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AuthorThread: The New Creature Suggestion Thread
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Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #10320 Posted: Aug 16, 2008, 2:32 pm
What are you *twitch* talking about? I don't have a *twitch* problem.
Haruna's Avatar
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Message #15424 Posted: Oct 23, 2008, 8:31 pm
Ileazar said:

FatherCoyne said:

Ooh, a Clockwork Elephant! :o

Don't ask me why, but that idea makes me snicker. Please make it so!

Someone already has... []

On the subject of clockworks, an awesome spot would be a ruined gnomish citadel, crawling with clockworks.
It could include Clockwork Golems [] that the gnomes once used to protect themselves, Clockwork Crabs []< /a> that once helped them pull/carry large loads of materials and Clockwork Spiders [] that served as sentries and street sweepers?

Also once Arkham has instituted flying monster(and possibly golems?):
Air Kraken! []

And also, a crazy aside, Iron Golem + Steam Engine = This? [ debris.jpg]
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Message #15579 Posted: Oct 24, 2008, 6:51 pm
Haruna said:

Someone already has... []

On the subject of clockworks, an awesome spot would be a ruined gnomish citadel, crawling with clockworks.
It could include Clockwork Golems [] that the gnomes once used to protect themselves, Clockwork Crabs []< /a> that once helped them pull/carry large loads of materials and Clockwork Spiders [] that served as sentries and street sweepers?

Also once Arkham has instituted flying monster(and possibly golems?):
Air Kraken! []

And also, a crazy aside, Iron Golem + Steam Engine = This? [ debris.jpg]

Why does this make me think of every steam punk anime in existence?
Haruna's Avatar
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Message #15589 Posted: Oct 24, 2008, 9:24 pm
Because Steampunk rocks?
Me thinks that we need Brass Goggles [] for our golems...
Riachuelo's Avatar
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Message #21030 Posted: Dec 27, 2008, 12:38 pm
New creature suggestion: Gold Golem (gold and plate nuggets)
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Message #25714 Posted: Feb 17, 2009, 6:36 am
I'd like to see some more interesting things in critters, say a high-level monster with decent life and a powerful ranged attack on hangback mode, or a creature that goes down easily but explodes. For added fun the exploding critter could destroy any items knocked off that way, be they clan or otherwise.

Another mechanic I'd rather like to see would be an incredibly large creature, one you aren't really expected to be able to kill. Not only would it be a great feat if someone managed to bring it down, it could be used as a dangerous way to get a few excess primaries. The example I thought of for this was a Rock Behemoth, slow powerful hits, you get stone and iron after the fight based on damage, give it something like 800-1200 life and if you manage to kill it, five hundred to a thousand gems, adamant, copper, silver, and gold, each with about a 25% frequency.

Well, those are my couple cents for the night.

And as of this edit, it's no longer night! More ideas to pour on to the fire, how about monsters that are relatively weak, but can cast any of several spells, including, but not necessarily limited to, monoelemental damage, elemental fury, holy smite and/or bless, and perhaps anvil. It might be interesting to have the spells thrown up once the fight begins, and if you really want to get fancy you could have a bit of pseudo-inteeligence to change spells mid-battle if one isn't working very well.
Last Edited: Feb 17, 2009, 7:02 pm
Mist's Avatar
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Message #33130 Posted: Jul 7, 2009, 11:06 am
Haruna said:
Clockwork Crabs[/URL] that once helped them pull/carry large loads of materials

/mist laughs.

Crabs always walk sideways due to the shape of their legs.
Much amusement at the thought of Clockwork Crabs being used to pull wagons!
Harryhausen's Avatar
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Message #34173 Posted: Aug 1, 2009, 12:27 am
Fungavore Living 4 45 bites Unknown

Fungavores are the mutated remains of the toad population. Their huge mouths contain oversized bladelike teeth capable of massive damage. Though barely larger, they feed entirely on ambulatory mushrooms. They are, however, extremely defensive of their food source, attacking anything that harms it.

