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What is Muelsfell? - Muelsfell: Rise of the Golems is a persistent browser-based game (PBBG) that revolves around the creation of magical golems by mages and magic users. Muelsfell is part combat, part roleplaying game, part resource management. Sign up for an account and give it a try -- for free!
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AuthorThread: Golem creation
Nageya's Avatar
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Message #7969 Posted: Jul 24, 2008, 2:45 pm
I think it would be nice to be able to make a whole golem all at once instead of making it in pieces, making a golem in parts is nice when it's expensive and hard to afford all at once or when you want to customize it with different types of parts but otherwise always having to check in ever hour to finish up the golem your making is rather tiresome.
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #7971 Posted: Jul 24, 2008, 3:03 pm
It would be nice at higher levels when you can afford it, but you won't get much support from the premium account members. They can just queue up golem parts. So unless Arkham is agreeable to a reduced time requirement creating a golem all at once versus in pieces...
CommComms's Avatar
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Message #7972 Posted: Jul 24, 2008, 3:14 pm
I've got premium, and I completely agree with nageya. I'm in the middle of putting together 9 new golems, and even queuing up things it takes awhile. Assuming I only use 1 arm, that's still 45 pieces I have to build.

Perhaps another idea is a little slider or something that would let players decide how many of a limb to build. So instead of only being able to build 1 bone left leg at a time, anyone could build up to 10 or something... What? I like having spares.
Nageya's Avatar
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Message #7983 Posted: Jul 24, 2008, 4:18 pm
I'm actually premium member too so I don't think premium members would oppose it.
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #7987 Posted: Jul 24, 2008, 4:31 pm
oh...well...I would like to retract my statement about getting the support of premium members...I was not aware that anyone would make that many golems at a time. Still maybe if we work something out, Arkham will make it an option to make one whole golem instead of parts.
Yamikuronue's Avatar
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Message #7995 Posted: Jul 24, 2008, 4:55 pm
5 parts at a time, including the torso, still leaves more parts to be queued than the queue is long.
FatherCoyne's Avatar
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Message #8004 Posted: Jul 24, 2008, 5:24 pm
Perhaps just a longer queue is in order. Even stacking five level 5 golems onto the job list, once you're fully upgraded that's only going to take 6 hours 15 minutes to complete. A normal queue will mostly be parts, and won't be all level 5, so you're looking at maybe two hours before you have to go back to the table?
Compare that to your artificer queue which you can get going for 16 hours, or the building queue which can be filled for days...

Perhaps a quest item that doubles your worktable queue size, giving premium members 10 slots, and normal blokes 2? That'd be a significant difference for both of us.
Nageya's Avatar
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Message #8011 Posted: Jul 24, 2008, 5:45 pm
Well a longer queue would mean that I could finish a golem all at once, but since I prefer to log on a couple of times a day makeing a whole golem all at once would be more useful for me and for non premium members it would be alot more useful to build a whole golem rather then building two parts at a time.
CommComms's Avatar
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Message #8047 Posted: Jul 24, 2008, 7:32 pm
True, but I find that very rarely do I ever want to build a whole golem out of the same material with all the limbs the same level. More often I want iron limbs on a different material torso, higher level head and hands, lower level legs and arms. Sure, that customization would be nice, but also a more complex and difficult feature to add.

I think a quest item that increased the queue size would be a comfortable medium that would actually be more useful than being able to build whole golems at a time. Maybe one that just adds two slots to the queue for non-premiums and 4 for premiums? Well, exact numbers aside, I'd certainly prefer that to making whole golems all at once.

However, the point of queues is that they're exclusive to premium members, and thus someone has to have paid for it. It's just something to add convenience for premium members.
Poseidon's Avatar
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Message #8049 Posted: Jul 24, 2008, 7:40 pm
CommComms said:

True, but I find that very rarely do I ever want to build a whole golem out of the same material with all the limbs the same level. More often I want iron limbs on a different material torso, higher level head and hands, lower level legs and arms. Sure, that customization would be nice, but also a more complex and difficult feature to add.

Dropdown box.

--> Build whole golem
--> Build torso only

Problem solved.
Nanashi's Avatar
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Message #8057 Posted: Jul 24, 2008, 7:53 pm
Yeah, if Arkham did this, it would simply be an extra line in one of the worktable boxes (for us anyway) depending whether we wanted to create a whole golem or just a torso. The next question would be how much should it cost to make a whole golem as opposed to piecemeal and how long should it take?
Dilvish's Avatar
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Message #8113 Posted: Jul 25, 2008, 2:35 am
It should cost the same as all of the individual pieces combined. I wouldn't mind. I happen to build golems of all the same material, so it would be convenient. But it's not too much of a hassle to queue them up.
Tzadkiel's Avatar
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Message #8126 Posted: Jul 25, 2008, 4:07 am
Given that there are not enough Quest items, seems reasonable and not a bonus for only premium members.
Nageya's Avatar
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Message #8130 Posted: Jul 25, 2008, 4:40 am
Well the build a whole golem could easily be a quest item and blueprints that allow you to build one or two custom golems all at once could be another quest item. To be able to build an exotic golem with out always having to remove the abdomen and pelvis would be nice.
[ADMIN] Arkham
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Message #8145 Posted: Jul 25, 2008, 2:26 pm
If I were to incorporate this, then a whole golem would take longer to complete than the sum of its parts and probably cost a bit more as well. Putting one full golem in the queue is not a big issue, but since premiums can put in up to five, there needs to be a balance to the convenience.

I'm half-tempted to make this option based on a minimum level for artificer or workshop, or both. Ponder, ponder.

This is probably a trivial update to make (90% sure it'd just require a couple of tweaks to the golem creation queue and the interface), but considering the priority list it probably won't happen before spells.

Nageya's Avatar
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Message #8268 Posted: Jul 26, 2008, 8:51 am
Increased time and cost are reasonable 25% longer on time and 5% highr cost sound like good numbers off the top of my head, Artificer would be a good building to tie into this since most people don't bother to upgrade it right now so giving it more reason to be upgraded would be good
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