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AuthorThread: Combat damage, level 5 golems, and you
TerekDomar's Avatar
Posts: 29
Location: Hans Mina
Magus Age: 112 years old
Clan: OTAKU2
Real Name: B. I. Flight
Message #42063 Posted: Feb 14, 2010, 11:11 pm
It's time for another installment of "I'm a complete noob that can't seem to master the game mechanics." Granted, I play more for flavor than numbers, but still...

Anyway, I've just recently completed my level 5 Iron Golem and, after my clan leader provided me with a suitable power source, took the monster out on the town.

Its performance was lackluster, to say the least. Even with a particular clan spell active that provided a hefty damage boost, the golem had trouble inflicting lethal damage on a wide range of creatures, including several below its own level (the Dragonclan Monk proved endlessly frustrating).

Now, I know that a lot of this is due to the specific Iron's low footspeed. Many of those combats consisted of the golem slogging through the terrain for most of the ten rounds, only to end with a flurry of attacks when it finaly came into melee range at the end that failed utterly to inflict a respectable amount of damage.

So, am I just doing it wrong? Do I need to switch to the tested method of sticking a faster Golem type in the middle and attaching more powerful limbs to it, or is there a way to enhance my golem's damage without resorting to spending a fortune buying weapons on the market? Heck, at that, what weapons should I go for?

EDIT: I completed this in haste earlier and realise I neglected to provide some vital info. For the record: I'm using an Ororbouros power source and have Diamond Eyes installed. I'm also using an Iron Sword.
Last Edited: Feb 15, 2010, 12:16 am
laidan's Avatar
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Message #42065 Posted: Feb 15, 2010, 12:53 am
The trouble with iron golems is indeed their low speed. The iron sword should help with combat speed, but I would highly recommend hunting with something else, as there are very few things that are worth hunting with an iron (I'm looking at you Narimasa). Their low overall speed means they don't hit combat very fast, and without that iron sword you'd really be suffering. The other problem I expect is energy. Only using an orobouros in the desert means you get what...180 energy total? And that sword uses up a pretty fair amount each swing. If you must use the iron5, find a better power source (ie steam engine) and a lower energy weapon (not sure what you have access to there, but that heart shaped dagger looks pretty awesome...20 speed? Why does Kep mock melee clans so?)
TerekDomar's Avatar
Posts: 29
Location: Hans Mina
Magus Age: 112 years old
Clan: OTAKU2
Real Name: B. I. Flight
Message #42068 Posted: Feb 15, 2010, 3:46 am
Good thoughts. I'm still not clear on how the "energy" system really works, too, which I'm sure works against me. Does each step, each swing of a weapon, cost a certain amount of energy? How do you find out how much? Do you get a certain amount back over a number of rounds? is that why "Golem attacks ten times" becomes "attacks twice" becomes "attacks four times" over the course of ten rounds? I always assumed that's what was happening, but then, I'm not the sort that figures out every game mechanic in the course of playing. Iron golems have any real strengths beyond having good resistances and durability? Is it really better to just put Iron parts on other golems? I was so looking forward to making use of my magic Terminator. :(

EDIT: As a side note I notice you mention Narimasa. Is there something special about him besides being the biggest, scariest thing in the game with insane damage? Being as I'm only just beginning to venture into taking on the higher-level creatures and I've only barely experimented with the legendary dragons, I'm no where near close to brave enough to take him on again. Is a heavily-armored Iron good against him?
Last Edited: Feb 15, 2010, 3:50 am
Kenneth's Avatar
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Message #42085 Posted: Feb 16, 2010, 2:14 am
The thing about narimasa is that he's got a minimum of 20 dmg. To slay it you'd need to have iron 5 parts + hip to min the damage, then max up your golems strength and attatch steam engine, diamond eyes, + high speed, low energy use and fairly good accuracy weapon. You also need two arms. use flying anvil spell as well.

WARNING: don't even try to slay narimasa unless you can slay all the other dragons w/o paying an arm and a leg(literally)
TerekDomar's Avatar
Posts: 29
Location: Hans Mina
Magus Age: 112 years old
Clan: OTAKU2
Real Name: B. I. Flight
Message #42091 Posted: Feb 16, 2010, 1:50 pm
Good to know, thanks!
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