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AuthorThread: Forerunner Weaponry
Taeryn's Avatar
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Magus Age: 116 years old
Real Name: Taeryn
Message #35078 Posted: Aug 19, 2009, 12:53 am
All who were members of this community at the end of the Beta Testing received a blade, The Forerunner Blade, a blade of unparalleled power. This was to be a legendary weapon, a status symbol, a treasured item that was useful as well as a trophy of sorts. It was a gift from the Powers That Be.
So why are we punished for using it? It is exactly like every other weapon that falls from a broken golem's hand into the dust, never to be seen again. Why should such a legendary weapon be lost like that? Yes, perhaps it may be picked up by a scavenger, looting the spoils of another's fight, but it should never be lost to history.
I propose that the Forerunner Blade be bound to its owner. The weapon will never be lost in the muck of a swamp, or fall down a crevice in the mountains. Should a Magus find his or her golem has perished in battle, the blade will remain where they fell, specifically for the Magus alone to pick up, or the blade will be returned to the Storage Bin of the Magus.
This is not a suggestion to sell one weapon to get a replacement, merely to sell again. Should a Magus choose to sell his or her Legendary blade, that is the right bestowed upon the Magus. If nuggets of Adamantium are more important to the Magus than the blade bestowed by higher powers upon the Magus, then that is his or her decision.
But do not punish the Magus that chooses to use the blade in the manner for which it was made. To put the weapon away and never use it defeats the point of the gift, and to lose it merely because one cannot search hard enough seems unjust.
Perhaps other suggestions can be made for the retrieval of such a weapon. If the weapon is lost, truly lost, or stolen from the battlefield before a Magus can retrieve it, it may be feasible for the Magus to petition the higher powers for a recovery of the blade. Some expenditure of tickets may be the cost, forcing the Magus to be much more conscious of the price of the mistake. Or a quest may be required, or donations; something to make it possible for a Magus to have their weapon, and in some ways their Dignity, returned.
Kyomi's Avatar
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Message #35089 Posted: Aug 19, 2009, 3:41 am
Lost mine when I got a homunculus crushed by the mountain giant.

To be fair, that homunculus had killed about twenty or so before his luck ran out.

Do I miss it? Yes.
Can I live without it? Yes.
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #35356 Posted: Aug 24, 2009, 3:30 am
Honestly, Seconded. The fact that an essentially irreplacable weapon could be easily lost due to an RNG has made me store the thing and never use it. It's not particularly the best of weapons either. I opt for it just returning to storage automatically if dropped. It's supposed to be special.
drackmore's Avatar
Posts: 234
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Magus Age: 111 years old
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Message #35555 Posted: Aug 26, 2009, 8:47 pm
i full heartedly agree about all of that i mean i sold mine for 2k tickets and yes i (kidd you not 2k worth of tickets) i made over 2,000,000 in cash bought myself a lot of upgrades but yes i have lost many a weaponry so i know just how it feels to lose a valuble peice of equipement. i second it also
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