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AuthorThread: The new girl
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Marnen's Avatar
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Message #4108 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 10:12 am

I dont know about anyone else but I preferred the old pic on the login page.

I suggest a campaign of letter writing and maybe someone can put up a bunch of protest posters at Kep's house, complain about the wrongfull dismissal of the other girl ;)
Joachim's Avatar
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Message #4112 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 12:16 pm
Yeah. The old one had this geeky, girl next door thing going. Quite attractive.

The new one looks like a dance hall extra from a b-rated barbarian flick.

Edit: It looks like Arkham changed it back.
Last Edited: Jun 6, 2008, 12:17 pm
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #4113 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 1:12 pm
I dunno, I think he's playing around with it still. They both have points, the old one was pretty good since she's holding a golem head after all. I guess the new one might mean the magic system is coming our way? I know, getting my hopes up for no reason. :)

I'd still like to see the older pic around somewhere though...
Ransom's Avatar
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Message #4119 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 3:34 pm
I agree with Marnen and Joachim. The new picture seems sort of porny. I get a little embarrassed every time I log in.

That may be idiosyncratic, though. Could be a racy picture is the best way to get people into the game.
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #4120 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 4:10 pm
Ransom said:
Could be a racy picture is the best way to get people into the game.

Well, it might get folks to click, but only if incorporated in a banner ad somewhere. Last I checked, those still all had the old pic in.

Did it change? Can't check at my current locale unfortunately.
laidan's Avatar
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Message #4131 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 7:44 pm
Nope, spotted a new banner too, with the new girl. I am wondering why she is shiny all somebody ran her over with a floor buffer or something.
Gryficus's Avatar
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Message #4137 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 8:15 pm
Both of them make me look over my shoulder at work to make sure no one's

Maybe no pic? or a battle scene or something?
Posts: 125
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Message #4142 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 8:32 pm
She's not a new girl. She's the same girl with a bit of a makeover....

My main problem with the new picture is that there's nothing there that says 'golem'. At least the old picture had her holding a golem's head. Now, if it were her sending a golem into battle, that'd at least be, um, relevant.

(Don't get me wrong-- I like the new picture, though I'm with Gryficus on seeing who else can see her....)
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #4143 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 8:33 pm
Or maybe some beefcake instead. :)

Actually, I keep thinking they must be from Rildesjan or somewhere else in Askari. There's no WAY those outfits would work in Ulvania or the Ice Muse.

(edit:) Ok, just saw one of the new banners. It does have a pretty neat looking wood golem in the background, had to look twice though.
Last Edited: Jun 6, 2008, 8:42 pm
laidan's Avatar
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Message #4144 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 8:51 pm
Hah, I really didn't realize what that was in the background until Halftea pointed it out. I have to agree with everyone else on making sure noone else is looking at the girlfriend laughed at me hard enough for the old picture.
Titania's Avatar
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Message #4149 Posted: Jun 6, 2008, 9:32 pm
But aren't you used to that by now Iaidan?

I suspect the new girl's shiny look is due to a through application of body oils. We all know how important a daily skin routine is for a girl to look her best.

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Message #4159 Posted: Jun 7, 2008, 12:41 am
I never really liked the old picture much- it didn't give enough of a sense that the golems were the focus of the game, in my opinion- but the new one is much worse. Yes, the art improved, but so what? It could be a really cool picture of a space station, and that also wouldn't really apply. Our mages do not make little balls of fire, since we can't cast spells; the one and only thing that we can do is make golems. The picture should reflect that.

But, hey, whatever, I guess. I don't have to see it except on login, and it's hardly my site.
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Message #4348 Posted: Jun 9, 2008, 5:18 pm
I figured it out-- she is a golem. She's made of clay, which would explain her shiny skin. It would also explain her, um, fantastic proportions....
Joachim's Avatar
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Message #4356 Posted: Jun 9, 2008, 7:06 pm
That could explain the eyes...
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #4359 Posted: Jun 9, 2008, 7:51 pm
Ileazar said:

I figured it out-- she is a golem. She's made of clay, which would explain her shiny skin. It would also explain her, um, fantastic proportions....

(laughs) Well, her waist is rather small in comparison to her hips and other assets... :)
laidan's Avatar
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Message #4361 Posted: Jun 9, 2008, 7:57 pm
Ouch, unnecessary roughness on Titania!
The golem story makes sense, but what about the ball of fire? Is that some clan weapon?
Titania's Avatar
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Message #4627 Posted: Jun 13, 2008, 7:12 am
I think she is from the future, and has traveled back in time to taunt us with features we don't have yet.

Also, make no mistake, a magus is possessed of mystical ability. Perhaps her fireball is just for looking good to newbs. A magus equivalent of a sparkler.

Halftea's Avatar
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Message #5120 Posted: Jun 20, 2008, 3:27 pm
Hey I just noticed, the background behind her is the same graphic as the time of day at the bottom of the premium screen. And like that graphic, it CHANGES along withthe time of day!!!

So while she is teasing with her Magus sparkler, she will stand unmoving, day in and day out. More evidence she is a golem? :)
Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #5121 Posted: Jun 20, 2008, 3:48 pm
(laughs) Well, her waist is rather small in comparison to her hips and other assets... :)

I know, her hands are huge.
Meloam's Avatar
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Message #5123 Posted: Jun 20, 2008, 4:16 pm
The old girls was drawn as well, her pose and apparel were more fitting. Why not get the artist of the new girl to redo the old pic?
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #5221 Posted: Jun 22, 2008, 2:17 pm
I still want some beefcake. :)
Caduceus's Avatar
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Message #5227 Posted: Jun 22, 2008, 6:18 pm
Poseidon said:

(laughs) Well, her waist is rather small in comparison to her hips and other assets... :)

I know, her hands are huge.

And she has the cutest Adam's Apple.
hydraxon's Avatar
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Message #6618 Posted: Jul 11, 2008, 6:24 am
Joachim said:

That could explain the eyes...

yea, it could also explain the hair (color)

poseidon said:

I know, her hands are huge.

lol that made me think about noncombat uses of those parts of her.

on a slightly unrelated (to the my comment on poseidons post) anyone else notice that she has leather wraps around her arms?
Last Edited: Jul 11, 2008, 11:03 am
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #7132 Posted: Jul 16, 2008, 11:32 pm
haven't you people ever heard of fanservice???
i mean flip thru most any magazine, and you will find at least 3 ads that use sex appeal to sell something (or watch 10 mins of TV...) ex: tv commercial- "there's no such a hot, sweaty, sexy...dude" with video of a girl clubbing.

besides can you blame arkham for being lonely? he is stuck building a game for us to play. by the way thanks arkham!! >D
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #7271 Posted: Jul 18, 2008, 4:14 pm
Oh, I'm all for fanservice. Hence...more Beefcake!

After all, those magi who did time as apprentices to a Clan probably built up a bit of muscle, hauling those golems into and out of the shadows. Not to mention running around to retrieve lost Clan items...

Magi of Muelsfell calendar anyone?

Male, female, Co-ed.. The demand is there! XD

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