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AuthorThread: The New Creature Suggestion Thread
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[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #1426 Posted: Apr 17, 2008, 10:23 pm
Since we have a spells idea thread, we may as well have a creature one, too. :D

When suggesting creatures, bear the following guidelines in mind:

* Flying is not supported (yet), so no winged creatures. No giant hornets, no griffins nor dragons (sob!).

* Include a location with the suggestion. Use existing area and creature descriptions as the basis for what critter might fit where -- for example, alchemical monstrosities are best in Kern, while snowy creatures won't go in the desert of Askari.

Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #2371 Posted: May 10, 2008, 5:41 pm
Desert bandit : Level 4 (Found in the vastings in Askari)

Decades of roaming the sands have made these critters nearly immune to the scorching desert heat. Not completely human and not completely monster, taxonomists have had a hard time classifying them. The shadow under their turban is often the last thing unsuspecting travelers see before being knocked out and picked for every coin they own. Hunters attempting to add this creatures head to his collection should be wary and keep a tight hold on his wallet.

Most of the time, these would attack just like other monsters; run up and hit. But every once in a while (kind of like the goblins) they would pull out a small dagger increasing the potency of their attacks and changing the damage type to puncture. If their hp ever falls below ten without being killed that round, they will run away stealing some of your money on the way out. However, to balance this, if they do die there is a 100% chance of coins drop, about a 15% chance of them dropping 6x their normal amount of coins, and 5% chance to also get gems or silver.
FatherCoyne's Avatar
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Message #2372 Posted: May 10, 2008, 6:17 pm
Perhaps some Feral Elves over in the Iron wood, or some Chinese Vampires [] in one of the ruins.

I imagine those would be level 3-ish monsters. Somthing higher level could be...

Ooh, a Clockwork Elephant! :o
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Message #2374 Posted: May 10, 2008, 7:13 pm
FatherCoyne said:

Ooh, a Clockwork Elephant! :o

Don't ask me why, but that idea makes me snicker. Please make it so!

I'll make the same suggestion for monsters that I made for items: raid for ideas under OGL (if legally possible, of course).

Though sadly you'll find neither a Carnivorous Ostrich nor a Giant Naked Mole Rat there....
Endovior's Avatar
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Message #2439 Posted: May 13, 2008, 2:55 pm
Regarding the Desert Bandit... wouldn't they rob you when they win, instead? Or at least when they beat off your golem?
Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #2448 Posted: May 13, 2008, 8:04 pm
I suppose they would steal a bit more money in those instances as well.
Caduceus's Avatar
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Message #2462 Posted: May 14, 2008, 8:06 am
Endovior said:

Or at least when they beat off your golem?

Hot bandit-on-golem action?
Yonk's Avatar
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Message #2507 Posted: May 15, 2008, 6:48 am
A Gremlin Migration, X hours from {nameoftown}

The gremlins were bred from goblin stock as lab assistants. To assist with complex repairs on golems they were bred for intelligence, small size, and dexterity. This combination has made feral gremlins almost impossible to eradicate in the wild, and their experience with the workshop makes gremlin-proofing a lab nearly impossible.

The gremlin migration, sized to match the power of the mages in a given town, would appear in the wilderness area near that town. It would then move towards that town and plunder a percentage of resources from the magi there, unless stopped.

Golems sent against the swarm would inflict damage against the HP total of the swarm, and collect gremlin ears based on how much damage they did. On the end destruction of the swarm a large pot of secondary resources/money would be split based on how many ears each mage has.
Panacea's Avatar
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Message #2509 Posted: May 15, 2008, 7:02 am
I love that idea, and it gives another method of acquiring precious secondary resources. Maybe instead of having the secondary resources only acquired if the swarm is destroyed have the town you're in offers a bounty per ear, and the %resources the gremlins will plunder decrease as you kill them. Depends how large the swarm is I guess.
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #2518 Posted: May 15, 2008, 1:22 pm
Wonderful idea! Ties in great with the RP aspect of the game. Another idea would involve dealing with whatever is driving creatures down from the North. Judging by what I've read of the creature descriptions, Kep already prepped the stage for something along these line.
Endovior's Avatar
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Message #2609 Posted: May 18, 2008, 1:10 am
Half-Golem, Level 5: Old Capital Ruins

The unhappy products of wicked experiments; Half-Golems are ordinary humans grafted with artificial components. It was thought that such humans could be empowered and controlled by a standard golem power supply, and such did actually work... in theory. In practice, the process becomes unstable after about a year, driving the unfortunate into a berserk rage.

The Dimitrian Republican Guard experimented with the use of Half-Golems a decade ago, to disastrous effect; although they've wiped most of them out, a few canny survivors live on in the ruins of the old capital.
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Message #4146 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 9:02 pm
All righty, I had to go and reconfirm that yes, the closest critter to my workshop that's higher than level 2 is Ye Olde Giant, which makes leveling up via PvE in Askari a little, um, tedious. We gotta get more critters in the eastern part of the map! So here are some basic ideas for desert-type critters that could be included. I'm not so good at creating descriptive write-ups, though-- I'll leave those to better wordsmiths than I.

Carnivorous Ostrich: bigger and meaner than your standard ostrich. Kicks and bites.
Sand Worm: a big worm that lives in the sand. Bites.
Desert Mummy: the horror movie classic. Punches, might have a weapon also.
Ghoul: well, there should be something Necro inhabiting the Necropolis.... Claws and bites.
Whoppin' Huge Scorpion: no need to check your boots, since it won't quite fit.... Claws and stings.
Sidewinder and other snakes: bigger and meaner.... Bites.
Desert Cat: it's cute, it's fuzzy, and it'll rip your throat out. Claws and bites.
Askari Hyena: less scavenger, more predator. Claws and bites.
Sand Shark: the Great White of the desert. Bites.
Desert Pirate: Arrrr! Punches and uses weapons.

