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What is Muelsfell? - Muelsfell: Rise of the Golems is a persistent browser-based game (PBBG) that revolves around the creation of magical golems by mages and magic users. Muelsfell is part combat, part roleplaying game, part resource management. Sign up for an account and give it a try -- for free!
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AuthorThread: Need powersources?
Poseidon's Avatar
Posts: 241
Location: Shuul
Magus Age: 113 years old
Real Name: Jack
Website: Click Here
Message #430 Posted: Mar 17, 2008, 8:44 pm
Overview on powersources : Powersources are the main, life-giving component that all golems require to run properly. While you can have your golem running with a simple parchment strip that costs nothing to make, the energy sources i sell will give significant advantages. Have you ever wondered why your golem starts to slow down attack wise near the end of battles? Well, its because it ran low on energy! With my powersources, whether your golem be a walking suit of iron or a skeleton raised from the dead, it will have enough energy to draw off of to attack in flurries for much longer than with the ineffective parchment strip.

What im selling and prices :

Due to a shipment of new materials I am now ready to begin sales of the Elemental gems!

Clay tablet - gives 150 energy - Poseidon\'s charge 500 gold coins.

All alchemical stones require 2 open slots for use.

Alchemical heatstone - gives 200 energy - Poseidon\'s charge 1500 gold coins.

Alchemical icestone - gives 225 energy - Poseidon\'s charge 2500 gold coins.

Alchemical acidstone - gives 250 energy - Poseidon\'s charge 3500 gold coins.

Alchemical voidstone - gives 275 energy - Poseidon\'s charge 5000 gold coins.

Elemental Water Gem - gives 300 energy - Poseidon\'s charge 8500 coins.

Elemental Air gem - gives 310 energy - Poseidon\'s charge 11000 coins.

Please note all further sources require three slots for use.

Elemental Earth gem - gives 320 energy - Poseidon\'s charge 13500 coins.

Elemental Fire gem - gives 340 energy - Poseidon\'s charge 15000 coins.

Time required to process your order : All alchemical stones require a one hour crafting period, and the elemental gems require a five hour period, as well as however long it takes me to finish the people that are in front of you.

Message me to set up a trade. Upon your message I will begin work on your powersource. On completion, I will message you back, with the offer on the market.

Current que : None as of now.

Currently accepting gems: Sorry, gems are not being taken as payment for now.

Poseidon\'s powersources now has an affiliate!
Go to Daniel for all things related to iron golems. If you buy from both of us I will lower the price of any powersource by 250 gold coins.

Link to Daniel\'s shop : []
Last Edited: May 23, 2008, 12:07 pm
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