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AuthorThread: Old Forged Problems
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Shan's Avatar
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Message #43133 Posted: Mar 30, 2010, 8:50 pm
Shan is stunned for a few moments by the THING'S voice rumbling through his soul. He's not used to facing mind-rending horrors of this magnitude. The worst he can remember meeting was Nemolos, the great-great-great-grandnephew of Bezel the Unfeeling, whom the bards say terrorized Jinkara half a century before the Cataclysm. Nemolos' voice was only saturated with enough eldritch energies to cause double vision and mild nausea. The THING from the rift is clearly on another level.

Once Shan regains his focus, Eurus peers around the door frame into the room which no longer contains the rift. Considering the THING'S recent display of power, he thinks it's unlikely that Eurus will be able to get close to it, even if it's back is turned. And while the chances of the THING trying to kill everyone are pretty high, Shan thinks the chances of it trying to kill everyone immediately are low. At least, that's what he hopes.

Eurus retreats a few steps back in the other room, behind the cover of the wall. It studies the door's hinges for a moment, then starts walking toward the place where Shan rests by the wall.
Last Edited: Mar 30, 2010, 8:52 pm
Kaelas's Avatar
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Message #43136 Posted: Mar 31, 2010, 5:05 am
Ceriph is indeed blow across the room but manages to lithely twist so she lands without damage. She attempts to force herself away from the wall but without much success.

However, a force that would push a human across a room to pin them against a wall without killing them would have a great deal less success with moving the massive Valadin. Given his sizable frame, his adamantine limbs and his some four hundred pounds of armor, weaponry and the like, Valadin doesn't do 'pushed' very well. He falls back a step or two but braces himself against the force.

He blinks, shaking his head at the thrumming voice still echoing, in his mind if not in the stone room itself. "I know not what you are, being not of this world and place, but given the violence you have greeted us with and the manner of your comportment, it stresses believability that you might come as friend or simple traveler to our humble lands." A slight pause and his voice chills slightly. "Explain your actions."
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #43137 Posted: Mar 31, 2010, 5:14 am
Not being blinded as bad by the light as to not facing the portal at the time Semaj stoped his retreat when the room went black.

"I kinda hope that ain't it." Semaj spoke as he turned to see this Super Wraith appear.

As the voice ripped throw Semaj's head he was oddly at ease with it.

"Don't know what your saying but I don't like it!" As only Semaj would he yelled this as he lunged at this new foe.

Sadly Semaj was thrown like the rest with only enough reaction time to ensure he hit the wall back first. There was a resound thud on impact.

"So I wasted a perfectly good bomb. What a shame. Meliae take the seed in my pocket and go." Semaj instructed.

Meliae did as told and burrowed threw Semaj's cloak and into the wall behind him.

Petros was also in the room. His eyes unaffected by the rapid light change saw things as they happened. As the force that threw the others attempted to throw him he melded his feet into the ground below him.

"What do we have here?" Petros responded. "The welcoming party. Prepare yourself."

Petros was unlike Semaj in some conservative ways. He would analyze what he could before attacking and look for an opening to strike.
Kyomi's Avatar
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Message #43138 Posted: Mar 31, 2010, 9:40 am
Thankfully not having been in the room when what ever it was showed up, Kyomi and Her Shadow still feel the thing arrive.

"Oh how I wish I listened to mother..." She mutters, finding herself suddenly too weak to stand, and her limited self-illusion fading away showing her true form. "That feels like..."

Her Shadow stands between Kyomi and the room down the hall, looking about for anyone else who might have made it out of the room.
masterslug's Avatar
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Message #43139 Posted: Mar 31, 2010, 2:42 pm
88 turns to those remaining in the outer room/coridor, with a grin on his normally inanimate face.

((OCC - I think that's Laiden and his Gem, Thuriya and her Clay on the platform and Kyomi and her shadow if they are still in ear shot around the corner)).

