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AuthorThread: C-4 golems
drackmore's Avatar
Posts: 234
Location: Zion's Reach
Magus Age: 109 years old
Real Name: Gino Drake
Message #37650 Posted: Oct 7, 2009, 8:46 pm
i just thought about this if we can make exspolsive bags we shove in golems why not make golems that explode. their main purpose would be for PvP because the moment they explode the fight is over they do massive amounts of damage like 200 to each part not taking into account armour and the resoucres neede to make these golems could be aany hard material golem plus gems.
or lets say you transmute a golem well everything can't go peferct 100% of the time why not have a small percentage that your golem turns in to one it could keep the stats but in battle it will instead of fighting just run up to you foe and explode.
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #37669 Posted: Oct 8, 2009, 2:12 am

This seems just a liitle bit bad in terms of taking away a unique function of a clan. And a high damage number. And...

Though, ...

Excuse my incoherent ramblings. This gave me a totally different idea that I'm off to suggest.
laidan's Avatar
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Message #37710 Posted: Oct 8, 2009, 4:52 pm
Spell, melee, and now armor clans all have (admittedly generally weaker) personal alternatives to their "unique functions", so why not the rest of them?
drackmore's Avatar
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Message #37716 Posted: Oct 8, 2009, 8:12 pm
well the 200 damage is for a lvl 5 adamantine golem but the damage would be lower for certian golems plus this is mainly for pvp also your sacrificing a golem mean your golem is no more forever lost to the world of
Naelwyn's Avatar
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Message #37720 Posted: Oct 8, 2009, 11:37 pm
A more coherent constructive criticism:

Still. 200 Damage to each part? That's the same power as multiple best item explosives. I just don't like the explosive golem idea. It does NOT fit with the game.

Other ways to give the exact same idea but keep it more in theme with the game:

The three that fit (Ranged and Melee Weapons does not have this as their theme at all):

Spell(Clan or Personal): Causes Golem to explode at the end of combat, dealing... 30-50ish damage to all parts.

Alchemical(Clan): Black Powder. (Fire Damage. Deals equal damage to both golems. (See Alchemical Expansion, When I get around to it.))

Defense(Clan, Possibly Personal): Self Destruct Device: Causes the golem, after hitting a certain threshhold (Say, 10% Frame HP, Lots of Lost Limbs) to violently explode, destroying itself to deny the attacker armor/parts and dealing large damage in the process.

Semaj's Avatar
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Message #37743 Posted: Oct 9, 2009, 7:49 am
Isn't this idea in the item clans inventory already? Six-Demon Bag and Eight-Demon Bag both blow up on golem death.
drackmore's Avatar
Posts: 234
Location: Zion's Reach
Magus Age: 109 years old
Real Name: Gino Drake
Message #37776 Posted: Oct 9, 2009, 7:53 pm
yes but those only activate on destruction of a certain part this causes the whole golem to explode.
thise could also be a fun and productive way to empty your basement besides scrapping.

also Naelwyn your ideas are brillant how ever i still would like to see golems that explode on impact like some decoy golem mines
Last Edited: Oct 9, 2009, 7:56 pm
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