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AuthorThread: Higher Level Golems and Carrying Capacity
Posts: 2
Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 121 years old
Message #2651 Posted: May 20, 2008, 1:16 pm
This will probably not be a popular suggestion but could we get a change to the higher level golems such that there is a multiplier to their carrying capacity equal to the number of slots increase that level has over a level 1 + 1? No damage increase, I think the hp and slots boost should be good enough.

So if a level 2 clay has 1 slot more on each piece then a level 1 clay (random example) it gets a 2* multiplier on carrying capacity or 750. This would allow the higher level golems to utilize their higher number of slots for armour, loot, etc. but not increasing their damage so they are just tougher, as long as you have more armour etc.
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #2653 Posted: May 20, 2008, 1:53 pm
Hm. Reasonable idea, I'll consider it. It won't be a multiplier that high, though. More like an additional 10-25% per level.

Let me think about that. Lot of other things on the to-do list.

Posts: 2
Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 121 years old
Message #2654 Posted: May 20, 2008, 2:08 pm
Cool... yeah my ability to balance is somewhat limited hehe. But having any boost to carrying capacity would be very welcome.
Panacea's Avatar
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Message #2686 Posted: May 22, 2008, 11:33 am
Yeah I really like this idea of multiplying carry capacity by level and it is desparately needed so we can take advantage of all those extra item slots high level golems have.
While I have suggested a few times that there should be a strength or damage increase of some sort for higher levels, I've since decided to reserve judgement until weapons come out because they could be a big equaliser in the damage department. Maybe weapons that can only be used by larger golems as well?
I realise that high level golems have a fair few advantages over level 1 golems and increasing their damage bonus is just too much but it is annoying to have spent a fair chunk of money to research them but they still hit the same.
Last Edited: May 22, 2008, 11:38 am
Sepren's Avatar
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Message #4466 Posted: Jun 11, 2008, 1:28 pm
I hate to bring back a seemingly dead thread, but I highly agree with this suggestion and was thinking of making it myself. As it is currently there just isn't that much to upping a golem's lvl. Sure you get more slots but in most cases you couldn't possibly use them all.
Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #4471 Posted: Jun 11, 2008, 4:15 pm
Not to mention that more slots, for the most part, arent all that useful.

For the types other than exotic golems, one or two light iron plates will get you down to whatever their minimum damage is, eliminating the need for more slots at all. Add in the fact that they cost more motivation and earn less exp, and its a pretty uneven trade off IMO.
Endovior's Avatar
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Message #4474 Posted: Jun 11, 2008, 4:23 pm
Also agreed. The only advantages to higher levels are reach, slots, and HP; all of which hardly apply to anything but the chest. Perhaps if carrying capacity factored in all component parts, and their levels? One would assume that having arms would help a Golem carry lot, after all...
Sepren's Avatar
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Magus Age: 129 years old
Message #5660 Posted: Jun 28, 2008, 9:27 pm
You know thinking about this issue some more. I don't see why golems don't also gain damage. Their lvl increases. If you made a lvl 5 flesh golem sure it could take more damage, but in the end it would still have a hard time fighting a lvl 1 golem of equal level. This leads to a small variety of golems that are actually fight worth. Why can't a guy say I like ____ golems, I'm going to max them and be as effective as anyone else.
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Message #7380 Posted: Jul 20, 2008, 12:10 am
I like this idea. Otherwise you'd plough onto level 1 iron and you'd have the game made, virtually, until you hit level 1 adamantine.
CommComms's Avatar
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Message #7387 Posted: Jul 20, 2008, 4:15 am
Higher level golems may not get a damage increase, but they do get the reach bonus, more slots in the chest, and a few other bonuses that are hidden. Do some messing about in a practice room and maybe you'll find out. [shameless plug] Of course MAGIER has these stats calculated and documented for higher ranked members already.[/shameless plug]

It may not seem like it but in many cases higher level golems are pretty worth it.

Also, different golem types are good for different things. Iron may be the strongest primary golem for combat, but it's four whole levels above bone, which makes it much more difficult to get xp with, and means you can attack the same player four times less in a given sitting, whereas a decently tricked out bone golem can easily take on most things many levels higher than itself.
Vardos's Avatar
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Message #8376 Posted: Jul 27, 2008, 4:50 am
Also another thing for higher level golems might be that the strength increases mean carrying more? Say medium golems are 6lbs per point and large 10lbs? I think this would also give people more incentive to actually spend xp on their little pets.

Note: I am just suggesting weight increase not damage increase.

Vardos ye Dark Putz
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