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AuthorThread: speed of darkness
drackmore's Avatar
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Message #43761 Posted: Apr 17, 2010, 3:39 am
due to a little ventrillo argument i brought it here to see what will be said so
what do you guys(and chicks) think the speed of darkness is?i believe it is faster than light.
GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #43765 Posted: Apr 17, 2010, 3:46 am
Darkness is the absence of light, a concept, it doesn't have a speed as it's always there, just waiting for light to leave.
Last Edited: Apr 17, 2010, 3:48 am
Kaelas's Avatar
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Message #43771 Posted: Apr 17, 2010, 4:44 am
It would the same as the speed of light, as darkness is, as Gordon said, the lack of light. So darkness would arrive as quickly as light leaves (or vice versa).
GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #43779 Posted: Apr 17, 2010, 6:17 am
I thought about that to and that's essentially true as well, Light/darkness is basically the same thing as Matter/"Space" Space is around us, but we view "Space" as an absence of matter, (like out side the atmosphere, where any matter found is negligible) Space never stops existing and it's everywhere, Darkness follows the same principle it is basically like space as darkness is everywhere and we only perceive things visually when there's light.

So darkness is always there, but ya you can look at it as moving as fast as light, but not faster.
Last Edited: Apr 17, 2010, 11:59 pm
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #43780 Posted: Apr 17, 2010, 6:59 am
Darkness doesn't move. Darkness lurks inside you, in the deep recesses of your mind, in the blackest depths of your soul where you dare not look, lurking, waiting for you to drop your guard, to fall asleep, so it can creep forth and torment you once more...

oh, you meant literal darkness. See previous answers.
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Message #43781 Posted: Apr 17, 2010, 7:37 am
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #43782 Posted: Apr 17, 2010, 8:12 am
Asch's Avatar
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Message #43786 Posted: Apr 17, 2010, 3:35 pm
Darkness is to light as matter is to space. Great analogy, Gordon.

GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #43797 Posted: Apr 18, 2010, 12:01 am
lol thanks Asch I'm glad that got across, I'm not great at explaining vague topics XP.
Kenneth's Avatar
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Message #43859 Posted: Apr 20, 2010, 6:27 pm
technically, darkness is nothingness, so it can't have a speed.
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Message #43862 Posted: Apr 20, 2010, 8:52 pm
I'm going to agree with Kenneth, and elaborate.

Darkness doesn't exist, any more than cold exists. What we think of as darkness is merely low amounts of light, much like what we think of as cold is merely the absence of heat.

If something exists only inside our minds, it can be as fast as we wish it to be, considering it isn't constrained by any sort of physical limitations whatsoever, however, we can be constrained by common sense, and considering that, in the aftermath of a light pulse in an infinite area with perfect absorbtion, the wave of darkness follows immediately behind the wave of light, never overtaking, and never retreating, so they must be the same speed.

In summary, darkness doesn't have a speed because it doesn't exist, but if you insist upon giving it a speed, just for the purposes of cogitation, it is exactly the same speed as light in all mediums.
laidan's Avatar
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Message #43865 Posted: Apr 20, 2010, 9:58 pm
Since when are you "constrained by common sense" Sconi?
Kaelas's Avatar
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Message #43877 Posted: Apr 21, 2010, 6:23 am
Of course darkness has a speed. Just because it's the absence of something doesn't mean it doesn't exist or that it can't be measured. If we can put a measure to how much a cup or barrel can hold, then why can't we put measurements to the absence of light or heat? Sure, neither has a physical, tangible presence, but neither does time.

Note- not a physicist or anything of the sort. I'm sure Steven Hawking would be able to explain why my ramblings are stupid in less then ten words but this is the internet and I'm allowed to share my ideas even if they are wrong. Enjoy!
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #43878 Posted: Apr 21, 2010, 6:25 am
The speed of dark is unmeasurable not because darkness doesn't exist but because it, like evil, is everywhere at all times, omnipresent like a deity, waiting for you to notice and acknowledge its mighty presence, to bow down in worship or shiver in fear, hoping your meager fire can force it back enough, just enough...
Kenneth's Avatar
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Message #43894 Posted: Apr 21, 2010, 8:04 pm
yami, what's up with all these dark, eerie thoughts?
drackmore's Avatar
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Message #43896 Posted: Apr 21, 2010, 8:31 pm
O.0 from this point on yami is the queen of hell and Kaelas is the king
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #43899 Posted: Apr 21, 2010, 9:01 pm
Why is this thread always tagged in the middle of the night, is the REAL question. I don't sleep much lately XD
laidan's Avatar
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Message #43903 Posted: Apr 21, 2010, 9:22 pm
It's hard to pontificate on the attributes of darkness when it is not around. Also, have any of you read the book Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon? Only briefly applicable to this thread, but a worthwhile read in my opinion.
drackmore's Avatar
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Message #43908 Posted: Apr 22, 2010, 12:29 am
@ yami told you queen of darkness
@ laidan do you know any good site where i can read books on the web
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #43909 Posted: Apr 22, 2010, 1:08 am
Fun fact - I used to write under the penname "Queen of Blades".

Fun fact - "Yami" means "Dark" more or less
Last Edited: Apr 22, 2010, 1:08 am
Kaelas's Avatar
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Message #43923 Posted: Apr 22, 2010, 5:04 am
Technically, Kae's grandfather is the High Lord of Hell. And Kaelas is the eldest son of the eldest son. So.. I'm in the will? Anyways...

@Laiden- haven't read that one of her's but I've read her sci-fi series. Very awesome.
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