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AuthorThread: non-random hits?
laidan's Avatar
Posts: 1158
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 113 years old
Message #43065 Posted: Mar 26, 2010, 6:21 pm
Certainly more random than when the server first came up, and maybe just a fluke, but this seemed pretty freakin unlucky. Anyone else noticed similar behavior?

Caerula the Frost Dragon attacks with its razor-like nails and misses 6 times, but also hits the chest (11 dmg), the right hand (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the left leg (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg) and the chest (11 dmg).
[Round 7] Pitt holds its ground while Caerula the Frost Dragon holds its ground.
Pitt uses its reinforced nunchuku and hits the pelvis (13 dmg), the pelvis (8 dmg) and the chest (22 dmg -- CRITICAL HIT!).
Caerula the Frost Dragon attacks with its razor-like nails and misses once, but also hits the chest (22 dmg -- CRITICAL HIT!), the chest (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the abdomen (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg), the chest (11 dmg) and the chest (22 dmg -- CRITICAL HIT!). The chest is misshapen so violently by the blow that the clay can not stay together and it sloughs to the ground.
SkitzYie's Avatar
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Message #43066 Posted: Mar 26, 2010, 6:50 pm

I noticed this as well. Seems random. I had 4-5 fights that went normal, and then I had a fight resulting in 50 HP left on the chest and a missing left arm.

No change in time of day, spell was still on, same number of rounds. Just all the hits landed in two spots for the most part.
Xorphitus's Avatar
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Message #43069 Posted: Mar 26, 2010, 8:32 pm
From my memory this happened before as well. Lost Golems by this in PvE fights. 90% chest targeted I notice in many fights. The chances of where the hit is targetted seems to be uneven and most likely represents the hit point ratio of the body parts, perhaps chest has an unproportionally higher chance to get hit.

But this seems very unlucky, and this lack of luck is happening too often to just lack of luck, I agree.
laidan's Avatar
Posts: 1158
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 113 years old
Message #43070 Posted: Mar 26, 2010, 8:53 pm
On further thought, it may have been due to the missing head and arm on the golem that so many hit went to the chest...I donno.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #43073 Posted: Mar 26, 2010, 11:50 pm
The randomizer has been changed due to the server migration, however, assuming it's roughly as psuedo-random as the old one, it's just a figment of chance. Random hits, especially weighted somewhat, can lead to a string of bad luck like that - I recall Kae losing a few golems that way.

You'd need more statistics than one fight to prove it's off. I suggest the practice dummy ;P
Last Edited: Mar 26, 2010, 11:50 pm
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