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AuthorThread: New Workshop Buildings
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PhatsMahoney's Avatar
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Message #41475 Posted: Jan 16, 2010, 10:05 am
Thought I would bump this one so as to garner ideas from it for the current brainstorming thread. Perhaps the two could be assimilated, but the other is having more to do with implementation of the ideas.

I'm still very much for a clan storage bin that all clanmates could root through and take from.

Nothing special about it, just a sharing bin. You take it, you own it. Honor rules apply and so forth and clan members can come and go as they please.
Harryhausen's Avatar
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Message #41953 Posted: Feb 6, 2010, 10:18 pm
This definitely still deserves the occasional bump. I think the moat and moat monster ideas are golden, and if I do say so myself, the shrine idea has promise. I'd love to have the chance, when the moat is maxed out, to get an occasional assist from Gigakoi!
Mist's Avatar
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Message #42729 Posted: Mar 10, 2010, 6:19 am
I think x/game-day would be better. It's a big deal for the lower levels that 1 or 2 extras, and expensive but not overpowering for high levels (when buildings are "cheap" and they're already getting a ton of mot regen)

Vardos said:

Actually I came up with a slightly more interesting idea behind the motivation chamber. Make the building cap 10 or 15 but only allow the player to upgrade it one point per 10 levels.

Simple reason this is a good idea higher levels you have a ton of moti and while regen is quick it will be considerably less important in the long run.

Honestly due to usefulness i think it should cost you an arm and a leg AND have upkeep.

Upkeep at 100 bars of silver and gold is good though it should be silver and gold or 100 of gems and glass.

Just random thoughts at 3 AM.

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