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Index » Muelsfell Game Forum » Suggestions and Improvements Muelsfell World v1.0 Forums
AuthorThread: Game layout/navigation
Jolima's Avatar
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Location: Shilo Steppe
Magus Age: 120 years old
Message #28251 Posted: Mar 25, 2009, 7:15 pm
*waves* Hi, I'm new here and stuff...

I think the biggest thing that could use improvement is the way the game navigation and layout works. For instance:

*The Storage bin could use a checkbox style selection for discarding items, so that multiple items could be discarded at once.

*The "dark grey bar" layout option should add two bars; one for the workshop subcategories and one for the world subcategories, rather than having to toggle between the two navigation bars.

*You should be able to move your golems between the three locations much more easily. A drag and drop interface would be ideal, but at the very least, there should be a link to move the golem to the basement or outside when you are examining it, in the same way you can click to move it to the worktable in that "golem summary box."

*The local map should interact better with the large map, so you can go to the description for that location from the local map, and vice versa. Would also be nice if you could move faster than one click at a time.

*Maybe more a coding issue that a layout issue per se, but there's got to be someway that you can interact with things without having to reload the entire page every time you do something... a prime example being repairing golems. Maybe you don't want to fix this, to give incentives to become a premium member, but its really tedious to have to wait for the page to reload after repairing each individual part.

*The help section should be able to be reached within the game, rather than linking to the main portal outside of the actual game

I think I had some other ideas, but can't remember them right now...
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #28259 Posted: Mar 25, 2009, 8:15 pm
Various suggestions for the discarding of items in the storage bin have been made. Not sure if Arkham took them into consideration but they are probably low on his list, as they are not a bug or glitch.

For the gray bar option, normally, you are going through different parts of your workshop. Having a second line for the world locations on all pages wouldn't save you much time clicking.

Drag and drop might be nice, but it wouldn't work for the coding and layout of this game. All items on here are static, you are simply clicking through action links. As for the second part about having a links to move a golem you are looking at to the basement or outside...that is already part of premium.

I agree that it would be nice to be able to "zoom in and out" as it were between the world map and local map. It would make navigation easier between countries and cities. As for a larger local map I believe Arkham had some plans to make it bigger as part of premium.

Part of the premium service is the "repair-all" button, it works on the hp of each part but doesn't repair main body hp. Other than that, I have found that I can click multiple repair buttons and have it work. I could usually get about 3 parts to repair before the page loads.

The Help section is unfortunately somewhat outdated, and only gives you basic info anyway. You can check out the wiki here []
and get most any info you might be looking for. Simply open it in a separate tab and you are set.

Sorry if I sound a little rude. I don't mean to be I am just trying to keep things as simple as I can, so that I don't get long winded. Welcome to Muelsfell and I hope you enjoy the game.
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #29232 Posted: Apr 13, 2009, 7:29 pm

*The "dark grey bar" layout option should add two bars; one for the workshop subcategories and one for the world subcategories, rather than having to toggle between the two navigation bars.

This one at least has been done as of now.

Rednaxela's Avatar
Posts: 177
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Magus Age: 124 years old
Message #29241 Posted: Apr 13, 2009, 9:44 pm
Ooh, I like. That change makes half of the things I piled into the premie "quick links" thing unneeded. Nice stuff.
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