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What is Muelsfell? - Muelsfell: Rise of the Golems is a persistent browser-based game (PBBG) that revolves around the creation of magical golems by mages and magic users. Muelsfell is part combat, part roleplaying game, part resource management. Sign up for an account and give it a try -- for free!
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AuthorThread: Mikke's Golem Salvage
[ADMIN] Arkham
Arkham's Avatar
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Message #627 Posted: Mar 28, 2008, 7:37 pm
For those of you who need to free up some room in your basement (or are just tired of looking at some of your old golems), there's now a golem salvage yard in Kern. This is an option available to both premiums and non-premiums.

* You will need to have a permit of the appropriate type before you can junk your golem.
* The golem can be missing limbs. In fact, it can be missing all of them and just be a torso.
* The golem MUST be damaged, with less than max hit points in at least one location - the shop does not accept undamaged golems or torsos.
* The shop will only offer gold coins for golems, and will offer more based on what type of golem it is, what level it is, and how many hit points still remain.
* The shop pays more for brass or copper than it does for adamantine. Adamantine is hard to work with, hence more value on the "lesser" metals.
* Once turned in, the golem is effectively destroyed -- scrapped for its components.

Yes, I realize some of you may build golems just to scrap them for money, but the "damaged only" requirement means you're going to have to build at least most of the golem and send it into combat at least once (a motivation hit).

Let me know any problems.

Posts: 157
Location: Darghelm
Magus Age: 120 years old
Message #632 Posted: Mar 28, 2008, 10:11 pm
I would make sure that the golem is worth more the more parts it has - otherwise people with the hacksaw have a ridiculous advantage.
Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #633 Posted: Mar 28, 2008, 10:39 pm
not really, the hacksaw costs motivation while the salvage does not.

Posts: 157
Location: Darghelm
Magus Age: 120 years old
Message #634 Posted: Mar 28, 2008, 10:48 pm
Oh, I didn't realize it cost motivation.

My thought was that you'd be able to put together a golem, get it damaged once, cut off the limbs so you could only have to salvage and rebuild the torso - much faster turn around on selling golems.
Pegga's Avatar
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Message #642 Posted: Mar 29, 2008, 4:51 pm
Yeah, the motivation on the hacksaw is harsh. Currently, its 25 motivation for all parts except pelvis and abdomen which are 50. At that rate, its pretty useless. Wish I'd gone for the spiky walls. If I want something removed, I just don't repair it and let it get destroyed. At least I get exp for the motivation that way.
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