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AuthorThread: Minimum Treasure?
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #37192 Posted: Sep 29, 2009, 12:37 am
[Round 1] A phantom frog appears behind the Homley briefly. Homley begins to aggressively slosh through the muck towards Oiled-up Sissel the Fairy Dragon while Oiled-up Sissel the Fairy Dragon begins to slosh through the muck towards Homley. Both combatants are out of range with about 67 feet between them.

^ -- Sticky Fingers spell on

You didn't find any treasure on the Oiled-up Sissel the Fairy Dragon.

^ -- after defeating the dragon

Does Sissel not have a minimum treasure drop?
laidan's Avatar
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Message #37193 Posted: Sep 29, 2009, 12:56 am
Related, trying out different equipment on one of my golems I ended up with 6 pounds free fighting the mountain giant, and got 77 of whatever dropped. Exactly 77 each, for a few different battles. Dropped a piece of armor bringing free weight up to 22 I think, and got standard, slightly random loot.
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #37197 Posted: Sep 29, 2009, 1:35 am
The problem with Sissel was his treasure type, which made it possible to roll badly and get no treasure (eg, no treasure category had a 100% chance). That's been fixed now.

The other issue with the min loot not working correctly with some golem configurations is something I'm still looking into.

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Message #37270 Posted: Sep 30, 2009, 2:22 am
All hits versus the marsh dragon

Yesterday, Capacity: 67 pounds (59% Load), Shield Spell:

Looted: You found 529 gold coins, 245 pouches of gems and 334 nuggets of adamantine.

Today: I added armour to the limbs in the hopes that I could use Sticky Fingers instead of the Shield Spell.

Capacity: 3 pounds (98% Load), Sticky Fingers on:

You found 76 gold coins, 76 pouches of gems and 76 nuggets of adamantine.

You found 76 gold coins.

Sticky fingers replaced by Force Field, no other change:

You found 39 gold coins.

You found 39 gold coins and 39 nuggets of adamantine.

So it's definitely giving me more (76 vs 39), but not maximum.

Edited to arrange better
Last Edited: Sep 30, 2009, 2:37 am
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #37293 Posted: Sep 30, 2009, 4:03 pm
Hm, okay. It's truncating all the treasure values to the same amount, which means it's limiting based on capacity BEFORE other factors (including guaranteed half).

Now I know what's causing it, I should be able to fix it.

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Message #37294 Posted: Sep 30, 2009, 4:43 pm
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Message #37352 Posted: Oct 1, 2009, 10:01 pm
More oddness that may or may not help. I had 25 pounds free hitting the cold dragon, took around 440 of several types of resources. Tried again, one of my arms was knocked off giving me 80 free, took around 1270 of several types of resources(so obviously it's not doing half). Replaced the arm and lost the other one, then replaced that one too. Now with the same 25 pounds free I had at the start I'm only getting around 330 of several types of resources. Confusing I say.
laidan's Avatar
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Message #37381 Posted: Oct 2, 2009, 5:34 pm
You didn't find any treasure on the Caerula the Frost Dragon.

Sigh, finally found something that can kill reasonably consitantly, without getting too mangled or costing a huge amount...and I'm left with 0 capacity, meaning....

Edit: if it helps at all, with 5 pounds free I'm getting the same 64 of whatever treasure from both Caerula and the Spined troll.
Last Edited: Oct 2, 2009, 8:57 pm
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #37421 Posted: Oct 3, 2009, 2:32 pm
Part of the problem is that the order of the checks is incorrect. The other issue is that the guaranteed half can still be reduced to zero if the golem is overburdened (which is actually intentional -- a golem with zero carrying capacity SHOULD return with nothing).

What I'm doing now is recalculating how capacity works so that folks who have only a handful of pounds of carrying capacity at least get *something* rather than a pittance, which is what's taking some time to work out. Don't want to make it so that capacity can be ignored, and I don't want to make it so that unburdened golems suddenly come back with entire hoards.

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Message #37430 Posted: Oct 3, 2009, 4:04 pm
Not sure what code you are using, but would If/then statements with less than and greater than values work?
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #37436 Posted: Oct 3, 2009, 7:08 pm
The original problem I want solved, though, is the one case in which carrying capacity SHOULD be ignored - when using the sticky fingers spell. A golem with 0 weight and sticky fingers shouldn't count as "overburdened" and return with nothing.
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #37470 Posted: Oct 4, 2009, 6:46 pm
Correct, the spell should be overriding the combat code in that case.

Also, the game is written in object-oriented php. It's not a case of if/then statements but one of scaling and math. :)

Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #37480 Posted: Oct 4, 2009, 9:25 pm
Hmm, object oriented? How are you storing the golems in the database? I was working on a (now abandoned) project for a while trying to mesh object-oriented php with mysql, we were bickering back and forth about the best way to store things.

</shop talk>
Last Edited: Oct 4, 2009, 9:25 pm
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #37517 Posted: Oct 5, 2009, 4:10 pm
Well, I don't want to get too specific, but basically:

Golems, items, players, etc all have their own tables. Golem and item tables both reference owning player (and 'owning' golem and location, in the case of items attached to a golem), making it possible to left join or subquery easily.

For items on a golem, I use a function in the base class to return an array of all items and their stats. Then I use/manipulate (for example) $golem->itemlist. Each class extends the previous and includes a function __construct(), which is probably the key here to get them to interact properly.

The backend has always used the main class to touch the database, so when I make mention of old or clumsy code, I'm referring to how some of the old pages grabbed the info they needed but didn't set up a class of their own to handle the data (and thus the page wasn't modular enough to send that data to other classes for their use after modifying it, which makes things a surprising PITA to modify).

Now just about everything has its own class... Combat, achievements, spells, etc and can pass data between them.

That make sense? Not sure I answered your question, heh.

TLDR: Tables are seperate and reference others by id, classes all extend the previous.

Last Edited: Oct 5, 2009, 4:13 pm
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #37529 Posted: Oct 5, 2009, 9:02 pm
Aha. Yeah, that's similar to what I was planning - the alternative being, use the database as a backup holding serialized objects you could then unpack on each page that uses them, which is a bit messier. Or using an object-oriented database to begin with, which sounds absolutely horrid to learn.
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #37533 Posted: Oct 6, 2009, 1:30 am
In other news, made a tweak to the Sticky Fingers spell which should improve it's function somewhat.

Still trying to balance the other issue.

Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #37561 Posted: Oct 6, 2009, 5:21 pm
Capacity: 2lbs, with sticky fingers, vs marsh dragon:

You found 100 gold coins, 100 pouches of gems and 100 nuggets of adamantine.

You found 100 gold coins, 100 pouches of gems and 100 nuggets of adamantine.

You found 100 gold coins and 100 nuggets of adamantine.

Three separate hits, almost identical treasure. Better, yes, but not by much, not the amount the spell promises.
Last Edited: Oct 6, 2009, 5:24 pm
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #37571 Posted: Oct 6, 2009, 6:30 pm
Grah! Okay, another tweak to address it.

Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #37573 Posted: Oct 6, 2009, 6:39 pm

You found 712 gold coins and 428 nuggets of adamantine.

Officially resolved.
Last Edited: Nov 3, 2009, 4:54 pm
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