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What is Muelsfell? - Muelsfell: Rise of the Golems is a persistent browser-based game (PBBG) that revolves around the creation of magical golems by mages and magic users. Muelsfell is part combat, part roleplaying game, part resource management. Sign up for an account and give it a try -- for free!
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AuthorThread: I just wanted to post this...
Posts: 1
Location: Hans Mina
Magus Age: 117 years old
Message #4981 Posted: Jun 18, 2008, 1:05 pm
I've been playing this game for weeks now, doing everything that I can to develop strong golems and resource production to support them.

I started with the obvious... flesh golem. It was weak but I could sometimes kill a level 1 monster and gain some loot and up to 3 XP per kill.

Soon I was able to build a bone golem and I did so, equipping it with iron studs in all areas. By now I could always kill level 1 monsters, but they would only give 1 XP per kill... level 2 monsters would almost always end in a wash, with me unable to kill them, though we both did damage to each other. This was frustrating, but I decided to bide my time and research more powerful golems while I continued to kill level 1 monsters for 1 XP per kill.

Now I built a level 2 clay golem and equipped it with clay tablet, glass eyes, and iron studs (and iron bands in a few locations). Surely I would finally be able to kill level 2 monsters and start to get some XP points and real loot!


Now I can still barely kill a level 2 monster even though my golem's strength is DOUBLE that of my old bone golem, and even when I DO kill something I "Find no loot" and I GET 0 XPs FOR THE FIGHT. WTF? Before I would get experience points even if I failed to kill a monster!? Now I get nothing (win or lose)?

This game is completely frustrating and seems like a complete waste of my time.

Thanks for nothing Necrotales.
Posts: 300
Location: Ibonbourg
Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #4982 Posted: Jun 18, 2008, 1:18 pm
Here's your problem. You're totally doing it wrong. It's not Necrotales' fault, you should have looked over the forums.

Golems have levels, not just the ones you see but different golem types have adjusted levels against different monsters. Your problem is is that you're not upgrading your powersource and eyes. My lvl 1 flesh golem can easily take down the lvl 4 bog mummy. That's because he's using better eyes (more accurate) and a better powersource (more hits per fight).

Also, be aware of wheither you're fighting in the daytime or night. You lose a lot of accuracy at night.
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Message #4984 Posted: Jun 18, 2008, 2:20 pm
True that. Ninomai, one of our clan members, has her lvl 1 flesh so tuned...that little bastard is taking out lvl 6 monsters with very little difficulty.
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Message #5008 Posted: Jun 18, 2008, 5:17 pm
Clay golems were never meant to be killers. Remember that. Their strength is mediocre for the speed that they have.

What makes clay golems great is that if you have one out in a marshy area, it makes a great gaurd for pvp attacks, seeing as how you'll regenerate every fight. They also have amazing carrying capacity, able to carry more loot back than even an adamantine golem. If you're into pvp stuff, use the clay golem after you've broken their gaurd to get as much loot per raid as you can.

From what I've seen, the best way to gain exp is to take a level one flesh golem, armor it up, and send it against other people who have a golem with an ECL of at least 4. This nets you 10 xp per run, although you sacrifice loot in the process.
Posts: 300
Location: Ibonbourg
Magus Age: 119 years old
Message #5009 Posted: Jun 18, 2008, 5:28 pm
The bog mummy gets me loot, 9 exp and with a voidstone is a mere 6 motivation. Your results may vary.
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Message #5019 Posted: Jun 18, 2008, 6:41 pm
I dunno, if you bother to up your golems strength some, you start breaking limbs off the golems you're leeching exp from. More often than not this gets you quite a bit of armor.
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #5041 Posted: Jun 19, 2008, 2:31 am
There are a lot of options for upgrading golems in the game. Not only do things like equipped items, weather, and terrain play a role on combat, but fighting different creatures (or players) at the same level can be worlds apart. Others have already given some sound advice, especially the bits about power supplies and eyes.

Further, Muelsfell is regularly attended to, so features and golems can and will be tweaked to hopefully better the game. :)

Zivdel's Avatar
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Message #5126 Posted: Jun 20, 2008, 5:13 pm
well that sure explains why my wood golem is such a choad in combat. i will work more with my flesheys. by the way where does on acquire/make/develop weapons? i feel that might just up the damage output of my flesh golem
Halftea's Avatar
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Message #5152 Posted: Jun 21, 2008, 12:04 am
As of right now, weapons are strictly a clan feature. So the only way to get them is to join/make a clan.
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