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AuthorThread: Boss of Zion's Reach
Boss's Avatar
Posts: 132
Location: Zion's Reach
Magus Age: 115 years old
Message #14123 Posted: Oct 10, 2008, 9:42 pm
In the frosty land of Icemuse, outside the city of Zion's Reach, there lives an eccentric. He says his name is "Boss."

He gives no other name, no other title, and so people are forced to call him "Boss" or "Sir" or "Master" in the case of his golem.

Obviously he can't be anyone of real importance or he wouldn't resort to such ploys to gain respect.

"Boss" is a frosty fellow with white hair and snow goggles as clearly seen in his avatar. His skin is pale and he favors baggy black clothing which highlights this. He has been on at least 6 missions for the Dimitrian government where he has demonstrated a wiry strength on good missions and a penchant for chloroform on questionable missions. He does both equally and indifferently, which the army values professionally. More personally, his commanders have questioned his methods:

On night missions, his baggy black clothes blend seamlessly into the shadows. Squad members often don't even see him until he removes his hood and his face shines forth like the moon. Such sneaking doesn't necessarily bother the guards and its hard to take him seriously when he rolls in the local mud and dross for daylight missions. No, what bothers them is what he does after he sneaks in close to the target. His preferred method involves chloroform, as mentioned, and with no more than a rag and a medicine bottle he renders the target unconscious and carries them out fireman style.

He gives these sleeping beauties to the squad to do with as they please, but fighting men aren't "pleased" to do anything to an unarmed and unconscious opponent. And when he cleared out an entire farmstead with this method, they began to realize just what he could do with a golem around for the heavy lifting...

...Soldiers getting spooked by their own Magus. They laughed at themselves. But it was nervous laughter as they emptied the farmhouse of belongings. They felt like thieves and the big empty house felt haunted. Certainly they said that man was pale, like a ghost, and it was without irony that they call him "Boss" now.

This eccentric lives in the land of Icemuse where his white hair and skin blend perfectly with the snow, just outside Zion's Reach, a gambling town where the desperate often sell their kidneys (etc.) to escape gambling debt. Reports have it that he has abandoned his first flesh golem in favor of something bigger. One of these reports can be read in the Muelsfell Tattler, submitted under the name of "Boss," yet written by his abandoned homonuclus.
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