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AuthorThread: Thoughts on Power
Haruna's Avatar
Posts: 471
Location: Jinkara
Magus Age: 117 years old
Message #14078 Posted: Oct 10, 2008, 5:51 am
Been thinking on this a while now.
Shouldn't a Golem's power source add to it's strength? It'd be just a thought.
But truely, wouldn't a golem with an elemental air gem or void stone be stronger than one animated by a simple Parchment script blessed by Aemaeth?
Even if it didn't give a combat bonus, wouldn't higher power animating spirits give a golem a better ability to carry more of a load?

And what about doing other things beyond that?
Mayhaps a fire gem would add fire damage to a golem's attacks? An air gem to it's speed? A water gem would be Ice of course. But waht about Earth? Mayhaps it'd add to defenses? Or maybe Load cappacity?
Could there be a myriad of powersource variations availible to the Clans?
Mayhaps a Ranged Clan could get a powersource which generated ammo for health? Or increased the power of thier ranged attacks? An Item clan could get one which takes up fewer slots. An Alchemist mayhaps could make ones that transformed the damage caused by the golem itself, maybe to Fire or Sonic. And a Melee one could get one to add a boost to speed, damage, or even give the golem a reduction of energy consumtion for attacks. And maybe a Defense clan could get a "RE"Generator, one which would slowly heal the golem on duty, at the cost of material resources to do so...

I don't know, I guess there should be more to them than that, atleast that's what my inner mad-scientist/engineer is telling me...
And feel free to comment folks, I know there's more thana just me posting here. I need feedback or else my head may just explode from pent up ideas....

Be ye be havin' Peace or Havok, as ye prefer.
-Haruna Al Khalid
Apathy's Avatar
Posts: 108
Location: Last Alvia Dawning
Magus Age: 108 years old
Message #14079 Posted: Oct 10, 2008, 6:00 am
Hm... how about making the higher power sources more likely to go BOOM and cause collateral damage when the golem is destroyed? ;)

Kamikaze fleshies in the near future?
Posts: 664
Location: Shuul
Magus Age: 116 years old
Message #14080 Posted: Oct 10, 2008, 6:06 am
Item clans already have at least the Improved Voidstone, which I think is either one slot, or reduced weight.

Apathy... Kamikaze fleshies are already around, you've obviously never pissed off Otaku : () )
Haruna's Avatar
Posts: 471
Location: Jinkara
Magus Age: 117 years old
Message #14082 Posted: Oct 10, 2008, 7:01 am
Still, it's just a thought though.
Sparked by putting a void stone in my golem and watching his carry load diminish by a fair bit...
While I see the point for the added weight, I also see the fact that a bigger/stonger engine can move more of a load...
Like adding a 25hp engine to a small zodiak rated for 10... You end up hydroplaning like a skipping stone across the waves, despite the fact that you weigh in heavily due to dive equipment...
Ooooo Diving gear for Golems! Now they can expore underwater!
I must explore this further! Come Asim! We have work to do! Mwahahahahaha
Oh yes...

-Harun Al Khalid
[edited for spelling]
Last Edited: Oct 10, 2008, 7:02 am
Shan's Avatar
Posts: 589
Location: Arzenbourg
Magus Age: 127 years old
Message #14089 Posted: Oct 10, 2008, 12:44 pm
Considering the current behavior, I would think the powersource is more like the gas tank than the engine.
A larger one has more weight, but allows your golem to run for longer periods of time before needing to recharge. I would guess the engine, or whatever machinery of motion the golem has is built into its body structure.

Or, to use a more fantasy RPG related metaphor, it's like equipping a mage with max MP increasing items. A Fireball spell with higher max MP is just as strong as before, but instead of only being able to cast, say, five times before running out of energy, the same Fireball spell can now be cast seven times, perhaps.

But again, that is just what it looks like to me.
Maybe it would be interesting if the powersource were treated more like an engine.
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