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AuthorThread: Market Timer
Noreen's Avatar
Posts: 102
Location: Broukendale
Magus Age: 109 years old
Message #33791 Posted: Jul 22, 2009, 5:16 am
I think it would be nice to have a display of how much time is left on our market offers. The information is already in the system so they are purged at the right time, so showing it should not be too dificult?
Posts: 664
Location: Shuul
Magus Age: 118 years old
Message #33795 Posted: Jul 22, 2009, 7:10 am
I think that this idea is a decent one in theory, but absolutely should not be added until one is no longer able to hide their resources in the market.
GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #33827 Posted: Jul 22, 2009, 10:24 pm
I agree with both of you on this. I like tkmers, and I hate dirty handed moves. I'd like to see this after the redo on the market.
Talmar's Avatar
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Message #35744 Posted: Aug 30, 2009, 3:35 pm
hiding resources on the market can be killed easily... just make it that you do NOT move things to the market! You put things up on the market, but unless someone buys it, it stays right in your own supply! You could have 2 #'s in your supply, one for the actual amount of goods you have, and one for the usable amount (after the market deduction). This lets people put things on the market, but puts aside the goods so that they won't be used by mistake. And it also eliminates the cheezy hiding loophole.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #35748 Posted: Aug 30, 2009, 5:17 pm
How exactly is that different than what we have now, Talmar? Goods on the market cannot be used. This means they do not count towards your resources on hand, which is what gets raided.
Talmar's Avatar
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Magus Age: 111 years old
Message #35761 Posted: Aug 30, 2009, 11:13 pm
no, they will still be in your Storage, which means that they CAN be raided! the second # is there so you don't use it by mistake. It's like sorting out something in your house... you put things aside for someone else so you don't accidentally use it, but it's still right there.
Harryhausen's Avatar
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Message #35765 Posted: Aug 31, 2009, 12:46 am
then once you've been raided, the posting is cancelled?
Souji's Avatar
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Message #35949 Posted: Sep 2, 2009, 8:15 pm
Once you have been raided of the goods that you had in the market it would still be posted however when someone went to buy it I think it could just kick back saying there was "insufficient funds".
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #36120 Posted: Sep 5, 2009, 5:59 am
Souji said:

Once you have been raided of the goods that you had in the market it would still be posted however when someone went to buy it I think it could just kick back saying there was "insufficient funds".

Highly annoying for buyers
Xlrate's Avatar
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Magus Age: 110 years old
Message #36152 Posted: Sep 5, 2009, 6:46 pm
Yamikuronue said:

Souji said:

Once you have been raided of the goods that you had in the market it would still be posted however when someone went to buy it I think it could just kick back saying there was "insufficient funds".

Highly annoying for buyers

agreed, it would have to auto kick the sale.
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