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AuthorThread: Etiquette Act 1: Protecting New Players
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Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #36326 Posted: Sep 9, 2009, 7:38 pm
I've begun messaging SMs with a treaty proposal, the results of which will be recorded here as well. I'll be getting around to messaging every (Active) SM with this treaty proposal, prioritizing SMs whose clan members have assisted with this act and those heading large clans. (I'd like to avoid messaging twenty people at once and accidentally losing messages from my inbox.)

I apologise if I accidentally message someone more than once.
Ushi's Avatar
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Message #36343 Posted: Sep 10, 2009, 10:48 am
Should we maybe finalise the actual resolution in the forum and have another vote on it? By now I think you've got most everybody's attention, but judging from the votes there seems to be a rather substantial opposition to the act, too. I think those are for the most part people who want to actually know what they are voting on.

By the way, any idea on how to make the mechanism for complaints known to new, clanless players?
NomNomNom's Avatar
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Message #36394 Posted: Sep 11, 2009, 4:17 pm
I agree that new player protection is an important issue, but I don't understand the homonculus protection component. New players need to learn that golems are not indestructible, and this provides an incentive to not leave out anything other than the homonculus (adding to the flesh golem defense issue). Encouraging new players to only leave out homonculi makes it easier to hide mules too. Removing homonculus protection and proposing some kind of informal procedure for helping identify mules might make this proposal more popular.
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #36404 Posted: Sep 11, 2009, 7:16 pm
Okay, a really good point made here.

Responding to Nom: The homunculus thing is there solely as a courtesy thing. I'm thinking of lowering it a little more because it's meant to only last until someone should know better.

Responding to Ushi: I've thought of a number of ways to actually informing new players about this. From best and most preferable to least (With more than one even better):

1) Once everything is finalized and ratified, putting it directly in the new player tutorial/quickstart or a link to this thread.

2) Forum Sticky/Announcment + Occasional Newspaper Announcments

3) Clans taking part should tell anybody that joins / have a sticky somewhere in their politics/pvp forum section.

4) Regular forum Post

5) The article in the senate history

6) (Worst Case Scenario, Unlikely to even come close to urgent enough for me to consider it.): Manually inform new players about it with PMs.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #36419 Posted: Sep 12, 2009, 12:14 am
I remember being new - I was terrified to even hunt with my homunculus because I knew it couldn't be replaced. It's only written about seven times in obvious places for newbies to see. I feel like we want the smart ones to stick around, but having helped my SM with some... difficult newbies lately, I'm less inclined to protect people who don't read what's shoved in their faces.
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #36432 Posted: Sep 12, 2009, 2:30 am
I agree. I thought originally that if a limb fell off it would lose the bonus until I took a look around the forums.

Really though, I think a forum sticky would be good enough as a warning about the homunculus. People should be expected to at least look at a basic FAQ covering startup details.

That being said, we need a stickied new player FAQ, or for that matter, give it it's own forum board. If we get something like that up the homunculus affordance will be dropped immediately.

I am more than willing to write said FAQ when I get the oppertunity if I can get a specific board for it. "Information for New Players" or something of the like.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #36446 Posted: Sep 12, 2009, 6:12 pm
I could do that. But one thing at a time. Are we or aren't we planning to punish people for blowing up homunculi if we get this forum full of newbie info?
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #36460 Posted: Sep 13, 2009, 1:45 pm
If we get a FAQ up I don't think we should specifically protect them. However, if someone is running around attacking any homunculus they see, I think they should be given some kind of punishment, but I'd leave it to their clan at that point. If we don't have an FAQ board it's a little harder for new players to figure out it's value, so they should be given a little time to find out.
Xorphitus's Avatar
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Message #36821 Posted: Sep 22, 2009, 9:17 am
Well, it would be better to inform newbies who get harrassed by higher level Magi to turn to the boards and report their fate.

I would love a coordinated retaliation raid, after all the offender might lose all of their resources for a while if they are constantly raided by a dozen determined newbie protectors. And the protectors gain resources by this, so a win win situation and a good reason to incite some new vendettas.

As for how to inform newbies that they can get help by the rest of community, well this is kind of hard, and there is no fool proof method since it depends on the communicative skills of the newbie mostly.
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