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AuthorThread: Fighting higher level creatures worth it?
Posts: 52
Location: Last Alvia Dawning
Magus Age: 123 years old
Message #519 Posted: Mar 24, 2008, 5:48 pm

Right now it doesn't seem to be the case.

It costs extra repair costs, and more importantly more motivation to effectively attack the lev 3 and 4 creatures, and they don't seem to give much more gold and secondary resources.

There seems to be some balancing needed.

It seems to me the most economical approach is to find a level two close to you that you can kill with your level 1 golem.

[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #524 Posted: Mar 24, 2008, 8:07 pm
I felt this might be the case, as the treasure that the level 3+ critters drop was set low to err on the side of caution. Always better to uptweak treasure than it is to nerf it.

I'll see what I can do tonight. Even if it's only a slight increase.

Posts: 157
Location: Darghelm
Magus Age: 120 years old
Message #529 Posted: Mar 24, 2008, 9:40 pm
I agree that it's better to uptweak than nerf - on the other hand, that's more of a production MMO rule than this sort of game where you should feel like tweaking the game is very fluid. Hopefully people expect this to be beta and that such changes will happen in both directions. I think you're carrying that rule a little far (for instance, the cost per motivation point of 100xp is probably an order of magnitude too high, at least early on)

[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #534 Posted: Mar 25, 2008, 4:04 pm
You could say that production MMORPGs are my background, so I tend to carry with a lot of the old "rules." Some don't apply, like the annoying "super secrecy" about upcoming projects, but regardless of the format, I think it's always better to uptweak than to nerf. :)

The treasure for level 3rd and 4th creatures as well as the lone 7th level creature have been tweaked upwards. Let me know if the risk/damage vs reward seems a little more balanced.

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