%
No need to do the trophies quest
25% reduction in cost to buy the plans from the university


So far on suggestions:

Flesh Elite: Homunculus
Bone Elite: Revenant
Wood Elite: Iron Wood
Clay Elite: Brick
Stone Elite: Granite
Iron Elite: Mithril / Steel
Adamantine Elite: Orichalcum
Glass Elite: Crystal
Copper Elite: Tin
Bronze Elite: ?
Brass Elite: ?
Last Edited: Aug 26, 2008, 7:01 am
deathpunk's Avatar
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Message #10808 Posted: Aug 26, 2008, 3:19 pm
sounds like an interesting idea, only problem is making them easier to obtain for premium members.
premium membership is about a number of helpful little things that don't put you head and shoulders above the rest; this is different from most of the other "free to play" web games out there where they will give you obscene bonuses for donating that make it impossible to be competitive without donating. different prices for premium and non-premium would belong in one of those games, not our more egalitarian game.
other than that it could be a fun thing for the people that have already researched all of the available things that they wish to
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