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AuthorThread: Secondaries
Elsworth's Avatar
Posts: 93
Location: Fellin
Magus Age: 111 years old
Message #7136 Posted: Jul 17, 2008, 1:34 am
I've been wondering where peoples favourite monsters for farming secondaries...

I've found that the Spined Troll in the Upper Zaulfaug is good for Silver...

What's everyone's favourite for other secondaries?

Halftea's Avatar
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Message #7178 Posted: Jul 17, 2008, 4:39 pm
Depends on the secondary. :)

For Silver, the Dire Unicorn in Bossenwelle Valley for me, although I don't do anything with it as of yet. :)

Gold, Glass, and Gems, The Yeti is still probably closet and easiest for me.

Edit: Almost forgot! For adamantine I go against the mountain giant.

I usually just farm for the other metals. Although I think bronze is the only one I've ever seen drop.
Last Edited: Sep 11, 2008, 2:52 pm
Posts: 99
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Magus Age: 141 years old
Real Name: Craig
Message #7299 Posted: Jul 18, 2008, 8:40 pm
I like the Ambulatory Mushroom in the Ironwood for gems and the occasional glass. At the moment I'm experience farming though so haven't seen too many secondaries as I've armoured my golem up.
Magstrom's Avatar
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Message #11786 Posted: Sep 11, 2008, 2:46 am
i've gotten bronze and adamantine from the Yeti as well as glass, gems, gold, and some silver. That's not including the decent amount of money I get with my lvl 2 clay and sometimes with my strength enhanced fleshie.
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