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AuthorThread: Personal Specializations - I Don't Need No Spell Book!!!
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #45892 Posted: Jan 4, 2011, 11:28 pm
Why I didn't think of this sooner I don't know... I am in a magic clan, why the hell do I need a spell book? There are almost no personal spells I would ever use over my clan spells. However if you are in a non-magic clan you spell book is great! It can give you that extra edge you just might need. Me? It's just kinda a waste of space.

Why can't I put my effort into learning to personally craft weapons, or items or armor. Maybe I would like to dabble a bit in alchemy. Just like the spell book none of what you would get from you personal endeavors would be as good as what you can for clan specialization of the same kind... for the most part, but it could give you that extra boost in an area you clan has no access too.

Yes I know you can already make armor, and "items" but those are areas that can be focused on or ignored. Spells are kinda forced and outside of having to control your golem unneeded. So why not but the effort in else where?

Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #45910 Posted: Jan 9, 2011, 3:48 am
One issue is keeping things balanced. True, the regular items that are already available are not as good as what is available to clans of various specialties. But tiger claws (and other items that can be made after so many achievements) can be traded.

If someone could specialize in making personal weapons, it would be more low level weapons to balance. And some people would argue to make them marketable, while others would say they should not be available for market.

Spells, on the other hand, are only good for the person who chooses to learn them. Until such time as something like rune stones are added, if ever.
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #45913 Posted: Jan 9, 2011, 8:18 am
I here that... I guess if something replaced the spell book slots it would have to be untradable. You can't trade spells, so you shouldn't be able to trade the items that replace them.

Bound to user?
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #45918 Posted: Jan 11, 2011, 1:26 am
Reasonably possible to make items untradeable for people to make personally. There is a small opportunity for people with personal golem spells to market services, if both parties can work out a time to be online simultaneously. I think a golem can retain an active spell when traded.

One question to consider, though, is whether to make this option available to anyone if they want to forgo personal spells. Or make it exclusively for people in spell clans. Cause if it is the latter case, what happens if someone switches out of a spell clan after getting some personal items or into a spell clan after learning personal spells?
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #45932 Posted: Jan 15, 2011, 6:38 pm
First, I came up with the idea of "Spell swapping" when I was doing an ambassador gig for my clan. I think I made a post about it somewhere, and that is why SFC became an open clan. Jump to a spell clan, cast, jump back gear up and crush stuff with the might of 2.5 clans. So I don't know about traded golems holding onto spells but there are better ways to do it anyways.

Second I would just give the option to ditch a spell book to anyone who wants it. Then let them play how they want. Use premium to reset the choice if wanted.

Third, skip making the items untradalbe. Just make them unusable if you can't make them. "You do not have the knowledge of skill to put this item to use." This also gets rid of abuse from my second point and possible trading.

Did I miss anything? Also other input is always good. Thanks for the jumping points Nanashi.
Nanashi's Avatar
Posts: 1115
Location: Asylum
Magus Age: 121 years old
Message #45935 Posted: Jan 15, 2011, 8:27 pm
Ah the joys of being an archer and getting a wand from a treasure chest... >.>

So... anyone can buy the personal item off the market but they can only use it if the can make it themselves? Am I understanding that right? Only reason I could think for that, is you lost the one you had, couldn't recover it, and didn't want to wait on making another. Ransoming weapons might be kind of interesting... =/
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