That's all I can think of now. But anything to make the desert less of an XP desert....

P.S. What exactly is that Pygmy Goat smoking anyway...?
Last Edited: Jun 6, 2008, 9:35 pm
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Message #4558 Posted: Jun 12, 2008, 9:07 am
guys Trolls don't bite they are to slow for it they smash b/c they are also almost to stupid to know what a tool is or to use it
Last Edited: Jun 12, 2008, 9:10 am
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Magus Age: 120 years old
Message #4576 Posted: Jun 12, 2008, 3:35 pm
Huh? What are you talking about? Trolls have always used the claw/claw/bite routine (or claw/claw/bite/bite, for two-headed trolls).
AethenCrinitus's Avatar
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Message #4657 Posted: Jun 13, 2008, 4:27 pm
Snowbunny's thinking about the Mountain trolls from Lord Of The Rings... or Harry Potter.

Sorry to infrom you otherwise, but most other varieties of the troll species prefer to use their wickedly sharp claws in combat... they get a cruel joy from rending the forms of their enemies.
Dreamweb's Avatar
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Message #9241 Posted: Aug 3, 2008, 7:07 am
Ooze lvl 6 : Zaulfung

Clockwork Juggernaut lvl 16 : The Old Capital Ruins and The Vasting

Malfunctioning Clockwork Juggernaut lvl 9 : The Old Capital Ruins and The Vasting

The Horror lvl 7 : The Necropolis

Strangle Weed lvl 5 : Zaulfung

Gigantic Crypt Asp lvl 10 : The Necropolis

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Message #9514 Posted: Aug 5, 2008, 6:34 pm
I think the swarm idea is good, but should have other creatures involved. I.e them rats in overly huge swarms could be a problem and would allow lower level magi to catch up with others. Also, in the near future, the giants might pose a threat to nearby towns... you get my drift.

As for new creatures now...

Rogue guard - level 5 - somewhere in Damitra - armed with some kind of weapon.

Basilisk - level 7 - The Wastes - Bites but can use a secondary ranged attack where it stares at you causing a proportional amount of damage to how good your eyes are.

That's all for now.
Vardos's Avatar
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Message #9732 Posted: Aug 7, 2008, 9:29 pm
I don't know how many of these are in the game and i haven't found or are already suggested

AKA "please don't spear me!"

Manticore lvl 8 spiked tail

kobold swarm lvl 6 fists

Enraged homunculus lvl 7 (pick one)

Wandering homunculus lvl 5 (pick one)

Abbandoned Homunculus lvl 3 (pick one)

Were bear lvl 9 claws

grotesque cave imp lvl 5 tail

got a bunch more but kinda wanna see what others think of these ones first

oh and

Confused vampire lvl 8 claws
Dreamweb's Avatar
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Message #9900 Posted: Aug 10, 2008, 1:07 am
Rabid Penguins from Outer Vasting: Level 4
Location: Zion's Reach for now. Later The Vasting.

(We are not Rabid!, Where're just very irritated. We are Desert Penguins from The Vasting and Migrating to Zion's Reach
to visit our lazy penguin cousins, Of course our tempers going to be short.)

Punny, Imp: Level 1
Location: Any city

(Punny's attacks with a assault on the sense of hearing with bad puns, even regular citizens tend to attack these creatures once they start talking.)
Last Edited: Aug 10, 2008, 6:02 am
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Magus Age: 122 years old
Message #10144 Posted: Aug 13, 2008, 9:09 pm
Sir Ashnak the oger knight LVL 10

"Bad guys have there champions to and Sir Ashnak is one of them. travling muelsfell, defending the dark from the endless onslot of heros."

randomly Sir Ashnak will charge into battle on his trusty hell hound and do battle with your golem to try and save the monster your atacking. this should happen any where but localized to a different area every day.

maybe even atacking workshops at random to?
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #10145 Posted: Aug 13, 2008, 9:45 pm
Above revised due to spelling and grammar errors...
"Sir Ashnak, the Ogre Knight - LVL 10

'Bad guys (monsters) have their champions too! And Sir Ashnak is one of them. Traveling Muelsfell, (He) defends the dark from the endless onslaught of heroes.'

Randomly, Sir Ashnak will charge into battle on his trusty hell hound and battle your golem to try and save the monster you're attacking. This should happen anywhere but localized to a different area every day.

Maybe even attacking workshops at random too?"

*scuttles back to his library*
Elsworth's Avatar
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Message #10170 Posted: Aug 14, 2008, 10:52 am
What endless onslaught of heroes? There are as many, if not more, dark aligned Magi in Muelsfell than heroes and where does your limited perception include the average Magi in this endless onslaught...

Even if would be easy to include, I don't think it's gonna happen...
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #10176 Posted: Aug 14, 2008, 2:53 pm
I only revised it to correct errors. Personally I don't know that it could be implemented since all battles are one on one regardless of who or what you are fighting. And if it should take the place of a monster you are fighting, that would drive away lower level players cause it would hurt their ability to gain exp.
Elsworth's Avatar
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Message #10303 Posted: Aug 16, 2008, 4:38 am
Yeah, I noticed you have this bee in your bonnet about proper english... :D
Nageya's Avatar
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Message #10309 Posted: Aug 16, 2008, 5:15 am
actually dark aligned magi are far out numbered by the light aligned magi
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