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AuthorThread: Assorted New Plans and Projects
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #7287 Posted: Jul 18, 2008, 7:07 pm
I thought people might be interested in my current project plans. In general, I'm looking to clean up and debug code to a certain point before the game comes out of Beta. This is of course an ongoing project and one that will never end as long as the game lives; I will always be interested in reducing bugs and making things more efficient.

That said, here are more specific ideas that I'm working on, with no hard and fast deadlines:

1) The Spellcasting system. After having a minor epiphany last weekend, I realized how to accomplish this in a modular fashion that would allow me to add spells as easily as I can currently add new items or creatures. There will be one spellcasting system, but some spells will be clan-specific while others will be researched or learned from the spellbook page. Clan-specific spells will work similar to how clan alchemy, in the sense that players in the appropriate guild will automatically gain casting rights on their spellbook page to spells chosen by their clan.

2) The Newspaper. Live as of July 28-2008 This will be Muelsfell's equivalent of a shoutboard, but done in an RPG fashion. People will be able to write articles, anonymously or otherwise, and submit them to the newspaper. I'm hoping that folks will use this to create want-ads, in-character stories, spread clan propaganda, and even write articles to help new players. Most stories will be temporary and automatically expire.

3) The Marketplace revision. The market is some of the first code I wrote for the game, even before I had the combat system in place. As such, it's also, in a word, sloppy. I'll be rewriting this entirely sooner or later, with the market split into three or more sub-markets: a golem trade, an item trade (including premium tickets), and a resource market. Sorting and searching for wanted items will be much easier.

One notable change is that when a resource offer is accepted, the resources are taken from the seller at point of sale -- this will mean the market will no longer be a safe place to store resources from attack, and I'll be able to remove the 24 hour limit as well. Golems and items will continue to be taken at point of offer.

4) The Family system. Premium members will be able to create a surname for their magus and then invite other players into their family (invited members need not be Premiums to join). This is predominately a roleplaying option, but various players can take on the roles of fathers and mothers, husband and wives, brothers and sisters, and so forth. One game-affecting option I'm considering for this is to allow family members the ability to guard other family members with their golems, much like the clan guards.

5) Clan-based Job system. Clans will be able to build businesses in various areas across Muelsfell. Based on the clan, these businesses will be of all sorts, ranging from taverns to orphanages to opium dens. Each of these businesses will generate money for the clan, but they will also require daily upkeep. Other magi, even those not in the clan, will be able to work at these businesses to provide this upkeep, and they'll receive wages in a fashion much like the current jobcenter. There's a danger here though -- other clans will be able to destroy these structures, assuming they can get past the clan golem guards...

Though lately I've been focusing on the spellcasting system, I can't say which of these will be released first, nor when. When new bugs crop up, I tend to drop everything to fix the bug so it's hard to schedule these things. However, these are the new systems regularly on my mind. :)

Last Edited: Jul 29, 2008, 2:37 pm
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #7642 Posted: Jul 22, 2008, 3:24 pm
Questions and comments about this subject should be taken to the Gameplay Discussions forum. :)

[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #10034 Posted: Aug 12, 2008, 3:41 pm
A week or two ago, I added another project to the list:

6) The Feldspar Senate Live as of August 24-2008 -- This was strongly inspired by MAGIER's mandate. Clan Magistrates will be able to submit new mandates, boons, or punishments and everyone will be able to "vote them into law." For mandates, this would be roleplaying only -- clans would need to enforce these themselves, but they would remain on the law books for all to read and be reported in the newspaper. For boons and punishments, these will be enacted automatically on a target clan once passed and can have some very real consequences. Voting options will consist of Yay, Nay, or No Confidence, and every magus in the game can vote on each referendum, even if they're not in a clan.

Last Edited: Aug 24, 2008, 4:41 pm
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #10712 Posted: Aug 24, 2008, 4:45 pm
Just thought I'd share what my current priorities are:

The spell system. Sorry it's taking so long, but I want this system to be flexible. Integration into combat is proving to be the big bottleneck.

Golem Customization. This has been off and on the back burner for awhile. The mechanics work fine as-is, but once I have a critical mass of appropriate new art, it'll go live.

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