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What is Muelsfell? - Muelsfell: Rise of the Golems is a persistent browser-based game (PBBG) that revolves around the creation of magical golems by mages and magic users. Muelsfell is part combat, part roleplaying game, part resource management. Sign up for an account and give it a try -- for free!
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AuthorThread: Hey Folks
[ADMIN] Talian
Talian's Avatar
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Magus Age: 126 years old
Message #46297 Posted: Feb 13, 2012, 6:01 pm
My name is Talian, I originally wrote the coding framework that Kep used to build muelsfell, and we bounce a lot of development ideas back and forth.

I haven't been involved since then, working on my own games (which never completed, Kep showed me up with my own code).

As you all know Kep's been a lil busy/burnout, and after talking with him today I agreed to take a look and maybe contribute some code.

Before that though I wanted to engage the community, see what some of the most pressing issues are right now.

For now lets keep this down to small lists in top 5 format. We'll tabulate those up, then go to individual threads to detail out some of the higher rated issues.
Posts: 505
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Magus Age: 117 years old
Message #46298 Posted: Feb 14, 2012, 8:57 pm
Not sure how many people check the forum anymore, posts are quite rare. On topic:

1) Lack of late game goals.

2) Monster inconsistency. One level 7 might be killable without even hurting you with a good weapon and some planning while another will rip you to shreds unless you're completely decked out and even then base damages will hurt.

That's about it for me at the moment.
laidan's Avatar
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Message #46299 Posted: Feb 15, 2012, 5:21 am
I'd have to agree with my clannie on those, with the natural addition that the lack of updates in general has certainly not helped anything.
But I think Necaria really hit it on the head with the lack of later game goals. As I recall, the fun thing early on was when no one had any money / resource x and we were all trying to figure out how everything worked, then how to kill the hard monsters, then clans and magic etc, but then we higher level folks ran out of stuff to do besides improve the clans and help out the lower levels, which took away much of the challenge for them, and didn't last long for us. Sure there were a few extremely hard monsters that showed up, but the theoretical rewards have never actually been spotted on the hardest, if there ever were any.
Finally, I think there's a balance issue, as no one starting out, or even around level 75 or 100 is ever going to catch me, let alone Joachim and crew, without some very selfless assistance from a lot of clan members with easy access to food drops.
Hmm, that turned into sort of a lot of text, hope something in there was useful to you, and the rest of us by extension.

Edit: To summarize/rephrase/clarify, I think the key thing that was lost was the challenge, something to draw us into the world, make us work together or choose sides and try to accomplish something besides killing the best xp/score monster for the least resource and time expense. For example, something like the Magier war (if you know what that was), without the risk of alienating a bunch of players due to repeated PvP beatdown.
Last Edited: Feb 15, 2012, 5:29 am
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #46300 Posted: Feb 19, 2012, 8:21 pm
Liaden and Necaria are right.

I think the most fun I had was when Clans first came out, and everyone was starting to figure out what everything does. Likewise once Magic went live.

Now if someone starts the game, as a level one, they join a Clan, get the ultra-mega Clan equipment/spells, and only a few high-level monsters pose any challenge. The joy of exploration/figuring out new things seems to be missing. I dunno how you could fix that.

The Achievements and associated items were a good way to try and bridge the mid-game/late-game gap of things to do, but of limited advantage.

I wish I had few 'this will fix everything' suggestions for you. These will have to do instead...

1) something for the higher-levels to work on. group activities? team activities? not sure how that would work. Contribute materials (resources or items) and motivation to accomplish x, to recieve y reward. minimum number of z magi of a minimum level needed. Might involve cross-Clan requirements, to spread the challenge.

2) continue populating the achievement items. That would at least give some sort of practical goal to grinding away with our mot to finish off more achievements.

3) possibly limiting Clan equipment/abilities to user level? Not sure how well this would work/ or if it would mean the newbies get ganged up on... but that might cut down on a level one just starting/joing a (for example) ranged clan and killing the earthen titan one their first attempt (with a repeating dart thrower and some clan provided golem assistence) and thinking the game is too easy, since they have the high level tools to compensate for every creature out there from day one.

