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Index » Muelsfell Game Forum » Bug Reports Muelsfell World v1.0 Forums
AuthorThread: Curse of the dancing golem
Rednaxela's Avatar
Posts: 177
Location: Rimesvin
Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #37862 Posted: Oct 11, 2009, 4:18 am
Anyone else had cases like this?

Your Clay Golem continues to slosh through the muck towards Caerula the Frost Dragon while Caerula the Frost Dragon holds its ground. Your golem backs up so that it can use its repeater dart tube effectively. The attacker's repeater dart tube is out of range with about 124 feet between them.

Is it an expected mechanic that a golem ('normal' mode, not hangback or agressive) with a ranged weapon might walk towards when out of range, and during the same round back up again? Smells like a bug to me.
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #37865 Posted: Oct 11, 2009, 4:53 am
I think it is confusion on the code's part, cause as far as I know the dragons are the only things Kep has created with such a high attack range. (Am I right about that? I haven't fought the dragons yet...) Anything else needs to close some even in the first round, I think anything else ranged has to be between 60 and 80 feet, yes?

If I am right, I don't know for sure and it is rather late, Kep just needs to tweak the top end values.

What seems odd to me though is that your golem apparently backed up more than it moved forward, cause you start at 100 feet, and you move forward till you hit melee or just enough to still be within melee range. And if Caerula didn't move at all, how did your golem move forward then back up...39 feet?... in one round?

Something smells rotten in Icerush
Rednaxela's Avatar
Posts: 177
Location: Rimesvin
Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #37870 Posted: Oct 11, 2009, 6:30 am
Some ranged weapons have a range as high as 120. Also that wasn't the first round Nanashi, it was already a distance away by the point of that oddity, since Caerula likes to back up and does so quite fast.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #37952 Posted: Oct 12, 2009, 9:12 pm
Red, if you don't mind, could you append this to the movement thread I bumped above? I'm trying to consolidate reports that appear to be of the same problem. Locking.
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