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AuthorThread: Muelsfell Casting
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Joachim's Avatar
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Message #5215 Posted: Jun 22, 2008, 12:34 pm
Alright everyone, here's a little fantasy/thought scenario to think about:

Arkham has just won a huge multi-state lottery and has hired Peter Jackson to make a series of movies based on Muelsfell. The question is, what actor would you like to play the role of your mage in this new fantasy epic? (actor has to be active, i.e. not dead)

For me, I'd have to go with Brendan Fraser.
Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #5220 Posted: Jun 22, 2008, 2:08 pm
I wanna say that kid that plays draco malfoy in the harry potter movies, but he's more of just a whiny little punk than the ultimate evil.

Gryficus's Avatar
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Message #5228 Posted: Jun 22, 2008, 6:33 pm
Dennis Hopper ala Waterworld.

Angry, one-eyed, and evil.
CommComms's Avatar
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Message #5245 Posted: Jun 23, 2008, 3:35 am
Patrick Stewart.
I accept nothing less than the greatest living actor.
With a possible exception for the second greatest living actor: Samuel L. Jackson.
Caduceus's Avatar
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Message #5247 Posted: Jun 23, 2008, 3:56 am
Joe Pesci.
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Message #5259 Posted: Jun 23, 2008, 11:42 am
I'd have to be done fully in CGI. No replacing me. :P
Quon's Avatar
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Message #5261 Posted: Jun 23, 2008, 12:21 pm
Pre-2004 Lindsey Lohan. :)
ProfessorFate's Avatar
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Message #5269 Posted: Jun 23, 2008, 3:50 pm
James Callis from Battlestar Galactica.
deathpunk's Avatar
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Message #5287 Posted: Jun 24, 2008, 1:35 am
David Bowie
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Message #5295 Posted: Jun 24, 2008, 3:10 am
deathpunk said:

David Bowie

ooo...good one
Yonk's Avatar
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Message #5304 Posted: Jun 24, 2008, 4:46 am
Nathan Fillion
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Message #5321 Posted: Jun 24, 2008, 1:49 pm
Mark Wahlberg
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Message #5713 Posted: Jun 29, 2008, 5:49 pm
Ah, I know who'd do great for my character, Nicholas Cage.

He's a good enough actor, I'm sure he could pull off the evil look.
mardoc's Avatar
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Message #5726 Posted: Jun 29, 2008, 8:44 pm
a young de niro
Panili's Avatar
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Message #5733 Posted: Jun 29, 2008, 10:54 pm
Christina Ricci

She can do the creepy little geek girl thing really well.
laidan's Avatar
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Message #6302 Posted: Jul 7, 2008, 8:12 pm
Christian Bale
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Message #9632 Posted: Aug 6, 2008, 11:09 pm
Emily Osment
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Message #9783 Posted: Aug 8, 2008, 5:30 am
Ellen Page, perhaps.
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Message #9786 Posted: Aug 8, 2008, 6:31 am
Gene Wilder
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Message #10592 Posted: Aug 21, 2008, 3:41 pm
Hugh Jackman

i want someone that can growl like a champ and look -mean-
Dreamweb's Avatar
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Message #10798 Posted: Aug 26, 2008, 7:22 am
I forget her name but the one who played seven of nine in voyager.
UhrAma's Avatar
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Message #11420 Posted: Sep 7, 2008, 6:17 pm
Ron Jeremy.

... i did not say that. What i meant to say was: "Michelle Pfeiffer maybe?" But then i thought: "But Ron Jeremy has bigger boobs..."
masterslug's Avatar
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Message #11424 Posted: Sep 7, 2008, 7:10 pm
Phil Silvers is a bit dead so i'm stuck on this one
DemonDurai's Avatar
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Message #17352 Posted: Nov 10, 2008, 6:09 pm
Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock
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Message #17354 Posted: Nov 10, 2008, 6:15 pm
Summer Glau []
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