4) Customized Clan buildings, that could transfer to a magus's workshop. Maybe something like the moat for Defense Clans, auto-ballistae for Ranged, offensive transmutation for Alchemy (oh noes! My iron golem now has random flesh parts! might allow a level 10 flesh arm obtainable only via this route, could increase market resales as well), land-mines for Item <% chance to blow off legs of attacker>, a defensive swarm for Melee <upgraded practice dummy?), Defending Illusion (increase chance of miss by attacker) for the Magic Clans. That would at least freshen up the PvP side of things for a while. and yeah, those are totally random suggestions. some from previous posts by others much smarter than I am.

Anyway, just a few random thoughts before I make dinner for the evening. Hopefully they might help. Anyone please feel free to provide feedback or better suggestions.
SkitzYie's Avatar
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Message #46301 Posted: Feb 20, 2012, 2:38 pm
1. Balancing. Weapon balancing, magic balancing, level scaling

2. Content. We need some goals to try and reach other than another achievement.

3. Community. Need more people first off. Need more ways to interact.

4. PvP......... An arena system would be great. I like PvP but I dislike how it seems to be looked down upon in the game. Some of that is a role playing piece and in those instances thats good. But a way to duel your golem's without the baggage of attacking a workshop would be great.

5. Balancing again. From my time way back when being active here there were differing views on what was over powered. But I still think melee weapons compared to range weapon have a distinct advantage. The Spike Chain for example is a ranged weapon with no ammo that does respectable damage. For an actual ranged clan to use something comparable they need to deal with building ammo keeping it in stock.
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #46302 Posted: Feb 20, 2012, 10:35 pm
1. Balancing level gain to motivation use. With the right equipment & golem, attacking a monster next door that drops food, you can get lots of extra motivation, and in turn experience.

2. Some content has never been implemented even though there have been place holders since before I started a few years ago now.

3. PVP right now can heavily favor the attacker, especially if they can learn the log-in habits of whomever is defending. Can be very frustrating to log-in after a while and find 4 or 5 attack reports and no wall waiting for you. An arena could be a good idea - enter a golem champion into the arena, win and earn arena exclusive prizes and achievements maybe. And possibly include auto repair for parts that are not destroyed in a single combat.
Posts: 7
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Magus Age: 100 years old
Message #46303 Posted: Feb 26, 2012, 3:17 pm
For me the single biggest lack in the game is none pvp short term stuff to do.

The world, writing,history and mechanics are all there, and all great, even without fishing, however there just really isn't that much point in building up your golems or putting the work into developing items unless your interested in rank and pvp.

The achievements were a step in the right direction with this, but they are too long term. it's one thing to say "kill 1000 monsters" but a person won't see that as a motivator for loging in to the game day after day.

Nor, is there really a reason currently for wandering the map and seeing all the monsters. Yes, the monsters are cool, but you get pretty much the same stuff for defeating the ones in the area near your home as defeating the ones far off or exploring the map.

Also, there is little or nothing random in the environment that you can discover while wandering around. No random item drops, no random wandering monsters to fight, or npc shops.

My suggestions are thus the following.

1: include bounty system where npcs will offer you quests to kill mobs for rewards (yes I know we have sams, buthose are not nearly enough for the dedicated explorer or for the great amount of monsters the game has to offer).

Also, quests could continue stories of sorts, eg, you slaughter a bunch of goblins, then they come back for revenge and you have to fight off their tougher war machine. With the world and background in Muelsfell this is a major pluss.

2: random encounters while exploring the map, perhaps where you encounter a monster similar to your golem level, ---- possibly items, skills or spells could be introduced that affect these, eg, a disguise spell to prevent them or an "eagle eye" spell if you want more. Also, sinse they are! random fights, timer should be lessoned to stop them being too irritating when in a distant location.

3: Random resource drops on the map. Once again, nice for exploring and something that could be helped by spells.