"What do ya think, a rescue or shut the door and cut our losses?"
Thuriya's Avatar
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Message #43152 Posted: Apr 1, 2010, 2:46 am
From behind the platform where they had dropped to avoid the blast when Semaj threw his bomb, Thuriya moved from behind her large Clays bulk and responds to 88. "That is a excellent question, while I would prefer to retrieve my Slicer and our comrades, my primary purpose her is to observe and report to Her Majesty."

Gazing thoughtfully at the door she continues, "Although my impression is that they will need help to extricate themselves from whatever that is. I believes this will likely escalate into a threat to Her Majesties subjects if not handled quickly. Regardless, my first duty is to report this development."

At that she cups her hand and focuses her concentration on a little prismatic light that appears. After a few moments, It settles into a single color and flies off down the corridor to the exit and there presumably to a further destination.

"OK, my report is away. Thoughts on our next approach? It's my experience that no one concentrates well with a mountain falling on top of them. Although I would prefer not to go to that extreme."
masterslug's Avatar
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Message #43155 Posted: Apr 1, 2010, 7:49 am
"Hey if they survive Petros could dig them out.... well I'm just saying"
laidan's Avatar
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Message #43159 Posted: Apr 1, 2010, 2:49 pm
"I think even Petros might have trouble getting all of us out unharmed" Laidan chimes in. "I don't relish facing this creature, but I agree it's unlikely to get LESS powerful if we run now and give it time."
masterslug's Avatar
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Message #43160 Posted: Apr 1, 2010, 6:35 pm
"Hmm I'm just a dumb Golem, following the Boy stupid's lead" Says 88 indicating behind him to the shut closet door "but as he's somewhat indisposed and next to useless anyway, I'll follow your lead, so what's the plan boss?"
GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #43166 Posted: Apr 2, 2010, 2:20 am
(OOC: Hey guys I'm in San Diago at the moment, and haven't had the time to post, but I'll be be back full force on Saturday (maybe Friday) but untill then...)

The Being laughs, "How rude, if I remember correctly, and I always do, was invited." It throws out both of its hands. "And I and fully prepared." A sickening sound comes from it as it luaghing in it's true voice. It slams Valadin back towards the wall, and Petros into the door frame. This time it show no mercy as the crushing waves of force move out.

With his attention diverted the pessure on the others relaxes slightly.
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #43168 Posted: Apr 2, 2010, 3:52 am
Even under the being more fierce attack Petros stands strong. Even with his feet planted firmly in the ground it takes most of his concentration to stay upright.

"You will not move me demon!" Petros responds to the attack.

Meanwhile Semaj uses the opportunity to pull a small marble from he cloak and toss it forward.

((OOC: How the marble reacts is important so please don't ignore it.))
laidan's Avatar
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Message #43169 Posted: Apr 2, 2010, 4:22 am
"Perhaps if we can distract the creature it will give our compatriots time to regroup..." Laidan realizes he has been around Valadin for a tad too long "...Shoot the wraith, even if it doesn't hurt it, it may draw his attention long enough for them to act, and be ready in case it comes at us" As he speaks rapidly he casts force fields around himself and the rest of the group.
Kaelas's Avatar
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Message #43172 Posted: Apr 2, 2010, 6:28 am
Sliding backwards with a grinding shriek as his metal clad feet score the stone ground, Valadin hunches forwards as if bracing against some unnatural wind. And he smiles. That worked well enough, he thinks benignly.

Using her enhanced strength, Ceriph takes advantage of the lessened force pinning her to lunge forward (so to speak) at the Being with her Winterblade held in both hands for additional effect.
Kyomi's Avatar
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Message #43177 Posted: Apr 2, 2010, 1:50 pm
"Sounds... Like they are getting it to put up some effort..." Kyomi mumbles as she stands up, "If they can distract it long enough maybe I can figure a counter to that things voice..."

