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AuthorThread: Exponentially rising costs for powersources/eyes
Gryficus's Avatar
Posts: 239
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 121 years old
Message #2006 Posted: Apr 30, 2008, 5:45 pm

Level 4 powersource

Oroboros - 360 power


500 glass
150 copper
150 bronze
200 brass
1000 gold
25000 Money

To me, the jump from alchemical firestone to this is crazy high, because of the lack of gold drops throughout the game. I've been playing with 2 characters for weeks, and I could now make exactly ONE of these.

Do any of the other high level peeps feel the costs are rising too quickly?
Pegga's Avatar
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Message #2007 Posted: Apr 30, 2008, 5:55 pm
I was wondering when there'd be a use for gold! I would only have to wait for another 88 bars before I could make one of these.

Are the costs rising too fast? No, personally, for these top-of-the-line items, I'd almost want to make them more expensive than they already are. I'd also like the usefulness to be much higher as well. That doesn't seem to be enough of an improvement over the elemental fire gem to be worth it (only 20 points).

And putting one of these up in the marketplace for nearly cost, probably somewhere in the 30,000 money range, wouldn't be an incentive either. I don't think anybody would be willing to buy one for such a small improvement.
Gryficus's Avatar
Posts: 239
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Magus Age: 121 years old
Message #2010 Posted: Apr 30, 2008, 6:01 pm
exactly...and remember, this isn't the proposed top of the items...only the top of where we're at now.

there could potentially be 4-6 better levels of this is actually middle of the road.

the effective cost for one would be WAY above 30,000 as well (it costs 25,000 money + resources), prob more like 70,000 considering what gold might cost on the market.

All for 20 extra power...
Tzadkiel's Avatar
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Message #2021 Posted: Apr 30, 2008, 8:03 pm
if that 20 power came with 20 speed ...
Pegga's Avatar
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Message #2025 Posted: Apr 30, 2008, 8:36 pm
Tzadkiel said:

if that 20 power came with 20 speed ...


If so, my L2 Iron would be sooooo kick-ass. Where's that giant?
Dilvish's Avatar
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Message #2027 Posted: Apr 30, 2008, 8:44 pm
Gryficus said:

To me, the jump from alchemical firestone to this is crazy high, because of the lack of gold drops throughout the game. I've been playing with 2 characters for weeks, and I could now make exactly ONE of these.

Do any of the other high level peeps feel the costs are rising too quickly?

As far as gold drops go, fight the yeti with a higher level golem. You won't get xp but you can score decent resources. I've just been using one account and farming the yeti for money off and on with an iron golem and have almost 1500 gold as a by-product.
Tzadkiel's Avatar
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Message #2031 Posted: Apr 30, 2008, 9:27 pm

oroboros .... sweet. I have an Ouroboros tattoo on my arm :)
Gryficus's Avatar
Posts: 239
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Magus Age: 121 years old
Message #2033 Posted: Apr 30, 2008, 10:32 pm

Yeah, Arkham is a miniature games hobbyist as well... I assume that is where that came from.

Divilish, I've been doing the same thing, and have 1400 gold. That's enough to make ONE, and took more than 2-3 weeks of farming.
Dilvish's Avatar
Posts: 219
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Magus Age: 133 years old
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Message #2037 Posted: Apr 30, 2008, 11:22 pm
I must have gotten lucky then. I only attack every so often...mostly in the mornings before work when timeis limmited and I have to use or lose motivation.
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