4: finish fishing and farming, ---- heck we all want it to happen.

5:Add bosses to the game, ie, big tough mobs that you need some really powerful golems to defeat, but which greatly up your score and reputation.

In general, what the game needs is really expantion and randomness. It's great, but all the responses I've had from people who've briefly tried the game have been "yeah, I build my golems and get stronger, ---- -so what?" sinse the answer "to beat up other players" only goes so far, ---- and even pvp hackers will doubtless want something else to do in the game.

I really hope Muelsfell can get these expantions. It's always had amazing potential, but over the four years sinse I first started (this isn't my first account), I've just not seen the expantion I was hoping to happen, which is a huge shame.
SkitzYie's Avatar
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Message #46305 Posted: Mar 23, 2012, 9:56 pm
Still around Talian?

The mere idea that this game may get some life breathed into it has made me log in more in the past month than I had in the previous 8.

Any news?

SkitzYie's Avatar
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Message #46307 Posted: Apr 3, 2012, 3:33 pm
Well, so much for that I guess.......
laidan's Avatar
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Message #46308 Posted: Apr 4, 2012, 4:17 am
Maybe he's just on spring break? Or...another hope dashed...
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #46309 Posted: Apr 5, 2012, 8:38 pm
Pretty sure he isn't tied up in a workshop basement somewhere. I think...
laidan's Avatar
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Message #46310 Posted: Apr 6, 2012, 1:29 am
Holy moley, now there's a bar we haven't seen around here in many moons...
[ADMIN] Talian
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Message #46311 Posted: Apr 6, 2012, 4:30 pm
Ya still around, discussing stuff with Kep.

I was aiming for more small hit and run stuff, and you guys are posting some much larger and involved things.

Posts: 94
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Magus Age: 133 years old
Message #46312 Posted: Apr 9, 2012, 5:54 pm
I still occasionally check up on things here.

This time has brought me news.


Give me anything new to mess around with and I'll see what I can tweak out.
Kenneth's Avatar
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Message #46313 Posted: Apr 21, 2012, 9:50 pm
Survival Mode
Face off against all the monsters in Muelsfell, starting from lvl 1 and going to the lvl 20s. Terrain effects do not apply. There is no return time, and you are not allowed to switch golems. If you leave you will be forced to start over upon returning. This will be an event, which takes place at a specific location on the map. Prizes will be awarded upon beating all monsters lvl 5 and below, lvl 10 and below, lvl 15 and below, and lvl 20 and below.

To make this even remotely possible:
a) Players are awarded resource bonuses upon beating all monsters at lvl 5, 10, 15 that can be used to repair the golem. The resources can be carried by the golem (ignoring carrying capacity) so they don't have to all be spent at the same time.

b) Players can use the resource drops from monsters to repair their golem (perhaps the current drops can be tweaked to make this idea more feasible)
Anri's Avatar
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Message #46314 Posted: May 20, 2012, 5:41 am
Oh wow... its been years since I posted here. Anyways I don't think there is any single small code tweak you can make that'll breathe a new life into this. I think sadly enough, the phrase "Too little, too late" applies here.

But defeatist attitude aside, I'll definately check back here a bit more. Might I suggest announcing this on the homepage? It's rare for me to actually check these forums anymore, though the homepage I do glance at when I log on to dump resources for my guild. It might get a few more people to at least look in here and drop a suggestion or 2. It'd also be a start to showing that muels is still alive... somewhat.

My big suggestion isn't even coding, but get Kep to make use of the updates section on the homepage to let people know the game is still developing. And that he hasn't abandonned it.

And I do hope yall get this going nicely again. I'd love to see an active muels to play on.
Last Edited: May 20, 2012, 5:44 am
GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #46317 Posted: Jun 14, 2012, 5:36 am
Well If he hasn't abandoned it, he gave up on the community for what ever reason. I imagine there's still some people who would love to see the game going again, I wouldn't mind, but honestly, what the point in no one plays and we never seen or hear about any progress.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #46318 Posted: Jun 30, 2012, 12:24 am
It would take a lot to get this going again, I think. Part of the problem is that there's a lot of gentrification and stagnation: there's a bunch of high-level players sitting on piles of cash with nothing left to do in the game. That and there was so much promised that never got delivered, it took a toll on the psyche of the playerbase.

