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AuthorThread: 3 skulls
Foxy's Avatar
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Message #29729 Posted: Apr 22, 2009, 10:16 am
Was just playing the slots and losing quite alot of money (for me at least) when I rolled up 3 skulls. Now I was resigned to the fact that I was probably going to end up behind but taking 1500 off a person who is playing for 25 a go seems bloody ridiculous. Not at all what I was expecting and quite a kick in the crotch.

My point being that slot machines shouldn't be able to bend you over like that :/

edit: I don't expect any money back, it's gone. I just think the system is flawed. You don't gamble for the chance of losing a lot more money in any game I can think of. Seems ridiculous. At the very least state that 3 skulls is more money out of your wallet rather than just a mysterious "dangerous".
Last Edited: Apr 22, 2009, 12:43 pm
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #29730 Posted: Apr 22, 2009, 11:21 am
Welcome to Vegas.
Shuja's Avatar
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Message #29747 Posted: Apr 22, 2009, 5:53 pm
I agree completely with Foxy... I played the slots a few times (5? dunno) when I was new and managed to get 3 skulls. It took basically all my money away, and at low level that money is hard to come by... ><

If you really want to have the skulls do something bad to the player you should have it make the machine "malfunction" or the player become "cursed" the next time you get a win... Or until you've had enough wins that you would have made the 1500g back...

Round 1: You get 3 skulls, you win nothing.
Round 2: You get 2 iron, the machine "malfunctions"... 'losses':60g
Round 3: You get 3 iron, the machine "malfunctions" again... 'losses': 420g
Round 4: You get the jackpot! the machine "malfunctions" slightly and you only get (7500-420) = 7080g in winnings.

Its much too harsh to penalize a person all at once, especially for new players. :)
deathpunk's Avatar
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Message #29769 Posted: Apr 23, 2009, 3:06 am
First, the slots tend to pay out more than you put in. Second, did your parents never teach you that you should never gamble with something you can't afford to lose. And on a nicer note, thirdly, put money you can't afford to lose on the market and keep only what you want to gamble with on you. To make sure no one accepts the offer you should make it something absurd like 1000 for 20 premium tickets, or something similar.
Pegga's Avatar
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Message #29771 Posted: Apr 23, 2009, 3:19 am
deathpunk said:
put money you can't afford to lose on the market and keep only what you want to gamble with on you.
And then hope and pray that the casino bouncer golems don't make a new suit out of ya to pay for your gambling debts!
Foxy's Avatar
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Message #29774 Posted: Apr 23, 2009, 4:09 am
deathpunk said:

did your parents never teach you that you should never gamble with something you can't afford to lose.

This is my point...

I was going to gamble down to a set amount then stop, or maybe if I won a little stop while ahead. I got down to near where I would have stopped when I rolled 3 skulls. There is no mention of losing more than the 25 gold per spin. Losing 60 times the amount I thought I was gambling was impossible to predict and imo silly.

put money you can't afford to lose on the market and keep only what you want to gamble with on you. To make sure no one accepts the offer you should make it something absurd like 1000 for 20 premium tickets, or something similar.

This seems like a lot of work just to be able to have a flutter on the pokies. Makes a bit of mockery of the 3 skulls punishment too if everyone that knows about it can just exploit this knowledge. :/ Doesn't stop new players from getting the nasty shock though. Once bitten I guess.

Last Edited: Apr 23, 2009, 4:22 am
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #29775 Posted: Apr 23, 2009, 4:23 am
If you can't afford 1500 gold, I'm not sure you should be gambling to begin with. That's less than one scrapper; that's a little over three hours work at level 10.
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Message #29776 Posted: Apr 23, 2009, 4:37 am
Yami, scrapping can only work if you've spec'd towards it, most people probably have better things to do with their very limited quantity of resource slots.

He actually has a really good point too, and one that's been brought up a number of times. How exactly can you lose more than you put into the machine?

