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AuthorThread: Golem Customization - Abilities
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #22307 Posted: Jan 10, 2009, 7:56 pm
Warning: This is much, much easier to understand than my other suggestion. It's also going to end up far longer.

As a Brief Summary, I'm proposing a big increase in customization.
This set of suggestions is unfortunately much more code intensive as my previous one, as it would add a lot of new content.

So, an important note or two before I start:

1) If you absolutely hate the following idea, most of the proposed abilities can be converted into spells.
2) Yes, I realize this would be quite a big change and a taxing one at that. Even if this is adopted, It shouldn't be expected to take off for quite some time.

Proposed Change: To add more customization and strategy to the game, and to reward higher-level researches in every golem type, I am proposing the following:

Golems have special abilities that are selected upon creation. A Golem has one ability per level. Certain Abilities would have other abilities as prerequisites, and others would have certain material types as prerequisites.

That's it. The whole idea is up there. No complicated formulas. A nice change of pace from my wall proposal.

Example Proposed Abilities:
This is the first batch of abilities, some for general use and some for specific golems that work to add flavourful customization. I will be posting more of these.

If you like this idea, feel free to suggest other abilities you'd like to see.
Formatting is: Name: Effect, Notes/Prereq, Cost in Abilities(1-5)

All Golems:

Enhanced Strength: Adds 10 strength to the golem. Selectable Multiple Times. (1)

Enhanced Speed: Adds 5ft of speed to the golem. Selectable Multiple Times. (2)

Hollow Construction: Adds 10ft of speed, Halves strength and carrying capacity. Lowers resists of all parts attached to the golem by 2, to a minimum of 0. (2)


(*1)Flight: The golem gains wings and the ability to fly. Requires Hollow Construction. (3)


(*1)Gliding: The golem gains wings and the ability to glide, granting flight for the first 5 rounds of combat. Requires Hollow Construction. (2)
Sharpened Edges: Increases the golem's slashing and piercing damage by 2. Selectable Multiple Times. (2)


(*1)Treewalking: Gives the golem flight when in an area with 25% or greater forestation. Requires Hollow Construction. (2)


Camouflage: This gives the golem a natural chance to have attacks miss, similar to (stacks with((Each Should Act Separately as chances to block))) the abilities of a shield. The block chance is equal to one half the %wetland of the location the golem is fighting in. (3)


Camouflage: This gives the golem a natural chance to have attacks miss, similar to (stacks with((Each Should Act Separately as chances to block))) the abilities of a shield. The block chance is equal to one half the %mountain and %urban of the location the golem is fighting in. (3)


Sharpened Edges: Increases the golem's slashing and piercing damage by 2. Selectable Multiple Times. (2)


Heated Fists: Increases the golem's fire damage by 2. Selectable Multiple Times. (1)


Chilled Fists: Increases the golem's ice damage by 2. Selectable Multiple Times. (1)


Resonanting Fists: Increases the golem's sonic damage by 2. Selectable Multiple Times. (1)


Sharpened Edges: Increases the golem's slashing and piercing damage by 2. Selectable Multiple Times. (2)

Magnifying Lens: Grants the golem a natural ranged weapon by allowing it to focus and reflect the rays of the sun and moon. Power increases closer to noon and is dramatically less at night. (3)

Improved Vision: If the golem is using any eyes made from glass, this increases their accuracy by 2%. (2)


Sharpened Edges: Increases the golem's slashing and piercing damage by 2. Selectable Multiple Times. (2)

(*1): Pending Introduction of the Flight System.

Edit Log:
Edit 1: Fixed Problem with Cutting&Pasting Apostrophes from Word.
Edit 2: Added Additional Formatting to make for an easier read.
Edit 3: Fixed one annoying typo.
Last Edited: Jan 10, 2009, 8:02 pm
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #26059 Posted: Feb 20, 2009, 5:33 pm
Yes. I am bumping my own thread. I still think this is a good idea. My apologies in advance.

All I ask is that someone read it and reply. It's gotten nothing.

Even if you think the idea is a total waste of time, please, give some form of constructive criticism.
laidan's Avatar
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Message #26167 Posted: Feb 23, 2009, 2:21 am
I like the idea of adding something like that to the research tree, or a separate tree, so you could research "sharpened edges" and apply it for a price to x golem, or "combat tactics" to make your golem maximize its energy/damage between a weapon and fists, instead of just using one. Or, as you say, some of those might make interesting spells.
Last Edited: Feb 23, 2009, 2:22 am
Anri's Avatar
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Message #26203 Posted: Feb 23, 2009, 8:20 pm
I do like the idea of bein able to customise other aspects of your golems to make them more unique and effective. And yeah some can make for some good spells.

A few things to note though:
Enhance Strength, seems fairly straightforward, save 750 xp for +10 strength right off the bat. Alone that isn't enough though unless it also raises max strength. Be able to take my flesh golem to 90 strength with xp.

Enhance Speed, pretty straight forward to me. How many times can someone take this? A 45 speed bone 5 golem seems rather scary to me heh.

Hollow Construction, basically bigger speed boost at a price. Is this jus a 1 time penalty to the golem or something that will affect him for life. Like is his max strength gonna be 40, and each point of strength only goin to add 1 weight capacity? I can try to further clarify if needed.

Flight/Gliding/Treewalking, interesting but no clue what you have in mind for the benefits/costs of these abilities. So a bit hard to comment on them.

Damage boosters(Sharpened Edges, heated fists, etc), fairly straightforward and if I don't go straight for enhanced speed would more than likely be my next picks.

Camouflage, again interesting and perhaps a way to fight that cursed min damage x tons of attacks of low level golems.

Edit: Grammar edits and clarifying a point a bit more.
Last Edited: Feb 23, 2009, 11:06 pm
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #26227 Posted: Feb 24, 2009, 4:12 am
First off, thanks for commenting.

Second, to anri. On the subject of number of upgrades to speed, etc.

The system proposes one ability per level of the golem. Enhanced speed costs 2, so the most a golem could get would be +10 to speed with one left over.

On Hollow Construction I can't give an exact answer on permanency without a test. Allowing the strength to go up to the max anyways would make this an overused option for people with xp to burn. On the other hand, limiting it to half everything would cripple the golem in exchange for speed, which is more to the flavour. On thinking and revising, the balanced way to go would be halving the initial strength and carrying capacity and doubling the cost to increase it. Even at maxed the golem would still not be able to carry as much as a non hollow golem, but with significant investment could achieve the same damage.
Dilt's Avatar
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Message #26265 Posted: Feb 24, 2009, 6:17 pm
Oops, forgot to comment. A few of us were talking about this thread and we're wondering: What exactly is this flight and what would it do?
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #26310 Posted: Feb 24, 2009, 11:57 pm
Ark has mentioned he would like to introduce an ability called "flight" to certain monsters in the game. I merely thought that the less dense golems might be able to aquire this ability as well.

As ark hasn't really stated what flight is in terms of in-game use, I have no real answer for you other than that those abilities are pre-emptively designed.
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #26332 Posted: Feb 25, 2009, 5:04 am
I believe that you are misremembering. I think what Kep said was that there is no system in game that allowed for flying monsters. So we couldn't put birds or dragons in the creature suggestion thread.
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #26346 Posted: Feb 25, 2009, 11:35 am
The direct quote is:

* Flying is not supported (yet), so no winged creatures. No giant hornets, no griffins nor dragons (sob!).
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