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AuthorThread: Winter slayblade tweak down
Xorphitus's Avatar
Posts: 182
Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 124 years old
Message #40541 Posted: Dec 18, 2009, 4:19 pm
Just for the sake of game balance, tweak down the winter slayblade. It is better than anything melee clans can create and IMHO completely screws game balance between premium users and non-premium users.
Last Edited: Dec 18, 2009, 4:37 pm
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #40546 Posted: Dec 18, 2009, 6:51 pm
That one's tricky, though, because some of us are spending real money to get it rather than playing the market, based on the advertised specs - if you then tweak it down, that's kind of like false advertising, isn't it? Would we get a partial refund?

I do note that it's REALLY powerful. A gem3 bearing it and a frost spell depelvised an addy5 in one attack.
Noreen's Avatar
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Message #40548 Posted: Dec 18, 2009, 7:11 pm
And the Gem 3 is better all around than any golem I will ever have (since I had no tickets then). I think that is just how these specials are suposed to be.. this is not new.
SkitzYie's Avatar
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Message #40549 Posted: Dec 18, 2009, 7:48 pm
WTB Mercurial scales please.........

HIP, IDS, and frost resist spell seems to do decent at deflecting the attacks (35 ice resist plus resist on golem parts). But then you need to defend against the coppers with burning auroa and the hell fire chain that will come out in force.

So WTB Mercurial scales please!

And then there are those lvl 5 bronze wielding the sword and spell........
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #40551 Posted: Dec 18, 2009, 8:37 pm
Honestly we just need more vs-elemental armor types. Elemental can be minned to 1, so if you're armoured enough...
Rednaxela's Avatar
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Message #40554 Posted: Dec 18, 2009, 8:59 pm
Yeah, though if we start getting the likes of bronze banding, then the value of defense clans would decrease very significantly. If such things were to be available, I'd start ranking defense barely better than melee in the the relative clan strength poll thread.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #40555 Posted: Dec 18, 2009, 9:35 pm
Except that if they're the only ones that can protect against elemental attacks and weapons like the slayblade start coming out, then they'd be the only ones not easily devastated, making them have a huge advantage....

Game balance is hard XD

ETA: Notably, the weapon has no reach. After destroying the wraith and the slime without even a challenge, my favorite golem ever was utterly destroyed before landing a single blow on the platygon because it was 10ft away.
Last Edited: Dec 18, 2009, 9:51 pm
Xorphitus's Avatar
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Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 124 years old
Message #41211 Posted: Jan 9, 2010, 4:25 pm
Tweak it down, please. You want another reason, here it is:

1 attack destroys a golem, this could not be intended I guess:

Your workshop has been attacked by Shayla
Category: Battle Report: Defense

Kessler 81 (Lvl 1 Gems) VS Flesh Golem (Lvl 1 Flesh)!

You are outside Xorphitus's workshop in Rildesjan fighting against his Flesh Golem with Kessler 81. Uttering the magical incantations required to activate your golem, you send it into combat!

Skip to Results
No pen
No Def Bonus
No pen
No pen

[Round 1] An illusionary mouth appears on Kessler 81 and magically speaks, "Kiss me, you crazy fool!"
A thick frost coats the Kessler 81, enhancing its cold damage. Kessler 81 begins to aggressively advance upon his Flesh Golem while his Flesh Golem begins to advance upon Kessler 81. The attacker's winter slayblade is out of range with about 27 feet between them, but the defender readies its iron halberd.

weather The moderate rain interferes with the combat.
His Flesh Golem attacks with its iron halberd and misses 4 times, but also hits once on the head (2 dmg).

[Round 2] Kessler 81 closes to melee with his Flesh Golem while his Flesh Golem fails to back up.

Kessler 81 attacks with its winter slayblade and misses once, but also hits once on the chest (92 dmg -- CRITICAL HIT!). The wall was hit 1 time(114 dmg) and has fallen by 1 level. Animated spikes along the wall puncture the attacker's abdomen(2 dmg). Like a discarded leather puppet, the chest collapses in on itself.
His Flesh Golem is completely destroyed, its parts broken beyond repair or obliterated entirely.

Results: Kessler 81 did 92 dmg while his Flesh Golem did 2 dmg.

The wall took 114 dmg and has fallen 1 level.

You earned 1 xp and Xorphitus earned 9 xp.

Your golem will be back at your workshop in 1 min 7 sec.
Posts: 664
Location: Shuul
Magus Age: 118 years old
Message #41214 Posted: Jan 9, 2010, 5:48 pm
Destroying an unarmoured flesh1 in an attack isn't really cause for alarm, the same can be done with many different weapons.

The main problem with it is it's speed, if it was tweaked down to 10 or 12, more in line with the other swords, it'd be fine, slightly overpowered, but only a little, and that's reasonable considering the one-time nature and liability for theft and destruction.
GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #41222 Posted: Jan 9, 2010, 7:45 pm
Killing an Unarmored flesh isn't hard at all, but one shoting one still take quite a bit of power, but honestly I'm Enjoying the damage this sword pumps out, but before long this sword will disappear into the logs along with other weapon that preceded it. I've already heard of a handful of people losing it. ;)
PhatsMahoney's Avatar
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Message #41225 Posted: Jan 9, 2010, 8:27 pm
I think the appropriate response would be to tweak UP other weapons. Weapons that, perhaps, each clan can get early on considering anyone can purchase the slayblade at any level of any clan.

Just my two cents.
Xorphitus's Avatar
Posts: 182
Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 124 years old
Message #41273 Posted: Jan 10, 2010, 7:34 pm
Well, the fun part is there is no melee weapons clan specialization coming close to it, mainly due to the insane high weapon strength. So a winter slayblade makes you a 2 primary skill and 1 secondary clan skill wielder.

A weapon like this should either have high speed and moderate damage or speed 10 or less and high damage. Both is too lethal IMHO.

Well, people, enjoy the devine gift for your paid indulgence ;-) I quit complaining now...
Xorphitus's Avatar
Posts: 182
Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 124 years old
Message #42175 Posted: Feb 19, 2010, 3:55 pm
Nah, I will complain again. Up to now, the winter slayblade is the worst feature of this game, a feature which ridicules melee clans and sacrificed game balance once and for all.

With frost bite and strength bonus the slayblade is just too powerful.

'nuff said. Sad this item is not tweaked down. It for sure wrecks my game fun and spoils PvP altogether.
Noreen's Avatar
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Message #42179 Posted: Feb 19, 2010, 7:03 pm
PvP perhaps.. but in PvE we need to come up with even larger ammounts of dammage to take on the newer creatures. Even a fully boosted Bronze with frost bite and the winter slayblade ony gets around 200 damage to Narimasa! (with a very good chance of dying as well)
Xorphitus's Avatar
Posts: 182
Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 124 years old
Message #42182 Posted: Feb 19, 2010, 7:41 pm
My suggestion concerning Narimasa would NOT to rely on elemental damage... he IS an elemental dragon after all...

I am glad there are now some creatures that actually pose a challenge and are not easily to figure out to farm.

But that, well, is another story, right?
GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #42194 Posted: Feb 19, 2010, 10:00 pm
The slay blade doesn't win me all battles, I have a suped up gem with a lot of addy parts, and the blades dropped once already, it's OP, but it's not too bad for a one off thing.
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