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AuthorThread: Adamantine damage
laidan's Avatar
Posts: 1158
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Magus Age: 113 years old
Message #40018 Posted: Dec 2, 2009, 7:37 pm
In the course of testing out my gem golem, I took a chance and attacked an adamantine golem with no armor on my golems chest. The addy turned out to be packing a halberd, for the record. Addy base damage is 20 impact 8 slash, 8 pierce, gem resist is 5/5/5. In 3 hits to the unarmored chest, my golem took 9, 10, and then 20 from a crit. If I understand things right, that should have been more like 21 each, plus 40ish from the crit. So does this seem like another addy bug, in addition to them having unusually bad accuracy? Or maybe it had something to do with the clan weapon, but still seems buggy.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #40020 Posted: Dec 2, 2009, 7:50 pm
Is it repeatable? Or a one-off bug?
laidan's Avatar
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Message #40025 Posted: Dec 2, 2009, 8:50 pm
I didn't want to pick on that golem too badly, so I haven't repeated it.

Edit: In my personal testing attacking the practice dummy with my adamantine, its damage varied pretty widely when using a weapon (the maulhammer, did from 30-46 damage on a hit), but it seemed roughly the right amount of damage.
Perhaps it was just some bad damage %s, but for 3 hits that seems mildly unlikely. I am a bit scared to try to reproduce it, it's risky to my shiny golem:)
Last Edited: Dec 2, 2009, 11:20 pm
laidan's Avatar
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Message #40505 Posted: Dec 17, 2009, 12:19 am
Okay...different bug: Got attacked by Icefall, strange things happened, my golem suddenly lost both hands and both legs, without taking any damage to any of those locations. Lost main hp as well, as would have made sense if I actually lost the locations. Forwarded attack reports to Kep and Atropos
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Magus Age: 132 years old
Message #40531 Posted: Dec 18, 2009, 4:03 am
I've got no idea what happened there. At all.

I can already tell this is going to be hard as hell to reproduce.

Was it completely healthy beforehand / (and other etcs you can remember that aren't in the report)?

Edit1: Did a quick testing runthrough with a testing addy5. Nothing out of the ordinaty. This will take more than one dev to even set up a proper test. Will keep you all posted.

Edit2: Setting up golems to smash together for this. Exact specs (Down to the armor and HP), as much as possible, would be helpful for trying to reproduce this.

If anyone else gets something similar to this, please post as well, as this is pretty major, if isolated.
Last Edited: Dec 18, 2009, 4:15 am
laidan's Avatar
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Magus Age: 113 years old
Message #40533 Posted: Dec 18, 2009, 4:47 am
I had an addy 5, clay5 hands and legs, iron5 for the rest. His was a bronze 3, I don't know anything besides that, except it was packing a winter slayblade and the spell. I believe that my addy was fully repaired, and I had a level 15 wall up.
If it helps, my golem seems to have 8 pieces of ghost armor plus ghostly clan weaponry right now as well.
Kenneth's Avatar
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Message #42737 Posted: Mar 10, 2010, 9:25 pm
i had smg weird happen too. i tried attacking someone, and before anything happened, my golem lost its pelvis. i know it wasnt a spell cuz i had already attacked previously w/o triggering anything and they weren't active in the time btwn my 2 attacks
DonJuanDeBascobel's Avatar
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Message #44498 Posted: May 22, 2010, 2:45 pm
I'd like to revive this thread, I agree that it seems as though addy doesn't do enough damage. The addy in the following report is 130 strength and has reinforced nunchuku. The gem golem attacker had iron limbs and one light plate per part. Shouldn't the damage after soak be more like 25?

A prismatic glow appears around Crystal Clear, enhancing its elemental damage. Ice crystals form on the Richard C. Mongler as it takes on improved cold resistance. Crystal Clear begins to aggressively advance upon his Richard C. Mongler while his Richard C. Mongler begins to aggressively advance upon Crystal Clear. Both combatants are out of range with about 28 feet between them.

[Round 2] His Richard C. Mongler deploys the silk parasol in a classic defensive fencing stance, revealing crude lettering on the top that reads, "COME GET SOME".
Crystal Clear closes to melee with his Richard C. Mongler while his Richard C. Mongler holds its ground.
Crystal Clear attacks with its tiger claws and misses 8 times (striking the tough adamantine skin 4 times), failing to hit at all. The wall was hit 2 times(22 dmg). Animated spikes along the wall puncture the attacker's head(2 dmg).
His Richard C. Mongler attacks with its reinforced nunchuku and misses 5 times, but also hits the pelvis (14 dmg), the abdomen (14 dmg) and the left leg (14 dmg).

