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AuthorThread: Golem/combat suggestion
Vanishing's Avatar
Posts: 76
Location: Rimesvin
Magus Age: 128 years old
Message #12123 Posted: Sep 15, 2008, 6:31 am
I don't know if this has been mentioned before but i was musing over the possibility of being able to tell the Golems which body part to aim for in combat. Obviously it would be silly to remove the chance of hitting all parts completely, but would give scope for a bit more combat strategy.

Also, I've been trying to think of something regarding clan weapons/items lost in combat.
I would have more incentive to attack a weapon-wielding golem if i were able to keep or ransom the item back to the clan.
maybe this could be automatic provided the clan had funds available or they could be given the option to buy it back for a certain period before the lucky finder was able to keep the item.

just a couple of ideas, not fully formed, that i though i would share...
Vardos's Avatar
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Message #12127 Posted: Sep 15, 2008, 8:29 am
The idea for targeting a specific portion of a golem has been brought up before but the main arguements against it seem to stem into why would someone even leave a golem with those out in the first place. The main example being magus x has diamond eyes and people can aim for the head, why would he not swap eyes or simply put out another golem instead of losing his precious item?

As for the clan items/ransom I don't know if anyone has suggested that but I think the issue with it would be that the trees and current setup prevent one clan from getting everything. I view it as a method for a clan to try to set themselves up as a powerhouse by raiding other clans and getting multiples of each weapon, as who could stop a spell wielding and transmutation clan then, since they do not have items?

Just things I have noted

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Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #12149 Posted: Sep 15, 2008, 10:21 pm
Maybe if the stolen items weren't counted as functional items to the stealing clan; for example, stealing a spiked chain off one of Coyne's golems would show up in Tomu's armory as "Loot from MAGIER", and while we could check it out, it wouldn't be able to be equipped to any golems. Then we could have an option to "return to MAGIER", and it would be regifted to the MAGIER library - thus, we could hold it for ransom.
Denerid's Avatar
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Message #12151 Posted: Sep 15, 2008, 10:51 pm
Yamikuronue said:

Maybe if the stolen items weren't counted as functional items to the stealing clan; for example, stealing a spiked chain off one of Coyne's golems would show up in Tomu's armory as "Loot from MAGIER", and while we could check it out, it wouldn't be able to be equipped to any golems. Then we could have an option to "return to MAGIER", and it would be regifted to the MAGIER library - thus, we could hold it for ransom.

I would be strongly in favor of an option like Yami describes.

Additionally, there could be process wherein, through the investment of secondary resources or experience, the capturing clan can take control of the item. Perhaps the item, once stolen, is incorporeal and it has to be recorporealised for the thieving clan to use it; or it has to be re-synchronized to their golems' magics, or whatever.

As long as the cost is prohibitive, this could work. And it should only be unbalancing if one clan's items are already much better than another clan's. In that case, either they'd steal everything (because there's no defense against them) or they'd get attacked into the ground (because everyone wants what they have). Either way, their existing items would already have to be broken to make that problematic.
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #12562 Posted: Sep 21, 2008, 7:15 pm
How about clan items dropped by a losing golem are kept by the winner of that battle as trophies? Kinda like what Vlad Tepes did or Native Americans taking scalps in the colonial days. Gotta love bloody history...^^
Boras's Avatar
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Message #12958 Posted: Sep 27, 2008, 10:42 pm
Regarding actual targeting, how about if it is tied to golem accuracy if it hits where it aims? So a percentage of hits may go towards your designated target, then the accuracy is tied into hitting the centre of your target or going off a variable amount in a variable direction. This way, going for an extremity like the head "to get those tasty eyes off) has more chance of missing completely since if you miss left/right/up just slightly you completely miss, but going for the chest/abdomen has more chance of a 'slight' miss actually connecting with a limb or the head?
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