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Index » Muelsfell Game Forum » Suggestions and Improvements Muelsfell World v1.0 Forums
AuthorThread: easiest thing you can do to improve the game
drackmore's Avatar
Posts: 234
Location: Zion's Reach
Magus Age: 113 years old
Real Name: Gino Drake
Message #42828 Posted: Mar 16, 2010, 8:49 pm
very simple and very short
"update more often even if it is just a few little things"
Posts: 94
Location: Daylsfeld
Magus Age: 136 years old
Message #42831 Posted: Mar 17, 2010, 1:17 am
The irony of this situation is that the next update is a big one that will allow lots and lots of little ones over a long time period.

That is to say, humerous coincidence. Or does it qualify, as the big update takes away the possibility of smaller ones.

Erring on the side of humerous co-incidence, not irony, lest I once again squeeze humor from existential refereance.

Last Edited: Mar 17, 2010, 1:22 am
SkitzYie's Avatar
Posts: 383
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 116 years old
Message #42832 Posted: Mar 17, 2010, 1:35 am
Well now you went and got us all excited about a "big update"

Was starting to wonder what the status on development was.

ETA!?!?!?! Sneak preview of features!?!?!?!

GordonIronsmith's Avatar
Posts: 434
Location: Broukendale
Magus Age: 118 years old
Message #42837 Posted: Mar 17, 2010, 4:13 am
Atropos you devil ;), Oh I do like the sounds of a big update.
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