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AuthorThread: Alignment shift.
Tzadkiel's Avatar
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Message #1591 Posted: Apr 21, 2008, 12:53 pm
So, retaliating against someone who attacks you results in an unavoidable alignment shift?!?!

Man, being neutral is all but impossible :(
Posts: 157
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Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #1597 Posted: Apr 21, 2008, 5:51 pm
I was thinking about that - maybe alignment should slowly decay toward neutral over time, like 1/2 an attack's worth every day or so?
Amelsh's Avatar
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Message #1598 Posted: Apr 21, 2008, 6:10 pm
Why? If an evil man takes a vacation, and just relaxes during it (as in doesn't do anything that may be described as good or evil), is he any less evil when he returns? Similarly for a good man.

Your actions should determine your alignment. Not your absence.
Tzadkiel's Avatar
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Message #1605 Posted: Apr 21, 2008, 8:35 pm
which is why codifying alignment is arbitrary (and often acknowledged as such). My actions define me - as does my inaction.

Alignment - to date - it really a measure of notarity in the public esteem. If Poseidon doesn't attack anyone for a long time it does reason that the public in general will be more focused on the misdeeds of Daniel. Similarly, if Sterling doesn't save little orphan Timmy from the well each and every day, he turns into a putz.

But if *I* do it, I'd make the headlines.

Should alignment be a measurement of my moral fiber or my public personae.

In either case, retaliating against an attacker shouldn't make me more "good".

... especially if I don't win ;)
Posts: 157
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Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #1622 Posted: Apr 22, 2008, 3:29 am
Amelsh said:

Why? If an evil man takes a vacation, and just relaxes during it (as in doesn't do anything that may be described as good or evil), is he any less evil when he returns? Similarly for a good man.

Your actions should determine your alignment. Not your absence.

Sure, but someone who does one tiny evil act once and then does nothing for a long time would not be considered evil. You could make all kinds of RPish justification for it.

Gameplay wise, though, the point would be to allow someone who might have attacked someone once to 'reset' back to neutral. Right now, having an alignment, no matter how small, makes you a target for 'the other side' and allowing people who don't really participate much to reset to neutral would let them get out of the fight eventually.

Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #1623 Posted: Apr 22, 2008, 3:45 am
I think a fair medium would be to allow the alignment decay only for those who are still in good or evil tendencies. That way those of us who actually want to be evil can without bound, and those who want to stay neutral can retaliate without worry.
Posts: 125
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Magus Age: 118 years old
Message #1627 Posted: Apr 22, 2008, 11:53 am
How about also a wider range of alignment scores for Neutral? That way, a Neutral magus could (counter-)attack a few times and still remain Neutral. It would also make it easier for one to get back to Neutral without overshooting from, say, Good Tendencies to Evil Tendencies.
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #1633 Posted: Apr 22, 2008, 3:29 pm
Ileazar said:

How about also a wider range of alignment scores for Neutral? That way, a Neutral magus could (counter-)attack a few times and still remain Neutral. It would also make it easier for one to get back to Neutral without overshooting from, say, Good Tendencies to Evil Tendencies.

That's actually a pretty good suggestion. True neutral is a VERY small range right now.

The only problem is that if I extend the range, you'll end up with folks who are technically sliding towards evil or good but would be labeled "neutral" without realizing which way they're tending.

Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #1649 Posted: Apr 22, 2008, 8:08 pm
Arkham said:

Ileazar said:

How about also a wider range of alignment scores for Neutral? That way, a Neutral magus could (counter-)attack a few times and still remain Neutral. It would also make it easier for one to get back to Neutral without overshooting from, say, Good Tendencies to Evil Tendencies.

That's actually a pretty good suggestion. True neutral is a VERY small range right now.

The only problem is that if I extend the range, you'll end up with folks who are technically sliding towards evil or good but would be labeled "neutral" without realizing which way they're tending.


Heh, might be a good time to put in the "puppy kicker" and "cub scout" alignment ratings that daniel's been talking about. Both would be considered neutral but would tell you which way you're sliding.
Posts: 157
Location: Darghelm
Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #1650 Posted: Apr 22, 2008, 9:15 pm
We already have Neutral (good tendencies) and Neutral (evil tendencies). I think thouse are counted as good/evil, not neutral, though, right?
Posts: 102
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Message #1665 Posted: Apr 23, 2008, 12:20 am
Yeah, Though they didn't use too. I'm agreeing with the larger range of neutral (especially if it'll get the puppy kicker alignment in) because with the missions and all its rather easy if you want to to pull out of the 'neutral' slot now.
Posts: 300
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Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #1771 Posted: Apr 24, 2008, 4:36 pm
Interestingly, I've been neutral (evil tendancies) for a few days now, maybe a week. Today I seem to have gone back to plain Neutral. Maybe there is a decay? Just an uber tiny amount?
Posts: 125
Location: Hans Mina
Magus Age: 118 years old
Message #1772 Posted: Apr 24, 2008, 4:51 pm
Did someone Good attack you? Or, did you attack someone Neutral with no tendencies, at which point you were randomly shifted goodward? Or do a good mission?

Those are ways to slip back towards good without needing a gamewide neutral-drift.
Posts: 505
Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 115 years old
Message #1773 Posted: Apr 24, 2008, 5:00 pm
If you check the top 25, it happened to a lot of people. I think Ark broadened the definition of neutral.
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #1791 Posted: Apr 24, 2008, 8:40 pm
I broadened the range of neutral and also added in a few extra titles last night. Sorry, meant to post at the time and forgot.

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