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AuthorThread: Master Smasher Suggestion
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #45914 Posted: Jan 9, 2011, 8:24 am
Yamikuronue Said:

This IS working as intended. If you wish to change how it's intended to work, that would be a Suggestion, not a Bug Report. There's no bug here. It just sucks. Sorry >.>

Ok, well, the suggestion is to make it work like it should. Hook the damage counter up to the user not the golem.

Yeah, it sucks right now, not complaining about it. I don't mind starting over if I have to. I would just rather it works like it should. Right now it is an easily abused system with a poor patch job.
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #45919 Posted: Jan 11, 2011, 1:33 am
How is it an easily abused system?

The golem registers the original creator and can't count for anyone else's achievements. Or in many cases whoever first possesses a golem that existed when the specific patch was implemented. Think it happened due to issues with the It's a Monster! achievement >.>

It is an incentive to have one golem as your door guard and one golem as your damage hunter if you are aiming for this and various kill achievements. Alternately you can have multiple hunters, if you are pursuing the really hard targets like dragons.

Not saying "no this is a bad idea", it is a reasonable idea. Simply voicing counter points.
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #45920 Posted: Jan 11, 2011, 2:48 am
Well, the easily abused was the fact that the damage got passed with the golem. The poor patch is really just how it is handled and "fixed".

I would also be happy with the achievement being reworded to include the info note that you can't lose the golems you did the damage with.
Nanashi's Avatar
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Magus Age: 121 years old
Message #45934 Posted: Jan 15, 2011, 8:22 pm
Hmm yes, a note of warning would have been than finding out the hard way.
Semaj's Avatar
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Magus Age: 115 years old
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Message #45951 Posted: Jan 21, 2011, 4:35 am
Just to follow up on this, my comment on this achievement being poorly patched is well founded. If you transfer a golem kick some ass with it and transfer it back to the original owner the damage count follows it. So using two or more accounts, your free premium time and the ability to transfer golems freely from account to account using a clan depot I would guess you could get this achievement quickly in retrospect.

The fix would be to treat the damage count the same way the monster kill counts are handled. Those stay with the player and not the golem.
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