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What is Muelsfell? - Muelsfell: Rise of the Golems is a persistent browser-based game (PBBG) that revolves around the creation of magical golems by mages and magic users. Muelsfell is part combat, part roleplaying game, part resource management. Sign up for an account and give it a try -- for free!
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AuthorThread: Killing level 2 monsters.
Posts: 157
Location: Darghelm
Magus Age: 120 years old
Message #478 Posted: Mar 21, 2008, 7:54 pm
So, it seems like, with the way the economy works for the game, the basic core cycle you need to accomplish is

Get exp -> better level job -> more gold -> faster advancement for your lab -> "uberness"

The amount of gold/resources you get for killing stuff is overshadowed by the value of the gold you get for working.

5xp is the most you can get from a kill(is that right? can you kill a golem + 2 level monster and get even more?) so that the best way to go up is just to make sure you can have a golem that can engage in fights of a level + 1. It doesn't matter if this is an level 6 golem killing a level 7 creature or a level 1 golem killing a level 2 creature, though the incidental gold you get from a higher level kill does help.

Anyway, my point is kind of that, in many respects, you 'cap out' on your rate of advancement when you can have a flesh golem kill a level 2 monster.

Also, anyone know how much you need to gear up a flesh golem to do that? :) I just started, I'm kind of extrapolating from what I see here initially.

Posts: 52
Location: Last Alvia Dawning
Magus Age: 123 years old
Message #479 Posted: Mar 21, 2008, 9:54 pm
you can get up to 10 xp fighting monsters...AND you don't have to kill them to get xp, just fight them.

The most cost efficient is using your starter golem to kill lev 2, as far as I've found.

Fighting with higher level golems, the added money and secondary resources is outweighed by the damage you have to repair after every fight.

Also, you don't necessarily want to level up as fast as you can. You probably want to get rock or iron golems build before you get level 3 or people are going to start picking on you, putting you in an inescapable hole.

There are some level 2 monsters you can fight with an unmodified starter golem, and others that would tear it's just a matter of finding which is which.

your first priority should be building up your producers to around 385 or 480/hour, then library and higher golems, then wall.

just leave your experience alone until you get some higher golems to protect your workshops. The difference between lev 1 working money and lev 3 isn't really that much.
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