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AuthorThread: The Daily Grind
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laidan's Avatar
Posts: 1158
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 113 years old
Message #46062 Posted: Feb 15, 2011, 9:24 pm
Laidan smiles, "I'll hold you to that, even if I have to come drag you out from under a mountain of paperwork."
Yamikuronue's Avatar
Posts: 1288
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 116 years old
Real Name: Bay
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Message #46063 Posted: Feb 15, 2011, 11:15 pm
Yamiko gives him a shy smile before glancing down at the letter again, her smile fading under a serious scowl as she snatches up the note and stuffs it into her pocket. She drops a handful of coins on the table, nodding politely to Laidan before breezing for the door.
laidan's Avatar
Posts: 1158
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 113 years old
Message #46066 Posted: Feb 16, 2011, 5:20 am
"Wait, don't forget your food! Kisaragi will not even know of a few minutes delay." Laidan grabs her hand to stop her running off and heads toward the kitchen.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 116 years old
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Message #46067 Posted: Feb 16, 2011, 8:24 am
She pauses, turning, and gives him a faint smile. "Oh, I've almost forgot!" She trails after him, her mind clearly already back at the office.
laidan's Avatar
Posts: 1158
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 113 years old
Message #46068 Posted: Feb 16, 2011, 8:38 pm
They stop at the door to the kitchen where Laidan converses briefly with a server, who nods at his request and disappears into the kitchen, returning shortly with two delicious smelling bags of food. "They're well wrapped, but carry them carefully so you don't squish the desert," the server instructs. "You're lucky, it was just about to be put on the plate, hot off the stove."
Laidan hands Yamiko her meal, finally remembering to let go of her hand. He can't quite figure out what to say, not wanting the night to end so soon yet understanding her responsibility all too well, so ends up just looking into her eyes for a moment while he tries to order his thoughts.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
Posts: 1288
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 116 years old
Real Name: Bay
Website: Click Here
Message #46069 Posted: Feb 16, 2011, 8:46 pm
Yamiko pauses, searching his eyes... they're rather lovely eyes, actually. Rather like..

No. She has business to take care of. She doesn't have time for... that sort of thing. Silly, frivolous things like dating always, ALWAYS have to come second to her duty to her Clan. She won't make that mistake a second ti-- okay, third--- again.

Her eyes hardening, she pulls away from Laidan with a stiff, formal "Good night," turning to flee the restaurant.
laidan's Avatar
Posts: 1158
Location: Mottonsborough
Magus Age: 113 years old
Message #46080 Posted: Feb 18, 2011, 6:29 pm
"Good night Yamiko" Laidan says quietly. He watches her leave, wondering if she'll remember to eat. Wondering if they'll ever have a date that doesn't end in her running away because of something the University messed up. Wondering how to convince her to take some time for herself.

Later, at home, he muses aloud to his assistant. "I just wish I could take her away from all that. I understand the sense of responsibility to her clan of course, but they seem to take such poor care of her...I think if I could just get her to myself for a few days I could make her see that there's more to life, you know?"
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