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AuthorThread: Legless Golem
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #37310 Posted: Oct 1, 2009, 1:34 am

[Round 2] Camui holds its ground while Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon holds its ground.
Camui attacks with its mortar cannon and misses once, but also hits once on the left leg (26 dmg).
Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon attacks with its flensing breath and misses once, but also hits the abdomen (36 dmg), the right leg (62 dmg -- CRITICAL HIT!), the abdomen (31 dmg), the chest (28 dmg) and the left leg (36 dmg) with an exhaled gout of highly abrasive sand. The right leg falls off and hits the ground with a dull *CLANG*! Your golem topples over.
[Round 3] With a whistle, a scrap metal anvil falls from above and slams into the Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon's head (87 dmg)! Camui stands back up while Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon holds its ground.

Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon attacks with its flensing breath and hits the left arm (31 dmg), the pelvis (28 dmg), the left leg (72 dmg -- CRITICAL HIT!), the pelvis (28 dmg) and the chest (31 dmg) with an exhaled gout of highly abrasive sand. The left leg falls off and hits the ground with a dull *CLANG*! Your golem topples over. The left arm falls off and hits the ground with a dull *CLANG*!
[Round 4] Camui remains on the ground, unable to stand while Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon holds its ground.

Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon attacks with its flensing breath and hits the abdomen (36 dmg) and the chest (29 dmg) with an exhaled gout of highly abrasive sand.
[Round 5] Camui remains on the ground, unable to stand while Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon holds its ground.

Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon attacks with its flensing breath and hits once on the chest (31 dmg) with an exhaled gout of highly abrasive sand. The defender's flensing breath needs to recover.
[Round 6] Camui remains on the ground, unable to stand while Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon continues to advance upon Camui. The defender's razor-like nails are out of range with about 55 feet between them, but the attacker readies its mortar cannon.
Camui uses its mortar cannon and hits once on the pelvis (26 dmg).
[Round 7] Camui remains on the ground, unable to stand while Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon continues to advance upon Camui.

Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon attacks with its razor-like nails and misses once, but also hits once on the chest (11 dmg).
[Round 8] Camui remains on the ground, unable to stand while Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon holds its ground. Your golem backs up so that it can use its mortar cannon effectively. The defender's razor-like nails are out of range with about 33 feet between them.
Camui attacks with its mortar cannon and misses once, but also hits the left hand (28 dmg) and the right leg (21 dmg).
[Round 9] Camui remains on the ground, unable to stand while Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon closes to melee with Camui. The attacker's mortar cannon is too close to use effectively.

Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon attacks with its razor-like nails and misses once, but also hits once on the abdomen (33 dmg).
[Round 10] Camui remains on the ground, unable to stand while Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon holds its ground.
Camui attacks with its fist and misses 5 times, but also hits the chest (4 dmg) and the head (4 dmg).
Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon attacks with its razor-like nails and hits once on the pelvis (27 dmg).

Got my butt kicked, but...

I had no legs. I could use the mortar cannon but only in some rounds, and I can't move but I can back up, and then I can use my fists but only in round ten?
laidan's Avatar
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Message #37317 Posted: Oct 1, 2009, 3:44 am
I have seen in a couple fights against the dragons my golem loses both legs but fights on...wasn't sure if that was normal behavior or not. Course I didn't have a ranged weapon, so I didn't get the extra odd effect.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #37319 Posted: Oct 1, 2009, 4:18 am
I'm told losing both legs lets the fight continue but losing the pelvis stops it.
deathpunk's Avatar
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Message #37330 Posted: Oct 1, 2009, 1:57 pm
Yamikuronue said:

I'm told losing both legs lets the fight continue but losing the pelvis stops it.
exactly right
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #37342 Posted: Oct 1, 2009, 5:44 pm
Correct. There's a penalty for hitting while prone, but otherwise it's assumed the golem keeps swinging or shooting from the ground.

A pelvis, abdomen, or chest loss means that the golem has too much centralized damage to continue and shuts down.

Posts: 664
Location: Shuul
Magus Age: 116 years old
Message #37343 Posted: Oct 1, 2009, 5:57 pm
I believe the bug in question is here, round eight.

[Round 8] Camui remains on the ground, unable to stand while Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon holds its ground. Your golem backs up so that it can use its mortar cannon effectively. The defender's razor-like nails are out of range with about 33 feet between them. Camui attacks with its mortar cannon and misses once, but also hits the left hand (28 dmg) and the right leg (21 dmg).

Notice the golem is on the ground, but still backs up to use the mortar cannon. In round 7, the dragon had closed to melee, and attacked with the nails, no attack message whatsoever was visible from Camui.

[Round 7] Camui remains on the ground, unable to stand while Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon continues to advance upon Camui. Akhenaten the Enigmatic Dragon attacks with its razor-like nails and misses once, but also hits once on the chest (11 dmg).

As far as I can tell, the rest of the report is fluff, and those are the two relevant lines.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Magus Age: 116 years old
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Message #37359 Posted: Oct 2, 2009, 3:22 am
Round 3: I lose my legs

Round 4: I neither attack nor move.
Round 5: Ditto

Round 6: I attack with the cannon but do not move.

Round 7: I neither attack nor move.

Round 8: I attack, and move.

Round 9: I cannot attack due to range.

Round 10: I attack with my fists

What changed after round seven that my golem suddenly starts being able to attack again?
Last Edited: Oct 2, 2009, 3:52 am
Posts: 664
Location: Shuul
Magus Age: 116 years old
Message #37361 Posted: Oct 2, 2009, 3:38 am
Round 6 you attacked with the mortar and didn't move, this thing gets weirder looking the longer I examine it
Yamikuronue's Avatar
Posts: 1288
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Magus Age: 116 years old
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Message #37362 Posted: Oct 2, 2009, 3:51 am
Oh, I did. Editing
Yamikuronue's Avatar
Posts: 1288
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Magus Age: 116 years old
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Message #38745 Posted: Nov 3, 2009, 5:18 pm
Has any progress been made?
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