By the by, if anyone wants to contact me, I do own the email address of my username @ I also wouldn't mind chipping in if you need more coders to make things work. I finished my Master's in computer science and am working now, meaning I have less time but still more than 0 time and still enjoy web development.
GordonIronsmith's Avatar
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Message #46333 Posted: Nov 5, 2012, 5:56 am
Interesting to still see the old crew about even if it was months ago/ I did like this game, but yes fixing it will be a fairly large task, though the suggestions here are pretty good, but some sort of end game, large conflicts possible internal, but I still feel it would be better to have so external major conflicts.

Also given the extremely high value and worthlessness of different resources it would be useful to be able to sell off the resources to NPC or organizations.

I'd be interested to start playing again if some changes where made.
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #46345 Posted: Dec 12, 2012, 5:32 am
Ok, lets start.

First, keep us updated! I don't care if its only about the lunch you had today let us know what is going on and let us know you remember we are here.

B, fix the way range works in combat. Easily one of my biggest let downs was the wand of the apprentice being next to useless due to my golem being too dumb to make use of its range.

III, give me more building levels. At the max building levels available now it takes 17.361 days to max your resources. For an online game that is way too long, especially givin how imposable it is to get the clan libraries past level 14 even at this games peak.

4th, if III is not complied with make monsters drop regular resources, decent amounts of resources based on monster level. And if you are going to make our golems be penalized on what they can carry due to held weapons and armor make sure there is a way to beat these monsters while still able to bring back your prize by the average play.
P.S. everyone who is still here right now are not average players.

5. Make congress useful. 50000 of any resources isn't helpful even to a new clan. Now maybe 10 times that amount could get something done. Also if the game ever grows get rid of the clan penalty of lose a level/be disband form others voting on it. Just looks to me like it could be badly abused with a big enough clan.

Finally, get updated. Facebook, smartphone, make apps for them! People will pay stupid amounts of money on those games. Also it would make the game far easier to share.

More to come I am sure.
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #46349 Posted: Dec 21, 2012, 7:11 am

Just to point out on your third issue, clans were never meant to be small. So yes as it stands, clans take a very long time to build up. But they were never intended to have only a small handful of members donating, even with max resource gains and nothing else to build.

And although I believe the word you mean is "impossible", getting the clan library up to level 15 has been done. On a few occassions, AFTER the player base reached its peak and started dropping.
Semaj's Avatar
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Message #46350 Posted: Dec 22, 2012, 1:33 pm
I did misspell that didn't I?

Anywho, I figure clans where meant to be BIG. That's just simple math. I think the facebook suggestion is a good fix for a lot of this game. I know everyone on the internet knows how easy it is to try and force your gaming choices on others via facebook. :P This would be one of the few games I would try to share.

And before SRC was disbanded to to inactivity I think we made Library level 14. That was a pain. So sad its gone...

To add to the suggestions I believe quests where suggested. I like that idea too.

Truth is right now there are only a small number of high level players here with nothing to do. The answers to this problem are to make high level content or, the better option, make it easy for us to share the game over a large base.

FYI, I don't think the share links are working. Mine won't show up in my Gaia signature.
MustafaDeValdemar's Avatar
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Message #46351 Posted: Jan 29, 2013, 7:11 am
I would agree that facebook/smartphone options for the game would be a major revenue stream, as well as a good route toward revitalizing the game.

Was there ever any investigation into clan vs. clan battles? Or having an arena (with betting and leaderboards)?

I used to play this game every day, and brought in a half-dozen players from my work that did the same - most of whom paid for premium - but it's been over a year since then, and not much has changed. :(

I still hold out hope, though. This was a great game, and still has a lot of potential.

Vaya con queso,
:), V
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