(ooc: Kyomi casts magic mi... *ahem* attempts to figure out what kinda defense would be appropriate)

Her Shadow steps away a moment over to 88. "You're not fooling anyone you know." speaking just loud enough for 88 to hear, "have you figured out if you are a caster, or simply aware?"
masterslug's Avatar
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Message #43180 Posted: Apr 2, 2010, 4:38 pm
"ready when you are" 88 nods to Laiden. Then he lowers his voice to speak to Kyomi's shadow "Yeah I figured that, should have picked a bright apprentice and then I could have just kept quite. We'd be doing the clan a favour if we left him in this closet".
Shan's Avatar
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Message #43193 Posted: Apr 3, 2010, 3:49 pm
Eurus rifles through Shan's pack and pulls out the box containing his drake's breath. It continues to dig deeper, but stops when Shan notices Laidan and the others regrouping near the platform. Eurus then picks up Shan's seemingly unconscious form, cradling him in the crook of one arm while its other hand carries the box. Eurus walks to join the others.

Shan momentarily regrets not having upgraded Eurus with voice generation, since now he cannot speak through it. However, breaking and reestablishing his connection would take too long, so Eurus simply stands silently by the group as Shan prepares to follow their lead.
GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #43197 Posted: Apr 4, 2010, 1:14 am
Gordon was still being pressed on the wall. He had been throwing out multitudes of spells, but each where repelled. He tried to throw out lightning, but just a the bolt was released it bent before the being and hit the ground spraying stone chips. Gordon would be able to escape regardless of what happens here, but he wasn't alone.

Gordon grabs a small etching tool from his belt and begins scratching symbols into the stone, a spell. Gordon rarely needed to draw spells anymore, but there was no way he would get Thunderous Blast off in time before the creature stopped him. Gordon had no doubt in his mind that the blast spell would have practically no result on the being, but that thing wasn't his target...

Kyomi's magic begins to take affect, but like Gordon's suddenly fails, and just as suddenly a piece of masonry dislodges from the wall. The block of stone passes by Kyomi by mere inches, but continues it's head long rush, right towards 88.

"Demon!" the creature laughs it's frightening laugh. "Where do you mortals come up with these things? Well I suppose you wouldn't know who I am, humm. No matter." Suddenly Frost Fire floating into the air before being sent flying, strait at Petros. At the same moment The Force holding Everyone else relaxes only hindering moment, all but Petros. The Force over him suddenly increase ten fold. Even as Frost Fire hurdles helplessly towards Petros The being began to laugh yet again.
Last Edited: Apr 4, 2010, 1:15 am
Kaelas's Avatar
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Message #43202 Posted: Apr 4, 2010, 4:00 am
Released from the hindering force upon her, Ceriph's lunge increases in speed tremendously, her WinterBlade aimed at the small of the Being's back. If it has a spine, that should work out pretty well. Even if it doesn't have one, it should still hurt. Probably.

Noting Gordon's attempts at an arcane attack, Valadin tries something more primitive. Using his right hand to fire at the Being with his iron-shod darts, he sinks the Tiger Claws on his left hand into the stone ground. That should keep him from being shoved around anymore...
masterslug's Avatar
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Message #43203 Posted: Apr 4, 2010, 6:39 am
"A rock? I think he's getting desperate" smirks 88.

With a simple move he side steps the blocks path snapping out his hand behind it as it passes, he spins his whole body around like a discus thrower and sling shots the block back towards the wraith even faster than it had come. However not being practiced at this manoeuvre 88 sets the blocks new trajectory way to high to make it through the door so impacting with the lintel instead.

Lucy's Avatar
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Message #43204 Posted: Apr 4, 2010, 7:03 am
Lucy watched helplessly as the golems where tossed around the room. The grip finally loosened she dropped to the floor. Freed she dashes towards Gordon hoping to get to him before the wraith turned it's attention back to them. Lucy haven't flinch or shivered when the wraith spoke, not physically, but some how she recognized it... but how?
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #43205 Posted: Apr 4, 2010, 7:57 am
Petros smiled. He let the force carry him into the wall. The way things looked as Frost Fire collided with Petros he was pushed INTO the wall, leaving just the impact damage from Frost Fire's collision.