Note: only make them availabe to fight after once fighting an ambulatory mushroom :)

Woodland Snipe Living 2 65 Claws Unknown ?t=1251168818

Formerly thought to be a myth, these shy creatures only come out on the 27th of each month between the hours of 8PM and 9:30PM. Their narrow snouts make up 70 percent of their body length, with the remainder being their extremely pudgy body. When fighting, they tip their snout up out of the way and swipe ineffectively at their opponents in a windmill pattern with their claws.

Note: only availabe at the time written into description.

The Cairnfields
Angler Beast 9 300(Ranged-claws)(Melee-bites) sound

Coverered in rough granite-colored scales with a single long spine ending in a jeweled sack sticking out from its forehead, the angler awaits anything foolish enough to grab the bait. Then it rears and strikes with its long clawed forelimbs, dragging prey to its waiting maw.
Last Edited: Aug 25, 2009, 2:55 am
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Message #35400 Posted: Aug 24, 2009, 8:17 pm
I looked through the thread, and I think Oozes need a bit more representation.

You can stuff alchemical ones in Kern, and the undead one fits in right proper with the necropolis. Constructive criticism welcome.

Slime/Slime Mold/Living Moss (Because they're fun to stomp on.):
Speed: Slow/Nonmoving
Size: Small
Level 1 Critter, pops on stomp.

Gelatinous Cube. (Because, really, we need one.)

Level 4-7, depending on implementation of specials.

Size: Medium/Large
Speed: Slow
Special: Caustic Body, Amorphous Form

Caustic Body: Hitting the Cube in melee with bare fists causes corrosion, and thereby damage, to the attacking golem. Also implement on weapons if they ever gain HP.

Amorphous Form: Being a blob of acidic goo, the Gelatinous Cube is especially hard to injure with piercing weapons. Be they Spears or Arrows (NOT cannons or swords.), any primarily piercing attack has a % chance to pass right though the cube and count as missing.

Graveyard Ooze. (Because they're fun.)

Level 9+

A graveyard ooze can essentially be described as a katamari of an enitre graveyard of bones. They attack by rolling over and engulfing their prey. As living things rot away, the mass of bones increases.

Size: Huge
Speed: Moderate

Special: Engulf

Engulf: If the graveyard ooze manages to reach melee range with an opponent, it rolls over it and begins crushing and puncturing it with the massive amount of bones in its body. A sufficiently agile golem can dodge out of the way of this engulfing, the Ooze's only method of attack. A sufficiently armored golem should resist all of the puncture damage but still take moderate crushing damage every round engulfed due to sheer mass. (Once Successfully Engulfed, Hits Every Round unless the golem is both fast and strong enough to escape.)
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Message #36216 Posted: Sep 8, 2009, 2:07 am
The Ruins of old Fellin

Engineering Corpse Undead 4 65 Wrench Unknown

In times almost forgotten there was a war between the necromancers and the engineers, pitting science against dark magics. Dark magics won. The result is an assortment of undead humans that have over the ages replaced destroyed body parts with assorted mechanical substitutes.

Melvin Undead 6 87 whip Unknown

An ancient necromancer created the ultimate weapon from his own body by having one of his own zombies insert his ultimate creation, the everheart, into his own body after killing him. The everheart reassembles his body from any organic material that is nearby. Over the ages he has gone quite mad from rotting detritus replacing smashed-out brain.

Yul's Marsh

Fanged Platypus 2 25 bites unknown

No one is certain as to where this odd carnivore has come from. While strangely cuddly, it has a billful of serrated two-inch-long teeth and the temperament of a fireant. Fanged platypi seem to be drawn to screams and sounds of distress, probably looking for an easy meal, since they aren't very large and could be devoured easily by the red banded spider which also calls this marsh home.

