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AuthorThread: Monster Hunters!
Dilt's Avatar
Posts: 167
Location: Fellin
Magus Age: 112 years old
Message #31261 Posted: May 27, 2009, 10:13 pm
With the New Creatures coming soon, Kep and the other Creature Creators may find what sort of golem build you use to hunt things useful! You know, to freshen up the creatures and perhaps add new challenge to the game (can't use the same hunter against everything)! So, post your hunter builds. To be fair, I shall post mine!

Bone 3 Torso boosted to 20 strength
A mixture of Iron 5 and Clay 5 parts. They are interchangable, since they offer similar resistance to bludgeoning.
Oros for the chest, diamonds for the head.
Iron studs in the chest, abs, pelvis, and head.
Aggressive stance.
Normally uses the Burning Aura spell.

This is my Giant Hunter! He can hunt the giant at daytime (AND DAYTIME ONLY! Attacking at night is Very Silly), normally win in a few short rounds, and come back with less than red damage and a full load of loot. Fun, huh? Come on, I know you guys have better!

Xlrate's Avatar
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Message #31286 Posted: May 28, 2009, 7:17 am
My giant hunter is named Bane,

He is a strength 80 level 3 bone golem.

I use stone and iron bits on him, only armor the chest.

He uses an orou, plus diamond eyes. His weapon is spiky death...

I have just finished with my newest hunter. He is a 60 strength (for the time being) Full Level 5 Adamantine hunter. He will be up to 80 strength soon. He is equipped with diamond eyes, a spiked chain, an Improved Steam Engine, and Heavy Plate in ALL locations. He will stay with the spiked chain I think until I get myself that level 9 crushing weapon.... which wont be for a bit.
masterslug's Avatar
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Message #31291 Posted: May 28, 2009, 7:43 am
My main hunter is a bone 4, same as bane but I'm starting to down grade the parts to bone 5 for cheaper repairs.

My secondary hunter is Pink Sapphire, She's a 80str lvl1 gem with iron5 parts, ISE and no weapons. With an elemental spell she'll shred anything that moves, doing a huge number of attacks. As a non PVPer there isn't any thing I can test her on that will go more than a couple of rounds.

If the tougher new monsters do drop more interesting things then I think she'll see a lot more use. :)
Kaelas's Avatar
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Message #31294 Posted: May 28, 2009, 8:15 am
I have a bone3, Giant Killer Jack, fully strength boosted that can take the giant day or night. Orou, diamonds, no weapon, studs all around (two on the hands). Clay5 parts mostly, the pelvis is iron5 because I put the wrong one on and don't feel like hacking it off. And he can kill the giant in 6 rounds or less without a spell (damage taken reaches 150 or so but I have plenty of primes so whatever).

My other hunter is Alpha, a fully boosted homuc, same outfit as Jack (fire gem for power though). I don't risk him against the giant though- a bit of bad luck with crits and his 50 main hp will drop real fast. He does quite well against most PvP targets, addys excepted.

I'm thinking about making a tank next- a fully boosted clay3, designed for armored looting. Might do a gem3, not sure yet.
Anri's Avatar
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Message #31323 Posted: May 28, 2009, 7:29 pm
I use a homunculus with 80 strength and full iron parts. Fire gem powersource and diamond eyes with an elephant strength spell. Shreds anything out there currently, and can bring in full loads of loot cause of the strength spell while gaining max xp.

Or occasionally uses an armoured stock clay1 for things with high min damage that can take a 50 hp homunculus chest a bit quicker than I'd like. He's equipped with fire gem and diamond eyes as well. Also buffs it with thunderstrike.
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