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AuthorThread: Something!
laidan's Avatar
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Message #46246 Posted: Aug 17, 2011, 4:17 am
Wow...well. I think this is the first actual forum post in something around a updates in who knows how long...and I've just run out of my stash of premium tickets and I'd forgotten just how painful combat and repair is without them. I am certainly not going to pay for premium when there is little sign of life in the game, and the dearth of anything at all on the market indicates little likelihood of finding any there. I've been active in the game almost since it went public, but I think at this point it seems likely that I'll stop soon. So I'm making a call for some sort of activity/announcement/something from Kep, or, heck, anyone else, to indicate that I should not.
Kyomi's Avatar
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Message #46247 Posted: Aug 22, 2011, 12:19 pm
I agree.

I've just been hovering. Dumping stuff into the guild coffers, and that's it.

No word from Kep, no word from anyone else. What happened? Where did the interest go?
Posts: 6
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Message #46248 Posted: Aug 22, 2011, 1:59 pm
Yep, just been doing the same thing Kyomi.
Was selling iron pretty regularly up to a few months ago, then it all just stopped.
Oh well, back to making my daily donation to the collection plate. Lol
GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #46249 Posted: Aug 24, 2011, 7:43 am
A sad state, but Ya Echo Bazaar is awesome, just short the social interactions, but oh well.

I would suggest everyone just quit muelsfell, as kep has shown 0 desires to get the community together. I had hoped that something would happen but it's been well past the 6 mount gap I gave Kep to do an update or two, and ya here we are.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #46279 Posted: Nov 6, 2011, 4:44 pm
If anyone's looking for roleplay, I can hook people up, send me an email. yamikuronue (at) gmail

I sign in every few months, just to see what's up, but I'm not holding out any hope for this game. Let me know if you find another good game, I'm interested :)

If Kep's interested in selling the game, I may be interested in buying. I've got a decent job now, I could use a project.
Last Edited: Nov 6, 2011, 4:45 pm
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #46280 Posted: Nov 20, 2011, 9:01 am
Yami for mayor!

And on that note holy hell this game is still, here. Can't really say alive but still being here is good. Gone for over 200 days and the place is just about how I left it. :P

Oh yeah hi everyone!
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #46282 Posted: Nov 23, 2011, 9:09 pm
Been thinking about this old place recently... hmm.

The best thing for the community would be for Kep to open-source the code, under perhaps the GPL or some such, and hand over the keys to the server to a small committee of players who would then be responsible for development, maintenance, and upkeep. I am willing to head up this committee if that were to happen.

A more likely scenario would probably be for him to sell the domain, server, and codebase to a specific individual who would become the new Kep. I would also be willing to take over this role, depending on the costs involved. If they are too steep for me, perhaps we could do a donation drive or some such.

In any event, if I found myself with access to the backend of muelsfell, I would first need a few weeks to really get to know the code so I could get a sense of just what we're dealing with. My next step would probably be to integrate a bug-tracking and feature-request system, importing the old forum threads into it so I could keep up with what needed to be done, and put out a call for coders who are willing to work on things so I'm not doing it all myself. I'd want to integrate the wiki and IRC chat more tightly, because the only thing left in this game (if it can be saved at all) is the community feeling.

From there it'd be a matter of addressing the more critical bugs, implementing some of the long-awaited clan features, and advertising to get new blood once I felt more confident with the product. I'd also probably use the database to procure emails of people likely to come back and send out a mass message informing them of the updates; hopefully we could win back many of the important community leaders that way, and in time, we'd attract new blood to keep things going.

Of course, there'd need to be more end-game content to address the huge wealth disparity between newcomers and those who long ago maxed out their growth potential in the game... perhaps a server reset would buy time, but that'd be a highly controversial move the community might rebel against...

Anyway, I highly doubt anyone's out there reading this, nor that any of it will come to pass. Still, it doesn't hurt to dream.


In unrelated news, I not only finished my dissertation and received my degree, I managed to pull off a Distinction. Woo-hoo! I'm now once again a working professional in the computer science industry :D
Kyomi's Avatar
Posts: 274
Location: Andulaz
Magus Age: 126 years old
Message #46283 Posted: Nov 27, 2011, 4:52 am
first, congratulations.

If Sir Robin had any more minstrels, I'd hire them. :)

As for the game... I dunno. I randomly check in, shuffle my stuff into the clan vaults for the next upgrade, then log out. Monster killing has become pointless to me.

I myself wonder what has become of our fearless leader Kep. Aside from the halloween update nothing has happened since the last ... umm... major holiday?
Posts: 505
Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 117 years old
Message #46284 Posted: Nov 27, 2011, 9:56 pm
A few days after he added some monsters and locations without mentioning it. Or someone did at least.
StarSecrets's Avatar
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Message #46285 Posted: Dec 1, 2011, 2:33 am
This makes me kinda sad... I haven't been on here for... well, I'm honestly not sure how long it's been, but I just sorta thought it would still be going strong...
So... Updates just sorta petered out?
Posts: 505
Location: Rildesjan
Magus Age: 117 years old
Message #46286 Posted: Dec 1, 2011, 10:21 pm
Pretty much, yeah. Though again, there was a small update shortly after Halloween.
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