1500 coins is not really trivial, 3 hours work at level 10 translates to a whole lot more at lower levels, and people probably have better things to spend their money on. Yes, gambling is gambling, but a completely out of the blue 6000% penalty for a bad spin is really rather harsh, no matter how you slice it.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #29825 Posted: Apr 23, 2009, 6:49 pm
1500 is trivial compared to the listed big jackpots of 5000 and 7500. If you can win that big, and you can lose more than you put in, it stands to reason you can lose that big.

the major problem with the careful budgeting method is, as Sconi said, the fact that the machine can steal from your wallet more than you put into it.

Frankly, I never played the lotto at low levels, not once I settled in to really play the game. There's so much better uses for money when you're low level.

ETA: for the sake of achieving, I'm doing the slots today. In over 500 pulls, I've gotten triple skulls once; I've never gotten much below about 2000 gp, which *is* recoverable by middle-tier gameplay if you know what you're doing. Play the market, scrap, or work; it won't set you back more than about a day. Assuming most people quit when they start losing big...

I've also not gotten much above about 600gp. So obviously, the slots aren't worth it as a money-making strategy in the long run.
Last Edited: Apr 23, 2009, 6:58 pm
Dilt's Avatar
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Message #29836 Posted: Apr 23, 2009, 8:26 pm
To help explain things, it's like putting five dollars in for some Powerball tickets, expecting to win 200 million. Except, the Powerball on your ticket is a skull, so you lose 40 million.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #29837 Posted: Apr 23, 2009, 8:33 pm
No, it's like putting a dollar down expecting to win $200, and losing $60 instead. Your hyperbole isn't helping.

ETA: besides which, if you didn't know by then that you could lose money... you're far more likely to lose $5 on your $1 than to lose $60. And you make $9 per hour at level 5. According to our ratio. So even that $60, at level 5, only takes six hours to earn back.
Last Edited: Apr 23, 2009, 8:35 pm
Shuja's Avatar
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Message #29861 Posted: Apr 24, 2009, 2:50 am
First, the slots tend to pay out more than you put in.

Depends on your luck. I played 1000 times, and at the end I was -4k.

Second, did your parents never teach you that you should never gamble with something you can't afford to lose.

My parents taught me not to gamble in the first place...
That being said, I wasn't gambling with 1500g, I was gambling with 25g. I could afford to lose 25g... not 1500g.

And on a nicer note, thirdly, put money you can't afford to lose on the market and keep only what you want to gamble with on you. To make sure no one accepts the offer you should make it something absurd like 1000 for 20 premium tickets, or something similar.

I know this is a common strategy to avoid losing resources, but its rather time consuming. It also eats up market slots that you might want to use otherwise...
I personally think there should be some sort of fee for putting stuff in the market to discourage people from using it that way; using it this way also makes the resource losses from PVP rather negligible, which shouldn't be the case imo. [Just put up all your secondaries in the market... *shrug*]

If you can't afford 1500 gold, I'm not sure you should be gambling to begin with.

The issue with the penalty is really only relevant to very low level players (1-4). If they are new players then they won't know about the penalty, and in the off chance that they get 3xSkulls, they'll be peeved and might even stop playing -- its makes no sense from a logic perspective, and as much as suspension of disbelief is part of a fantasy game, this one sort of stretches even that.

that's a little over three hours work at level 10.

At level one its 23.1hrs... At level 4 its 8.1hrs work.

ETA: besides which, if you didn't know by then that you could lose money... you're far more likely to lose $5 on your $1 than to lose $60. And you make $9 per hour at level 5. According to our ratio. So even that $60, at level 5, only takes six hours to earn back.

*blink* ... "you're far more likely to lose $5 on your $1 than to lose $60." ??
Are you referring to getting 2 skulls? I think it's $10 loss if you get 2 skulls...
Or did you mean to say "win" instead of "lose" 5$?

On a side note; has anyone ever gotten 3 skulls when they had <1500g?

drackmore's Avatar
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Message #29904 Posted: Apr 24, 2009, 8:26 pm
first off Shuja sent you 5k second yes bt this is a game of chance
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