"And you don't know who I am." Petros' voice seemed to come from everywhere in the room at once. "Lets just say you are fighting the golem in the wrong place."

Semaj took the moment to hastily exit the room.

"I guess this is his fight." Semaj said as he stepped though the door way. "Good luck son."

Petros was now on the offensive. From the unseen places inside the stone that makes this room he attacked from both above and below. Large 10 foot diameter stone pillars shot out from the floor and ceiling in hopes of crushing its target.

((EDIT: Half posted at first... :P))
Last Edited: Apr 4, 2010, 8:08 am
GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #43229 Posted: Apr 5, 2010, 6:33 am
The Pillars came down with terrifying speed, and so did Ceriph. But without looking at either the wraith deftly moved out of the way of both attacks. Allowing the Pillars to slam together and Ceriph's blade to find there marks on the pillars.

Petros and Frost Fire where then inexplicably released. The wraith now looked over towards Gordon and a still running Lucy.

Gordon Released finished the Spell with ease, Gordon had seen Lucy begin running towards him and shouted out. "Get out of here, NOW! EVERYONE!" His Voice taking on a tone to suggest he wouldn't be listening to any arguments.

Slamming his palm on the Thunderous Blast spell it ignited. In less then seconds the Spell would begin shaking the room apart, hopefully it would destabilize the room.

"Well I hadn't noticed to before." the grating voice said, taking a sudden interest in Lucy. The Being then began speaking in it's native tongue.

Last Edited: Apr 6, 2010, 5:43 pm
Kyomi's Avatar
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Message #43230 Posted: Apr 5, 2010, 10:37 am
Hearing the thunderous spell go off, and feeling more than just the one room up ahead shake, Kyomi's normally unshakable calm crumbles, and she starts looking about for an answer.

Spotting it, she picks up her book, and heads to the trail of green she had left on the wall. "I suppose we do have the ability to bring the place down, I'd start clearing out everyone! 88! Get that rookie out of there!" She points to the closet, as she starts running towards the room, instead of away from it.

Her Shadow starts to follow her, his shadowy aura darkening.
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #43300 Posted: Apr 6, 2010, 5:42 am
The wraith may have dodged the attacks of Petros and Ceriph but there was another that laid waiting for just the right time to strike.

The wraith would now find itself dodging into a large cluster of rapidly growing thorny vines coming from the ground. The tiny Meliae had tunneled into the ground from the wall and was waiting for the chance to strike. Earlier she was close to useless in combat due to the lack of plant life in the caves but now with the seeds she had gotten from Semaj she was on par with the other golems. If caught the wraith would be pinned to the ground and the vines would continue to grown over him. Else they would make chase until they reached the limit of there growth. (About 30 feet)

Petros stood up pushing frost fire into the doorway. He knew the room was going to cave in and there was no time to play games. HE would do what he must to both keep the wraith secured in this room and protect his escaping allies.
Kaelas's Avatar
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Message #43301 Posted: Apr 6, 2010, 6:46 am
Realizing both the likely future concerning the state of the room's stability and the Being's sudden interest in Lady Lucy, Valadin abandons his attacks to protect her. More specifically, he strides over to her and attempts to pick her up to carry her out, as he had planned on doing when the bomb had been thrown.

Ceriph has a different priority- the conditioning that separates her personality from her actions and perceptions during combat situations is very well done. Nearly perfect in fact. The nearly part would be seeing her beloved older brother about to be crushed under half of a mountain, give or take a cliff or two.

Reaching under her salamander cloak, she pulls out an very broad shaped throwing dagger and hurls it at the Being as a trivial distraction as she runs at Valadin and Lucy. She plans on getting him out- and if Lucy gets in the way of that, she'll just knock her out or something. It'd save her life so she's rather okay with the idea of possibly assaulting a Magus all in all.

[OOC: Valadin will try to be polite in hauling Lucy up and over his shoulder to carry her out of the room but Ceriph won't hesitate to attempt a more aggressive rescue if need be. She knows him won't leave without saving Lucy so...]
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