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AuthorThread: New Achievement Items
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Posts: 902
Location: Mallow
Magus Age: 126 years old
Real Name: Kep
Website: Click Here
Message #45521 Posted: Aug 25, 2010, 6:02 pm
Have you been wondering what you get out of having a bazillion achievements? I'll tell you what you get: a sense of being better than everyone else. Revel in your clear superiority!

Not good enough? Seriously?

Fine. Two new achievement items have been released: The Lu Wei Slugger, and the Master's Golden Medal. Once you've gained enough achievements (15 and 20 respectively), you can create these in your artificer lab. One is a weapon with a cleverly disguised pun for a name. The other is a medal that, when equipped, sends a message during combat indicating your clear superiority. Now you no longer have to spend precious effort and time typing how much better you are than everyone else for completing achievements. No, now your golem can do it for you.

"Finally" you might say. "Thanks" you might also say. "Hey, buddy, can you spare some change?" you might consider asking. But I can not.


All kidding aside, these two new items should give you a little teeny something to toy around with. The slugger is a fairly decent weapon (worth earning 15 achievements for, I think, without being better than the great melee weapon clan items).

The medal is a fluff item. All it does is give a message during combat. It's comparatively cheap to make, but takes a very long time to craft since I don't want them to be as common as ...uh, something that's really really common.

And yes, of course, I'm still here and doing things when and where I can. :)


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