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AuthorThread: PvP XP results
Tackt's Avatar
Posts: 16
Location: Fellin
Magus Age: 125 years old
Message #22629 Posted: Jan 13, 2009, 4:50 pm

Just curious over the PvP results. In the Help section it stated that the XP gain/loss from a combat between mages would be based on their level differences.
So far in all the combats I have been in the XP seems based off the golems' level difference.

This does seem to way in the favor of higher level mages with access to more gear and resources. Added to this are those that benefit from clan accessories (always trez nice)

Overall the rule regarding higher level mages attacking low level mages needs to be ammended or actually applied to the game.

Also evidently one can salvage gear off of destroyed golems like Foreblades... instead of them just being lost or returned to the clan. Is this true... and if so why not for armor and other items?

Any thoughts on this?
Echothrice's Avatar
Posts: 98
Location: Villuno
Magus Age: 117 years old
Message #22630 Posted: Jan 13, 2009, 5:03 pm
Clan weapons are only usable by the clan that created them, hence why they are returned. There has been talk of clan weapons being sellable, at which point I'm no longer sure how the drop rate would work.

Asking for armor, weapons, and the like to be returned to the original owner when they drop would greatly complicate the code, and be quite impractical, not to mention the very different changes in gameplay that would result.

What has to be remembered is that what you put on a golem can be lost or stolen, expecting to stick a golem out, have it destroyed and your workshop looted, and yet still expecting to have any items on that golem returned to you is a little silly.
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