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AuthorThread: Terrains: Where should I drop my tower?
Chimpy's Avatar
Posts: 8
Location: Nournsland
Magus Age: 114 years old
Real Name: Chris Dorman
Website: Click Here
Message #13101 Posted: Sep 30, 2008, 5:06 am
Are there any locations that have both Mountain and Forest terrains? I'm looking to relocate to the most defensible location possible (yes, I'm a paranoid recluse), and I was wondering if someone could help me find it. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Endovior's Avatar
Posts: 172
Location: Nournsland
Magus Age: 118 years old
Message #13103 Posted: Sep 30, 2008, 5:24 am
I've done considerable research into this, and the short answer is no. This has more to do with poor terrain variety then anything else; as most cities within a given nation have homogeneous terrain.

At one point, I had compiled a fairly extensive terrain listing, bit I've since misplaced it. That said, the best defensive locations are:

Anywhere in Icemuse: There's 25% swamp (the only towns where you can find such), so any Clay golems you have heal 5HP/level/part. Which is nothing to sneeze at, especially if you have a good wall and spikes.

Anywhere in Ulvania: There's 50% mountains, so you get a big defensive boost, whatever you're using. This is more flexible then building in a swamp, as it works whatever you have out.

If you're optimizing for defense, build closest to the corner of the map, to increase motivation costs of anyone trying to go after you. If you're optimizing for general PvP, put yourself a little closer to the middle, so you don't mess up your own motivation costs.

Personally, I picked Nournsland, on account of how the Mountain Giant is quite the profitable spawn to camp... particularly for those interested in Adamantine golems.
Chimpy's Avatar
Posts: 8
Location: Nournsland
Magus Age: 114 years old
Real Name: Chris Dorman
Website: Click Here
Message #13137 Posted: Sep 30, 2008, 5:11 pm
Well, that's a shame. Perhaps they'll expand the terrain features in the future. Until then, however, it looks like you're getting a new neighbor! (please disregard all large explosions, screams in the night, rampaging golems and/or strange lights in the sky)

Last Edited: Sep 30, 2008, 8:16 pm
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