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AuthorThread: Unfair XP Gain From Suicide Rush
Posts: 5
Location: Broukendale
Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #1624 Posted: Apr 22, 2008, 8:00 am
The following is a report log from a recent attack by Poseidon. This is not a direct complaint against Poseidon, but rather a suggestion about the XP rewards from combat. I have almost a dozen more attacks like it.

Poseidon is sending a (presumably) Level 1 Flesh Golem with nothing but legs at a multitude of people. Due to this golem being a lower level than the defender, Poseidon is gaining XP for this suicide charge, while the defender gets nothing for pummeling the golem into the ground.

Now I realise everyone could cash in on this exploit, which would lead to a whole bunch of really silly suicide charges and a game full of double amputee fleshies biting each other's legs off. This is really not in the spirit of the game.

My suggestion is that XP be proportionate to damage done as well as comparable golem levels. Zero damage, zero experience. Either that or not letting a player attack if the golem has no ability to fight.


You are outside StarFire's workshop in Broukendale fighting against her Wood Golem with your Flesh Golem. Uttering the magical incantations required to activate your golem, you send it into combat!

[Round 1] Your Flesh Golem begins to advance upon her Wood Golem while her Wood Golem begins to advance upon your Flesh Golem. Both combatants are out of range with about 44 feet between them.

[Round 2] Your Flesh Golem continues to advance upon her Wood Golem while her Wood Golem closes to melee with your Flesh Golem.
Your Flesh Golem has no usable weapons and does not attack.
Her Wood Golem attacks with its fist and misses 7 times, but also hits the chest (6 dmg -- CRITICAL HIT!), the chest (3 dmg), the pelvis (7 dmg) and the chest (3 dmg).

[Round 3] Your Flesh Golem has no usable weapons and does not attack.
Her Wood Golem attacks with its fist and misses 8 times, but also hits the chest (3 dmg) and the left leg (4 dmg).

[Round 4] Your Flesh Golem has no usable weapons and does not attack.
Her Wood Golem attacks with its fist and misses once, failing to hit at all.

[Round 5] Your Flesh Golem has no usable weapons and does not attack.
Her Wood Golem attacks with its fist and misses once, failing to hit at all.

[Round 6] Your Flesh Golem has no usable weapons and does not attack.
Her Wood Golem attacks with its fist and misses once, failing to hit at all.

[Round 7] Your Flesh Golem has no usable weapons and does not attack.
Her Wood Golem attacks with its fist and hits once on the abdomen (4 dmg).

[Round 8] Your Flesh Golem has no usable weapons and does not attack.
Her Wood Golem attacks with its fist and hits once on the chest (3 dmg).

[Round 9] Your Flesh Golem has no usable weapons and does not attack.
Her Wood Golem attacks with its fist and misses once, failing to hit at all.

[Round 10] Your Flesh Golem has no usable weapons and does not attack.
Her Wood Golem attacks with its fist and misses once, failing to hit at all.

Results: Flesh Golem did 0 dmg while her Wood Golem did 33 dmg.

You earned 10 xp and StarFire earned 0 xp.

Your golem will be back at your workshop in 3 min .
Looted: Since you didn't incapacitate your foe, you were unable to gain any treasure or loot.

[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #1632 Posted: Apr 22, 2008, 3:15 pm
Uh, I put in something the other day that was supposed to zero out xp for combats where the golems had no usable weapons.

[Edit] - Actually, I misread. I see what's going on -- he's gaining xp for having the golem trashed. Hm. I'll need to ponder this for a bit.

Last Edited: Apr 22, 2008, 3:31 pm
Posts: 300
Location: Ibonbourg
Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #1639 Posted: Apr 22, 2008, 5:37 pm
Personally I think the defender should always gain some exp, especially when they have successfully defended.
Posts: 6
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 117 years old
Message #2455 Posted: May 14, 2008, 4:22 am
Bump! This problem is getting out of hand. I'm averaging a suicide rush report an hour because of this exploit.
Nageya's Avatar
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Message #2463 Posted: May 14, 2008, 9:24 am
you wouldn't be attacked any less if this was fixed you'd get attacked just as much you'd just take damage from the attacks and get a bit of exp in return I'm not really sure how big of an exploit this is the attacker doesn't gain any thing extra by attacking without hands, it's really a question of whether it's better for the defender to take damage and gain exp or avoid the damage and miss out on the exp
Ninomai's Avatar
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Message #2464 Posted: May 14, 2008, 11:51 am
well, the roleplaying part is pretty much screwed. all we're doing now is "masturbatory mathematics"...
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #2475 Posted: May 14, 2008, 5:46 pm
Nageya pretty much has nailed the issue on the head.

I can easily zero out experience for an attacker with no weapons. That would mean folks would attack with at least one weapon, start doing damage, and the defender would gain experience.

Frankly, I prefer that. At least that way, combat is more about ...well, combat... rather than just generating xp.

Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #2489 Posted: May 14, 2008, 9:08 pm
Well, all right. If you want me to add arms and fists to my golem and have the accuracy bonus from my level start doing damage from all my rushes, it will be so.

I took off the arms as a courtesy, but I can see I'm somehow stirring up more trouble by being polite.

So be it.
Posts: 6
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 117 years old
Message #2492 Posted: May 15, 2008, 12:50 am
If this is an intentional design, then so be it. I could do it too. I just feel that this is a bit of a one-rail tactic (the only way to keep up with them is to do it yourself). I never like being forced into the only tactic in the game :P

However, if it's not an intentional design, I would rather the great maker know about it.
Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #2494 Posted: May 15, 2008, 1:27 am
The point I'm making is that I'm STILL going to be using my level 1 flesh against everyone, and I'm STILL going to be getting 9-10 xp per fight against them.

The only difference is now I'm not being nice and everyones gonna start taking damage.

What I don't think people realize is that I cut the arms off my golem for a reason, and that it wasn't so I'd get more exp per fight. It's so I wouldn't hurt anyone's golems and my message box wont fill up with complaints. But since it's cheating I'll gladly reinstall those arms for you.
Posts: 157
Location: Darghelm
Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #2496 Posted: May 15, 2008, 2:13 am
It's also a lot faster just to build two legs and a torso than it is to build two legs, an arm, a hand and a torso ;)
Posts: 6
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 117 years old
Message #2504 Posted: May 15, 2008, 6:09 am
Hey Poseidon,

I can see now that perhaps my convincing you to put arms on your golem isn't gonna be fun for me. I'm gonna wake up from sleeping each night to find bits of my golem missing, no matter whether I can afford the repairs or not. I'm man enough to admit that this was a bad idea.
Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #2546 Posted: May 16, 2008, 3:26 am
Heh. Well sorry guys, but the change is final. I'm not going to waste another 100 experience to rip the arms off my golem again.

We tried that, remember?
FatherCoyne's Avatar
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Message #2552 Posted: May 16, 2008, 6:15 am
It'll fall off eventually. They allways do.
Pegga's Avatar
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Message #2562 Posted: May 16, 2008, 2:23 pm
FatherCoyne said:

It'll fall off eventually. They allways do.

Those American doctors! Always wanting to cut, cut, cut. Make them big money! Drive big car. Don't worry, go home.

Oh, then it'll be alright?

Sure, sure. Two weeks, it fall off all by self.

/Punchline from a joke.
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #2576 Posted: May 16, 2008, 8:09 pm
Of course, now I want the rest of the joke... XD
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