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Index » Muelsfell Game Forum » Clan Discussions Muelsfell World v1.0 Forums
AuthorThread: CMOS for Hearts of Clay
Posts: 300
Location: Ibonbourg
Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #17578 Posted: Nov 12, 2008, 7:56 pm
What's the deal with this new CMOS? Why is squeezepenny looking for resources for a clan with zero members?

Clans with zero members should be deleted after a certain time period...
Posts: 664
Location: Shuul
Magus Age: 116 years old
Message #17579 Posted: Nov 12, 2008, 8:10 pm
I believe the purpose is to see if people just hate giving other people free shinies, or if there's just bad luck and everyone hates the clans that have been picked in the past. Personally, I approve of shinies for all, and for all tons of shinies, but that's just because I enjoy shiny things, and am of the opinion that everyone should have the opportunity to revel in random windfalls.
Vanishing's Avatar
Posts: 76
Location: Rimesvin
Magus Age: 123 years old
Message #17590 Posted: Nov 12, 2008, 11:09 pm
I believe this discussion took place some time ago, albeit in reference to a slightly different subject the principles remain the same.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
Posts: 1288
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Magus Age: 116 years old
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Message #17612 Posted: Nov 13, 2008, 1:17 am
It has 0 members? Last time I looked at them they had one TOMU fan. Maybe Toast didn't check...
StarSecrets's Avatar
Posts: 146
Location: Ogsden
Magus Age: 112 years old
Message #17614 Posted: Nov 13, 2008, 1:25 am
I think they have at least one inactive member... The count only shows active members
masterslug's Avatar
Posts: 619
Location: Shuul
Magus Age: 124 years old
Message #17647 Posted: Nov 13, 2008, 10:15 am
76 days inactive, I don't think they're coming back.
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