[Round 3] Crystal Clear holds its ground while his Richard C. Mongler holds its ground.
Crystal Clear attacks with its tiger claws and misses 7 times (striking the tough adamantine skin 3 times), failing to hit at all. The wall was hit 2 times(33 dmg). Animated spikes along the wall puncture the attacker's right arm(2 dmg).
His Richard C. Mongler attacks with its reinforced nunchuku and misses 3 times, but also hits the left arm (14 dmg), the pelvis (14 dmg), the right leg (14 dmg), the right arm (14 dmg), the chest (14 dmg) and the left arm (14 dmg).

[Round 4] Crystal Clear holds its ground while his Richard C. Mongler holds its ground.
Crystal Clear attacks with its tiger claws and misses 6 times (striking the tough adamantine skin 1 time), failing to hit at all. The wall was hit 3 times(33 dmg). Animated spikes along the wall puncture the attacker's left leg(2 dmg).
His Richard C. Mongler attacks with its reinforced nunchuku and misses 5 times, but also hits the abdomen (14 dmg), the left arm (28 dmg -- CRITICAL HIT!), the head (14 dmg) and the right arm (14 dmg).

[Round 5] Crystal Clear holds its ground while his Richard C. Mongler holds its ground.
Crystal Clear attacks with its tiger claws and misses 5 times (striking the tough adamantine skin 3 times), failing to hit at all. The wall was hit 2 times(27 dmg) and has fallen by 1 level. Animated spikes along the wall puncture the attacker's right leg(2 dmg).
His Richard C. Mongler attacks with its reinforced nunchuku and misses 2 times, but also hits the right arm (28 dmg -- CRITICAL HIT!), the chest (14 dmg), the pelvis (14 dmg), the right hand (14 dmg), the abdomen (14 dmg), the right arm (14 dmg) and the abdomen (14 dmg).

[Round 6] Crystal Clear holds its ground while his Richard C. Mongler holds its ground.
Crystal Clear attacks with its tiger claws and misses 8 times (striking the tough adamantine skin 3 times), failing to hit at all. The wall was hit 4 times(50 dmg). Animated spikes along the wall puncture the attacker's abdomen(2 dmg) and left leg(2 dmg).
His Richard C. Mongler attacks with its reinforced nunchuku and misses 6 times, but also hits the head (14 dmg) and the pelvis (14 dmg).

[Round 7] Crystal Clear holds its ground while his Richard C. Mongler holds its ground.
Crystal Clear attacks with its tiger claws and misses 6 times (striking the tough adamantine skin 2 times), but also hits once on the pelvis (1 dmg -- CRITICAL HIT!). The wall was hit 4 times(60 dmg) and has fallen by 1 level. Animated spikes along the wall puncture the attacker's chest(2 dmg) and pelvis(2 dmg).
His Richard C. Mongler attacks with its reinforced nunchuku and misses 3 times, but also hits once on the right arm (14 dmg). The right arm falls off and hits the ground with a dull *CLANG*!

[Round 8] Crystal Clear holds its ground while his Richard C. Mongler holds its ground.
Crystal Clear attacks with its tiger claws and misses 5 times (striking the tough adamantine skin 2 times), but also hits once on the pelvis (3 dmg -- CRITICAL HIT!). The wall was hit 4 times(58 dmg) and has fallen by 1 level. Animated spikes along the wall puncture the attacker's left arm(2 dmg) and chest(2 dmg).
His Richard C. Mongler attacks with its reinforced nunchuku and misses 2 times, failing to hit at all.

[Round 9] Crystal Clear holds its ground while his Richard C. Mongler holds its ground.
Crystal Clear attacks with its tiger claws and misses 6 times (striking the tough adamantine skin 3 times), failing to hit at all. The wall was hit 2 times(23 dmg). Animated spikes along the wall puncture the attacker's chest(2 dmg).
His Richard C. Mongler attacks with its reinforced nunchuku and hits the pelvis (14 dmg) and the chest (14 dmg).

[Round 10] Crystal Clear holds its ground while his Richard C. Mongler holds its ground.
Crystal Clear attacks with its tiger claws and misses 6 times (striking the tough adamantine skin 1 time), failing to hit at all. The wall was hit 3 times(36 dmg). Animated spikes along the wall puncture the attacker's chest(2 dmg).
His Richard C. Mongler attacks with its reinforced nunchuku and hits the abdomen (14 dmg) and the left hand (14 dmg).
Results: Crystal Clear did 4 dmg while his Richard C. Mongler did 406 dmg.

Due to damage, your golem lost its light iron plate and light iron plate.

The wall took 342 dmg and has fallen 3 levels.

You earned 10 xp and DonJuanDeBascobel earned 1 xp.

Your golem will be back at your workshop in 3 min 45 sec.
Kenneth's Avatar
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Message #44501 Posted: May 22, 2010, 6:06 pm
Did you remember to account for the wall?(1.5dmg reduction/lvl.)
DonJuanDeBascobel's Avatar
Posts: 450
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Message #44502 Posted: May 22, 2010, 6:54 pm
He attacked me, so the wall shouldn't be an issue.
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