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AuthorThread: purchaseing power
drackmore's Avatar
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Message #32840 Posted: Jul 1, 2009, 5:46 pm
as of late i have be haveing trouble buying items because of the very small 2500 resource limit on non-premium members i think that the amount you can carry back shoould depend also on what level you are.
Noreen's Avatar
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Message #32850 Posted: Jul 1, 2009, 8:25 pm
Seconded.. the benifit to Premium members is not that good right now as often the offers they put out there go untaken because only other premiums can take them. A level based system would be much better, with premium being unlimited regardless of level.

Pegga's Avatar
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Message #32866 Posted: Jul 2, 2009, 2:09 am
I believe at one time there was supposed to be a slew of carts and wagons. I'd still like to see that happen (even with my premium).
Mist's Avatar
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Message #32871 Posted: Jul 2, 2009, 3:24 am
I would like to see a "tick box" system, up to the limit of your cart size(with perhaps size multiplier/bonus for premies)

Or perhaps large orders could be bought piecemeal? The price worked out per-unit. So when a person offered X resources, then buying 50% would cost 50% of the asking price. Obvious items/limbs/golems are quantities of 1. That means a premie could purchase 90k resources and pay full price, but if a 2500 or 5000 cart operator picked that same sellr then the 90k resources would drop to offering 87k5. That way the big sellers and buyers would still be happy, and the little sellers and buyers would be still able to get stuff. It would make the market easier to read and operate, less little stuff clogging it up. And the data & file requirements would be less processing.
Xlrate's Avatar
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Message #32875 Posted: Jul 2, 2009, 4:15 am
Mist said:

I would like to see a "tick box" system, up to the limit of your cart size(with perhaps size multiplier/bonus for premies)

Or perhaps large orders could be bought piecemeal? The price worked out per-unit. So when a person offered X resources, then buying 50% would cost 50% of the asking price. Obvious items/limbs/golems are quantities of 1. That means a premie could purchase 90k resources and pay full price, but if a 2500 or 5000 cart operator picked that same sellr then the 90k resources would drop to offering 87k5. That way the big sellers and buyers would still be happy, and the little sellers and buyers would be still able to get stuff. It would make the market easier to read and operate, less little stuff clogging it up. And the data & file requirements would be less processing.

This would be great if it also worked in reverse....

Have you ever as a premium had to buy multiple 2500 lots of flesh or whatever. it sucks.
Mist's Avatar
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Message #32879 Posted: Jul 2, 2009, 7:10 am
Xlrate said:

Mist said:

I would like to see a "tick box" system, up to the limit of your cart size(with perhaps size multiplier/bonus for premies)

Or perhaps large orders could be bought piecemeal? The price worked out per-unit. So when a person offered X resources, then buying 50% would cost 50% of the asking price. Obvious items/limbs/golems are quantities of 1. That means a premie could purchase 90k resources and pay full price, but if a 2500 or 5000 cart operator picked that same sellr then the 90k resources would drop to offering 87k5. That way the big sellers and buyers would still be happy, and the little sellers and buyers would be still able to get stuff. It would make the market easier to read and operate, less little stuff clogging it up. And the data & file requirements would be less processing.

This would be great if it also worked in reverse....

Have you ever as a premium had to buy multiple 2500 lots of flesh or whatever. it sucks.

Frequently. I've been building a clan, and going shopping for giants with a clay golem. Much transmute for Iron!

That's why I think buying pieces works for the sellers, but it also works in the reverse because larger batches would be offered, there wouldn't be the constant need to chop things into 2500 lots.

the only downside is that people would have to be fast for the good deals.
Pegga's Avatar
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Message #32885 Posted: Jul 2, 2009, 12:31 pm
Mist said:
Or perhaps large orders could be bought piecemeal?
This isn't a good idea. Bulk discounts would become a thing of the past, and thus a higher price would be paid for goods.
drackmore's Avatar
Posts: 234
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Message #32893 Posted: Jul 2, 2009, 3:16 pm
or maybe upgrade it like with what you do to upgrtade your motivation but spend like around 200 point for say an extra 5k added to your cart
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #32903 Posted: Jul 2, 2009, 3:54 pm
In general in this sort of game, "Make premium things free" is the one suggestion that will never be taken. Why would the owner of the game voluntarily cut into his own profits by offering less incentive to become premium? We're lucky hangback settings made the fabled leap from premium to free - mostly because it makes the game more playable, attracting more players who might buy tickets.
Noreen's Avatar
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Message #32906 Posted: Jul 2, 2009, 4:41 pm
The vast diference in the maketing abilities just does not seem like a draw to buy premium to me. If I as a premuim put 75000 of something out there.. odds are it wont sell as most can not take the offer. Yes premium could help as a buyer, but not as a seller. Personaly I think the selling prespective is more important to look at things from. Yes, a premium could put the offer out there in 30 increments of 2500.. but who would want to?

We are talking about some form of scale, not just lifting the limits. Non-premium would still have the 10 item selling limit as well.
drackmore's Avatar
Posts: 234
Location: Zion's Reach
Magus Age: 111 years old
Real Name: Gino Drake
Message #33148 Posted: Jul 7, 2009, 3:03 pm
how about you can purchase stuff over you limit but you must wait a while to get the stuff while you golem moves it and it also requires some not much motivation
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #33189 Posted: Jul 8, 2009, 1:48 am
The only thing I don't like is that premium has a 90,000 cart while non-premium has only a 2500 cart. Maybe just offering larger carts to non-premium so there is less of a discrepancy between them?

Maybe cart increments topping out at 50,000 for non-premium? That is roughly half of premium, and a good amount to offer.
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