Creature Name : Platygon
Creature Description:
Birthed from the heavily irradiated corpse of a fanged platypus, the gargantuan Platygon has softly glowing blue scales in place of fur, can deliver earth shattering blows with its tail, leave trenches in solid stone with its claws, and bite adamantine golems in half. It can also release a roar of such magnitude as to be ear-shattering from miles away. Truly it is the king of monsters.
Level: 30
HP: 1000
Creature Location: Yul's Marsh
Primary Attack Damage: Piercing

Unique attacks or whatnot: Sonic Roar


impact 10
slice 10
puncture 10
fire 8
cold 8
sonic 20
reduces minimum damage for equipped region by 1
core and equipped region are damaged 1hp per hour
Last Edited: Nov 4, 2009, 8:28 pm
maverick's Avatar
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Message #37487 Posted: Oct 4, 2009, 10:48 pm
yey platygon! should be fun. and i like the dragon addation!
Posts: 94
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Message #38204 Posted: Oct 19, 2009, 3:42 am
Chiming in to let you folks know that the creature admins are in fact monitoring this thread.

If you'd like to see your suggested creature have a good shot at seeing itself created, it will have a much better shot if you give us the following with it:

Creature Name : Self Explanatory
Creature Description: A blurb about your creature.
Level: Blah.
HP: Blah.
Creature Location: Blah. Pick a town it would suit. Ice creatures go in the northwest, desert in the southeast, undead in the necropolis. Pretty self explanatory.

Primary Attack Damage: Slash, Impact, etc.

Unique attacks or whatnot: No guarantee they're implementable.

If I see anything that looks quickly implementable and not horrendous, I'll pop it in and give it a whirl.
Harryhausen's Avatar
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Message #38281 Posted: Oct 20, 2009, 9:56 pm
Harryhausen sits and hopes that Platygon isn't horrendous. o:)
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #38466 Posted: Oct 27, 2009, 12:57 am
A basilisk. The better your eyes are the higher chance the golem will be turned to stone. Not sure how that would work with a stone golem though....
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #38817 Posted: Nov 4, 2009, 8:16 pm
Donkmaker - a creature with 1000HP. If you kill it you get the Donk achievement (unless you use magic). Unless that achievement only counts damage against a golem?
Harryhausen's Avatar
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Message #38819 Posted: Nov 4, 2009, 8:24 pm
Yamikuronue said:

Donkmaker - a creature with 1000HP. If you kill it you get the Donk achievement (unless you use magic). Unless that achievement only counts damage against a golem?

Lol I'll consider this a bump for Platygon!
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Message #38830 Posted: Nov 5, 2009, 2:23 am
Platygon. LOL... Hey, where's Perry?

"He's a semiaquatic, egg-laying mammal OF ACTION!"
Harryhausen's Avatar
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Message #38835 Posted: Nov 5, 2009, 3:58 am
You're darn skippy. Perry, times 300!
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Message #38846 Posted: Nov 5, 2009, 3:41 pm
LOL bump on Platygon!! I think the stories them selves are worthy of making said creature for the time and effort that Harryhausen as put forth. I would suggest that we encourage such actions and participation for the game.
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Message #39090 Posted: Nov 13, 2009, 3:38 am
Not so much a new creature suggestion but a current creature modification. I remember in Phantasy Star Online some of the monsters had special rare monster versions of themselves that where tougher than the originals and dropped better stuff.

Why not something like that with different appearance percentages for at least some of the non-named monsters?
laidan's Avatar
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Message #39445 Posted: Nov 19, 2009, 7:08 pm
Dwarven Mining Crew

Level 5, The Southmount's Eye?

90Hp, piercing attack (mining pick) or bludgeon (hammers)

Loot drop is gems, gold bars, and Iron. Yeah, that's right, plain old iron.
Harryhausen's Avatar
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Message #39474 Posted: Nov 20, 2009, 1:57 am
BUMP mining crew. I like it :) Plus, that place is just empty right now.
Harryhausen's Avatar
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Message #39620 Posted: Nov 22, 2009, 7:12 am
Platygon Photo []
Joachim's Avatar
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Message #39630 Posted: Nov 22, 2009, 2:48 pm

Have you been to Yul's Marsh lately? ;)
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Message #39639 Posted: Nov 22, 2009, 5:20 pm
Remember when new monsters were announced so the illustrious editors at the Library didn't have to chase them down? >.> just saying.
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